Trump Corrupted the Dept of Justice

Trump absolutely used the Presidency to benefit himself and his supporters. No argument here. But guess what, Biden is doing the same thing. Biden may not be as egregious or as brazen about it as Trump, but the EPA has been weaponized, the DOJ has been, the IRS is.

And before you accuse me of picking sides. DeSantis is doing the same thing in FL.
You guys are leaving the FBI out of this. They are feeling slighted. Their crap goes all the way back to JEH.
From reading this Thread starter...Trump has corrupted the DOJ so much that they are now raiding his home!

I want a divorce from these programmed sheep.
Trump absolutely used the Presidency to benefit himself and his supporters. No argument here. But guess what, Biden is doing the same thing. Biden may not be as egregious or as brazen about it as Trump, but the EPA has been weaponized, the DOJ has been, the IRS is.

And before you accuse me of picking sides. DeSantis is doing the same thing in FL.

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Even more evidence Trump corrupted DOJ.

Kudos to our buddy and dedicated watchdog Vol Main for highlighting this corruption!!
Joe Biden's secret voter plan

It all sounded like a partisan but relatively weak move. But there were still questions: Did we know the whole story? What would Executive Order 14019 actually do? Yes, the order was filled with platitudes, but what concrete actions would result? Republicans had reason to be suspicious, in part because the voting measure fit into a pattern: Democrats, frustrated by their inability to pass top priorities in Congress, turned to executive authority to do as much as they could without the bothersome process of legislating.

Biden's executive order directed the heads of all federal agencies to send the White House "a strategic plan outlining the ways identified under this review that the agency can promote voter registration and voter participation." That could mean anything, especially when one considers that it would be devised and enforced by Democrats angry that they were not able to win passage of their voting scheme on Capitol Hill. The public needed to know what was going on. After all, there is no public concern more important than the issue of elections and voting.

On July 30, 2021, a conservative but nonpartisan think tank called the Foundation for Government Accountability sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Justice Department asking for documents showing how the department is complying with Biden's order. The foundation was particularly interested in the specific plan the department came up with — what was the DOJ actually going to do to implement the president's wishes? "Please provide your agency's strategic plan developed pursuant to President Biden Executive Order 14019 ... outlining ways you identified for your agency to promote voter registration and voter participation," the request said.

The Justice Department's answer was...nothing. A year passed, and the Justice Department did not turn over a single document. So the foundation went to court, and as a result, a federal judge ordered the Justice Department to turn over the material. The judge set a deadline of Sept. 8, 2022. The Justice Department waited until the last day and turned to nothing. It sent a batch of emails and a few documents that turned out mostly to be staffers corresponding with each other over who would be present at which meeting.

Most importantly, the Justice Department refused to turn over its strategic plan. None of it. This is what the chief of the Freedom of Information branch of the Civil Rights Division told the foundation:

After review of the Civil Rights Division documents responsive to your request, the Division has identified (15) pages of material representing the STRATEGIC PLAN for the Implementation of Executive Order 14019, Promoting Access to Voting. I have determined that these materials are to be withheld in full pursuant to Exemption 5 of the Freedom of Information Act, 551(b)(5), which pertains to certain inter- and intra-agency records protected by civil discovery privileges, in this instance the deliberative process and presidential communications privileges.

To withhold the plan, the Justice Department relied on what has long been called the most abused exemption — Exemption 5, also known as (b)(5) — of the Freedom of Information Act. "This incredibly large cutout is often called the 'withhold it because you want to' exemption," wrote journalist and FOIA advocate Nate Jones in 2014. "According to stats compiled by the Associated Press, (b)(5) use is at an all-time high." Even though later reform reduced its use a little, Exemption 5 is still an indispensable tool for administrations seeking to hide what they are doing.

So the strategic plan, the document that would give the world some information on what the administration is doing to enact Biden's order, remains a secret. But that's not all. The Justice Department is withholding lots of other information, as well.

For example, an April 1, 2021, email from the White House to about 30 officials discussed an interagency policy meeting that would take place on April 9. The email included, apparently, a list of questions and topics to be discussed. "Please note that the questions below, and the topics we plan to cover in this meeting, relate to the provisions of the Executive Order applicable to all agencies," the White House wrote. And what were the topics? We don't know — because the Justice Department blacked them out, citing, again, deliberative process privilege. There was another section, apparently listing some suggested reading, called "Read-Aheads," and the DOJ blacked that out, too. There was a section titled "Agenda," and the DOJ blacked that out, too.

Fast-forward to a May 13, 2021, email describing a May 21 meeting. "Below, please find the agenda for the May 21 interagency meeting," it read. And what was the agenda? It was all blacked out. Deliberative process privilege again.

One July 9, 2021 email to Pamela Karlan, a Stanford University professor who was at the time on leave serving as an assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division, began, "Hi Pam, I looked at the" — and after that, all was blacked out. Deliberative process privilege. A later email contained 10 full pages of nothing but black.

Remember that the main concern of the Foundation for Government Accountability is that the Biden administration is using the power of the federal government for partisan political purposes to influence elections. There are also fears that the administration might be taking on a federal role in elections that the Constitution leaves to the states. "The American people deserve to know if the Biden administration's unprecedented action is fair and non-partisan, or if it is designed to help one political party over the other," Tarren Bragdon, head of the foundation, said in a statement. "Why are they ignoring public record requests for strategic plans on federal voter registration efforts? Why are they treating these documents like they are classified information dealing with nuclear weapons? Midterms are approaching, and the DOJ's failure to disclose information raises troubling issues. They need to reveal these public documents to keep our elections fair."

