Trump Corrupted the Dept of Justice

Now wait a minute, Hoss. Hold the phone. You're saying that the Biden Administratio is doing the same thing, and I doubt the accuracy of that assertion. Politics is a slippery business. Both political parties are corrupt. There is no doubt about that. But Biden does not have a track record of corruption comparable to Donald Trump. Not even close, so my inclination is to suspect you of exaggerating.
I bet you don’t think Biden lies as much as Trump either when that’s pretty much all Biden does.
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"Trump turned the department into his own personal law firm. He put in people who would do his bidding. And they would, you know, target Trump`s political enemies and assist Trump`s friends. And it was a disgrace."

Why a former US attorney’s allegations against Trump are far worse than initially though: MSNBC host

So that's why Garland has weaponized DOJ/FBI to construct a domestic anti-terrorist team to intimidate parents unwilling to have their children stereotyped racially and fed gender ideology, including leading secret double lives at school while 'transitioning. Merrick Garland won’t disband his parent patrol task force

And why the Biden WH is waging a proxy war on speech by leveraging, coercing media & tech companies, as if the constitution intended a fascist-lite approach. And attempts to delegitimize SCOTUS by calling them "an extremist court" both here and abroad, while DOJ/FBI sit on their hands as the left openly intimidate justices.

Trump obviously corrupted DOJ by scheduling his own raid in advance, and even instructed Garland to ignore Judge Berman-Jackson's standing case law in Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration regarding the broad, unitary powers over not just classification, but presidential records generally. Just so he could create a scene...diabolical. Old case over audio tapes in Bill Clinton's sock drawer could impact Mar-a-Lago search dispute

Covering his bases, he told Barr to take an adversarial posture towards him post-presidency, the snake....

I'm glad these newly released, thrice-removed accounts will confirm the staggering corruption.
"Burning flames of righteous truth! - take 247 aaaaaannd CUT!"
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When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.
When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.

Where do you buy your weed?
When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.

"I'm not picking the wings off flies today...I'm not picking the wings off flies...."
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I saw an interview yesterday with this guy. No first hand accounts, only second and third hand accounts of what people told him.

Seems to be a trend. Second hand information is not to be confused with facts. Second information had Trump grabbing a steering wheel.
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Again, you did not miss a beat responding by attacking, but you at least said it is wrong for either side. Your problem is that everybody saw you ignoring the allegations about Trump while replying to them with attacks on Democrats that you just expect everybody to accept as accurate instead of another pack of half-truths and flat out lies.
I get your position on Trump. Do you believe that his predecessor did it as well?
Another Vol MainAnon installment.

Can't we merge these threads into a 'Vol Main - My Personal TDS Journey' thread?
If it was going to happen it would’ve happened with LG long ago. BB could use a safe space too. He loves him some Trump!
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When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.
Yeah you can’t ever call anyone else a conspiracy theorist and be taken remotely seriously.
You didn't miss a beat with your reaction to this report of Trump's corruption -- by, drum roll... ignoring it and attacking Democrats with nothing but hollow prejudice. That is what Trumpsters always do, ignore Trump's extreme corruption by exaggerating or flat out lying about Democrats. That is some pathetically rotten behavior, and decent folks are more than tired of seeing it.

This post reeks with the stench of troll. Do better.
You didn't miss a beat with your reaction to this report of Trump's corruption -- by, drum roll... ignoring it and attacking Democrats with nothing but hollow prejudice. That is what Trumpsters always do, ignore Trump's extreme corruption by exaggerating or flat out lying about Democrats. That is some pathetically rotten behavior, and decent folks are more than tired of seeing it.
I bet you go to gender reveal parties hoping to change the gender.

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