Trump Corrupted the Dept of Justice

Dude, Biden overcame stuttering to speak anything at all. Your saying that he considers himself an eloquent speaker puts you rather ridiculously into the Don't Know Squat About Him Category.
Has he overcome his love for George Wallace and pride for Delaware supporting the confederacy? These are things he's said.
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Has he overcome his love for George Wallace and pride for Delaware supporting the confederacy? These are things he's said.

If it is at all possible for you, would you please reply to me with comments and questions which are not stupid?
If it is at all possible for you, would you please reply to me with comments and questions which are not stupid?

He has a recorded past full of saying and doing stupid things . 50 years of political life will cause you to have a record of your deeds so everyone can look at them . Biden seems to be the only person that I’ve ever seen her a pad on everything he’s done and said up until 15 mins ago as just things that don’t matter . You guys literally call out people for being in a cult for not trashing Trump for past deeds and words . Smh
Biden weaponized the EPA, which partially caused energy price spike. Obama weaponized IRS against conservative causes. DeSantisn is currently weaponizing the FLDOR. Trump weaponized the DOJ. It's wrong when EITHER side does it.

You wouldn't understand since your head is stuck so far up Rachel Maddow's ass you can't think for yourself.
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He has a recorded past full of saying and doing stupid things . 50 years of political life will cause you to have a record of your deeds so everyone can look at them . Biden seems to be the only person that I’ve ever seen her a pad on everything he’s done and said up until 15 mins ago as just things that don’t matter . You guys literally call out people for being in a cult for not trashing Trump for past deeds and words . Smh

If you do not see the great difference between support for Biden the Trump cult, shame on you. SMH
You didn't miss a beat with your reaction to this report of Trump's corruption -- by, drum roll... ignoring it and attacking Democrats with nothing but hollow prejudice. That is what Trumpsters always do, ignore Trump's extreme corruption by exaggerating or flat out lying about Democrats. That is some pathetically rotten behavior, and decent folks are more than tired of seeing it.
Now wait a minute, Hoss. Hold the phone. You're saying that the Biden Administratio is doing the same thing, and I doubt the accuracy of that assertion. Politics is a slippery business. Both political parties are corrupt. There is no doubt about that. But Biden does not have a track record of corruption comparable to Donald Trump. Not even close, so my inclination is to suspect you of exaggerating.
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When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.
Looks like those secrets weren't worth a sh!t!, he can't even take down a small country with all our vast knowledge. Drugs are bad.
When this finally concluded, we will realize that Trump was less a President, than he was a Russian spy. Putin and the Russian intelligence community got him elected. Then used him to obtain access to our secrets via the highest level. His unexpected defeat removed a second term where he could continue his spying, so he grabbed the boxes of top secret and confidential documents. He had to continue to appease Putin, who has some damaging info on him, maybe the pee tapes and worse.
I love how liberals want to bring up this mysterious “stuttering.” They like to do it when Biden cannot form coherent sentences which is most of the time.
And when I ask for evidence of his past stuttering from his time in the Senate and as VP they never can provide it. I wonder why that is?
Whistleblower: FBI Distorted Jan. 6 Cases into National ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ Epidemic

A whistleblower has accused the FBI’s Washington Field Office of using cases related to the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot to “overstate” the threat of “domestic violent extremism” in America, according to Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The whistleblower told Jordan:
The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single, black swan incident at the Capitol, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.

Jordan noted in the letter, “Such an artificial case categorization scheme allows FBI leadership to misleadingly point to ‘significant’ increases in DVE threats nationwide,” which supports a narrative being perpetuated by the Biden administration.

Jordan’s office clarified to Breitbart News that the latest revelation about January 6 cases specifically came from a new whistleblower, meaning at least three FBI whistleblowers have now come forward to Jordan about the FBI inflating domestic violent extremism case numbers.
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