One troubling clue did make it past Justice Department censors. On July 12, 2021, the Justice Department held a "listening session" with outside activists working on voting rights. The group included dozens of people, all of them from left-leaning groups. There were 10 from the American Civil Liberties Union, five from the Campaign Legal Center, three from Demos, three from the Southern Poverty Law Center, five from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, two from Black Lives Matter, and many others. The list would not reassure anyone hoping that the Justice Department is working in a scrupulously nonpartisan way. But of course, we don't really know what the department is doing because the administration is keeping it a secret.
Trump absolutely used the Presidency to benefit himself and his supporters. No argument here. But guess what, Biden is doing the same thing. Biden may not be as egregious or as brazen about it as Trump, but the EPA has been weaponized, the DOJ has been, the IRS is.

And before you accuse me of picking sides. DeSantis is doing the same thing in FL.

I beg to differ on both points; please expound.
Thanks for the compliment, NurseGood, I love you bunches but there are no blinders worn here.
Killing me with kindness doesn’t change my view that DC is a haven for corruption. The letter behind the name indicating political party makes little difference.
More explosive Trump corruption of DOJ!!

@Vol Main - you're doing God's work, Sonny.​

Within days, FBI subpoenas, accosts or raids approximately 40-50 Trump staffers, supporters and elected representatives.

Harmeet Dhillon — “The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed. This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.”
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"Trump turned the department into his own personal law firm. He put in people who would do his bidding. And they would, you know, target Trump`s political enemies and assist Trump`s friends. And it was a disgrace."

Why a former US attorney’s allegations against Trump are far worse than initially though: MSNBC host
You didn't miss a beat with your reaction to this report of Trump's corruption -- by, drum roll... ignoring it and attacking Democrats with nothing but hollow prejudice. That is what Trumpsters always do, ignore Trump's extreme corruption by exaggerating or flat out lying about Democrats. That is some pathetically rotten behavior, and decent folks are more than tired of seeing it.

You are the most obvious troll I've ever seen on VN. How you have not been banned is baffling.
Now wait a minute, Hoss. Hold the phone. You're saying that the Biden Administratio is doing the same thing, and I doubt the accuracy of that assertion. Politics is a slippery business. Both political parties are corrupt. There is no doubt about that. But Biden does not have a track record of corruption comparable to Donald Trump. Not even close, so my inclination is to suspect you of exaggerating.
FFS. Biden is a known plagiarist. Where do you get this notion he is somehow "honorable"? Again, you're an obvious troll. It's laughable.
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Trump was so corrupt he afflicted the very office itself. Unsuspecting Joe and Merrick wandering into a petri dish of incubating, viral corruption that now possesses them body and soul. Hat tip to @Vol Main, happy justice warrior!

Fortunately, the 1stA reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Superseded by executive order of Joe Biden, because America First/MAGA must be killed to save democracy and baby seals.

White House, Big Tech colluded to censor 'misinformation': lawsuit a.k.a. "Screw the Constitution"
The Biden administration worked in tandem with social media giants like Facebook and Twitter to censor statements they deemed “misinformation” about topics including the COVID-19 pandemic, two Republican state attorneys general said Thursday as they pushed for the release of emails between top executive branch officials and Big Tech titans.

The Biden administration has not been shy about leaning on social media companies to police their content. On July 15, 2021, then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted her colleagues were “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

“It’s important to take faster action against harmful posts … and Facebook needs to move more quickly to remove harmful violative posts,” Psaki added at the time.

The following day, Biden accused platforms like Facebook of “killing people” by allowing so-called “misinformation” to propagate unchecked.

Biden's attempt to rope Big Tech into censorship is downright sinister
“We don’t take anything down,” Psaki emphasized last week. “We don’t block anything.” Rather, the administration is merely “flagging problematic posts” and suggesting “additional steps” that Facebook and others should take against “information that is leading to people not taking the vaccine,” because “people are dying as a result.”
You didn't miss a beat with your reaction to this report of Trump's corruption -- by, drum roll... ignoring it and attacking Democrats with nothing but hollow prejudice. That is what Trumpsters always do, ignore Trump's extreme corruption by exaggerating or flat out lying about Democrats. That is some pathetically rotten behavior, and decent folks are more than tired of seeing it.

Trump Trump Trump....
Now wait a minute, Hoss. Hold the phone. You're saying that the Biden Administratio is doing the same thing, and I doubt the accuracy of that assertion. Politics is a slippery business. Both political parties are corrupt. There is no doubt about that. But Biden does not have a track record of corruption comparable to Donald Trump. Not even close, so my inclination is to suspect you of exaggerating.
I get not liking Trump. But don't let Trump hate cloud you into thinking Biden is somehow better. A turd sandwich is still a turd sandwich. Neither man should have ever seen the Oval Office.
When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.
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Killing me with kindness doesn’t change my view that DC is a haven for corruption. The letter behind the name indicating political party makes little difference.

We agree that DC is a haven of corruption. Many's the time I've said that both national political parties are crooked as a dog's hind legs.
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