Trump blasts Obama for playing golf; now setting records for golf played by POTUS

Well, it's time to own the fact that the narrative that the right has so carefully cultivated over the last 50 years (e.g. that the right is fiscally responsible) is bullsht.

You are too conversational and nice tonight.
You on drugs?

If ifs and butts were candy and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas. If any of you happened to notice every chart comparing “Obam’s economy” starts in 2013. Four years after he took office the economy starts to rebound in spite of him, not because of his policies. Four his fist 4 years business held their breath and were cautious because of his unknowns, when would ACA fully kick in, would it be delayed again what new regulations would be enacted by decree and so on.

The only real thing Trump has done for the economy is not threatening it with radical change or draconian regulation.
If ifs and butts were candy and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas. If any of you happened to notice every chart comparing “Obam’s economy” starts in 2013. Four years after he took office the economy starts to rebound in spite of him, not because of his policies. Four his fist 4 years business held their breath and were cautious because of his unknowns, when would ACA fully kick in, would it be delayed again what new regulations would be enacted by decree and so on.

The only real thing Trump has done for the economy is not threatening it with radical change or draconian regulation.

like tariffs?
Oh and tariffs, let me address that. So far Trumps tariffs have had minimal impact on the economy, yes some industries have been hit hard but it was time for us to stand up to China and some other countries. The reason it’s taken longer for them to come to the table and seriously negotiate is the opposition. The constant “investigations” and now impeachment has given the countries we have trade issues with a reason to hold out, Trump might be removed from office and then we’ll go back to business as usual, doing whatever we want to do.

So yeah, let’s talk about tariffs but let’s include in the discussion how our internal strife has impacted all trade negotiations.
Well, it's time to own the fact that the narrative that the right has so carefully cultivated over the last 50 years (e.g. that the right is fiscally responsible) is bullsht.

It’s not a right or left issue. The right is more conservative but nobody will get elected claiming to yank ALL the freeloaders sh** away.
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I think you may have unwittingly made his point for him. Trump didn't need those things because Obama didn't cause him to need it.
OK, Alice Through The Looking Glass.


Happy New Year, Septic!
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Oh and tariffs, let me address that. So far Trumps tariffs have had minimal impact on the economy, yes some industries have been hit hard but it was time for us to stand up to China and some other countries. The reason it’s taken longer for them to come to the table and seriously negotiate is the opposition. The constant “investigations” and now impeachment has given the countries we have trade issues with a reason to hold out, Trump might be removed from office and then we’ll go back to business as usual, doing whatever we want to do.

So yeah, let’s talk about tariffs but let’s include in the discussion how our internal strife has impacted all trade negotiations.

Let me get this straight - you want to to tie the fact that China isn't rolling over on the tariffs on the peoples representatives holding him accountable? Oh boy, what a skewed sense of reality you have.

I mean, you don't think that our trading partners have always known that they only needed to outlast a wildly unpopular president? Have you said anything to anyone besides me? Does anyone else know about this?
Exactly because we would be wondering where a community organizer that never held a real job got money to buy a golf course.
that's funny considering Trump's never had a real job either.....He certainly isn't an astute businessman, even by the lowest of standards
Have you ever noticed that the people who think that Trump is a business failure are the people who have never owned a business?

I have. It’s hard for me to take anyone seriously talking about running a business that’s only ever signed the back of a paycheck.
Have you ever noticed that the people who think that Trump is a business failure are the people who have never owned a business?

I hate to say it, but by the same reasoning I use with my students about their musical performance issues you're absolutely right.

Anyone can get lots of money and bankrupt themselves. For most people, that's the end of the story. Trump has consistently gotten up from the mat and come out swinging again. That's a sign of success - not never going bankrupt, but being built to handle it like a speed bump and keep on going.

I believe part of the issue is people are generally not comfortable with an opportunist. Trump Steaks were an overpriced disaster. Trump Wine was a joke. Trump University was a Frankenstein's monster assembled from used car salesman and real estate investor hacks. But who cares? He made enough money to go in to the next thing without any of these bombs taking him out of the game.

I personally have too much integrity to put **** in a cup and sell it as chocolate ice cream, but more power to the opportunists who do. There's always a sucker eager to buy it.
And that's why I believe the Prosperity Gospel, Fifield heretics, and big name pastors surround him while the more theologically Orthodox do not; snake oil salesmen need a union, too.

It spoke loudly to me that he could not garner the support of Paul Washer and John Piper.
Exactly because we would be wondering where a community organizer that never held a real job got money to buy a golf course.
I know it’s not easy that a black man was the leader of the free world and did more in a few months than you will do in an entire lifetime but...You know what I am just going to leave that there David Duke.
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Trump lives on a golf course.

When you live on a golf course you end up on it a lot more often and sometimes you are basically just hanging out in your backyard.
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