Trump Attempted To Abuse DOJ To Steal The Election

Ok, so you agree then. That was the result. The rest of that post from you was some assumption you made. You asked how it favored Dems, I told you, you agreed.

I was asking about how the rule change favored them, not the result. Just because the results of the rule change weren't equal doesn't mean the rule change itself wasn't.

I inferred from your post that you were of the opinion that the rule change wasn't fair, as long as you agree that the rule change was objectily non partisan and that it was ultimately the R's fault for not utilizing the resource - then yes, we agree.
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I was asking about how the rule change favored them, not the result. Just because the results of the rule change weren't equal doesn't mean the rule change itself wasn't.

I inferred from your post that you were of the opinion that the rule change wasn't fair, as long as you agree that the rule change was objectily non partisan and that it was ultimately the R's fault for not utilizing the resource - then yes, we agree.
Yes Reps could’ve taken advantage but this plan has been in the works for a long time with Dems. They filed lawsuits all over the country to get it done and it worked. Reps got outmaneuvered.

Edit: Trump got outmaneuvered.
Yes Reps could’ve taken advantage but this plan has been in the works for a long time with Dems. They filed lawsuits all over the country to get it done and it worked. Reps got outmaneuvered.

Edit: Trump got outmaneuvered.

Or the R's simply could have voted by mail like the Dems did. The R's weren't out manueved, they were out motivated.
I assumed you're talking about the Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol and George Will and the ones like David Frum that are on MSNBC from time to time?

There have been a number of Republicans who supported Trump for awhile but whose conscience eventually caught up to them.
Or the R's simply could have voted by mail like the Dems did. The R's weren't out manueved, they were out motivated.
They could’ve but had those mail in voting rules not been changed the Reps win. That’s why I say they were outmaneuvered. Reps were outsmarted, I’m saying that, and you won’t even accept that. Funny.
They could’ve but had those mail in voting rules not been changed the Reps win. That’s why I say they were outmaneuvered. Reps were outsmarted, I’m saying that, and you won’t even accept that. Funny.

Yeah well, not wanting all Americans to have a say isn't a new concept for the R's. It always tends to work in their favor when they can suppress and gerrymander. The fact is that when the playing field was leveled, the R's were left wanting when the dust settled. They were both outmanueved and outmotivated. Of course they were outsmarted...

The corporation of America is over. That’s the transition. Trump never conceded. He stated said he would be transitioning to a new administration. That will be the New Republic. It’s not about whatever the msm is pushing.
Yeah well, not wanting all Americans to have a say isn't a new concept for the R's. It always tends to work in their favor when they can suppress and gerrymander. The fact is that when the playing field was leveled, the R's were left wanting when the dust settled. They were both outmanueved and outmotivated. Of course they were outsmarted...

And you think only Reps try to alter things in their favor? Why is Biden counting illegal immigrants in the census? And you know Dems didn’t just change rules to allow for mail in votes. They changed rules regarding verification of the ballot validity. You talk about Reps but negate your acknowledge Dems changing rules in their favor.
Or the R's simply could have voted by mail like the Dems did. The R's weren't out manueved, they were out motivated.
You do know the whole goal for Trump was to invalidate the mail in votes as the way to declare himself the winner and that's why the R's weren't and mail in voting. They also wasn't encouraging early voting because they wanted the perception of a come back victory.
And you think only Reps try to alter things in their favor? Why is Biden counting illegal immigrants in the census? And you know Dems didn’t just change rules to allow for mail in votes. They changed rules regarding verification of the ballot validity. You talk about Reps but negate your acknowledge Dems changing rules in their favor.

Not at all, but that's not what the discussion is about. The dems leveled the playing field with mail in ballots, it wasn't as if that mail in ballots were ONLY available to Dems. Any other non sequitur you've included, however valid on its own merit, is extraneous to this argument of the fairness of mail in ballots.
You do know the whole goal for Trump was to invalidate the mail in votes as the way to declare himself the winner and that's why the R's weren't and mail in voting. They also wasn't encouraging early voting because they wanted the perception of a come back victory.

Are you asking or telling?
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Gateway Pundit reported that Twitter suspended Bobby Piton's account on Nov. 30. Conservative-leaning news outlets The Epoch Times and Breitbart News reported on the suspension, as well. Piton has since established another account. He promotes QAnon loyalist phrase "Where We Go One We Go All" in his Twitter bio.

There it is. Credibility just disappeared like a fart in the wind.
Literally every word of what you just typed is wrong but you’re used to that. If you have another video of him actually saying what you claimed then post it. Otherwise, you lied because the video you posted didn’t show Trump saying what you claimed. If you can’t understand the English language that’s on you. Good day.
I already posted the video and I don't need to find another one. Who was the person Trump was quoting because it didn't sound like he was quoting anyone. I mean one man's pee is another man's rain.
I was asking about how the rule change favored them, not the result. Just because the results of the rule change weren't equal doesn't mean the rule change itself wasn't.

I inferred from your post that you were of the opinion that the rule change wasn't fair, as long as you agree that the rule change was objectily non partisan and that it was ultimately the R's fault for not utilizing the resource - then yes, we agree.

Crazy Trump told his supporters not to vote by mail. Voters were free to make their own choices. Now Republicans want to blame Democrats for the choices made by Republicans. Does not even make good nonsense.
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You're right. He had all of the dictator ambition, but not an ounce of the smarts to make it happen. America got lucky he was such a complete dolt.

He also did not have quite the courage of say, Adolf Hitler, who was a war veteran accustomed to extreme danger.

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