Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

Yeah, but with a population of 300+ million, your side couldn't find somebody to beat him. I do have to admit that Obama had done his part in polarizing the country, and that made your side's job far more difficult. The center and right don't do things the left way - like go out and throw riotous temper tantrums when things don't go their way, so you'd probably never have noticed the anti-left anti-liberal sentiment that had built up prior to the election. Some day perhaps you'll get learn that most of us simply are more interested in something that works than in "fundamental change".
I think we will see a movement towards "change" on November 3rd. Not only do I think that Biden will defeat Trump... I also think that:

Arizona: Kelly defeats McSally
Colorado: Hickenlooper defeats Gardner
Maine: Gideon defeats Collins
North Carolina: Cunningham defeats Tillis

Republicans will take back a seat in Alabama.
I don't reach for anything even when they ask me to. I have everything in my hand. Don't want to give them a reason.
One time I had my hand dangling off he edge of my seat when I got pulled over. The cop asked if there was something under my seat. I leaned forward to look and said no but I was looking because I didn’t know if he saw something. Next thing I know he pulls his gun out and says to get my hands up. There wasn’t anything under the seat but the point is he didn’t know.

I’ve also been pulled over when another vehicle was clocked, wrongfully arrested, thrown on a car, patted down, and interrogated because I “looked like someone that ran from the cops earlier”, and have even had Federal charges that were not true filed against me. It isn’t often you beat the Feds but they dropped the charges. Yes, all of those were separate incidents. Cops make mistakes just like anyone else and issues that come up aren’t always because of someone’s skin tone.
The best you've got is what happened in Australia?

Sorry, didn’t articulate the thought Very well: the situation with the Australian right was making it harder for me to find all the traffic blocking ******** that happened when you didn’t have internet.

Although, I’m not sure why the Australian right would wave Trump flags, so maybe it should have been apparent I wasn’t talking about them.
You wanna look into the facts of that first article and reconsider posting it while I read the other two?
Not really. You can do your own research. I just googled charges being dropped and posted. I haven’t read these things. I’m not getting into the reasons for dropping charges. He said Dems are supporting these protests, you said prove it, he provided the bail link, you said bail isn’t going free, I posted articles showing where a lot of people arrested at these protests are being set free. He posted another one (or someone did) and there are tons more. Are they the same people being bailed out? I have no idea. Are they people that have committed heinous crimes? Don’t know. I’m sure there is some crossover somewhere. I’ll let you dig and find it.
So what is your basis for saying that it’s overblown if it’s not that frame of reference?
The death count is part of that frame of reference. The CDC report of 6% is part of it, nursing homes deaths accounting for a large portion, especially early on, is part, the constant reports of deaths being reported incorrectly is part, issues with not reporting negative tests is part, the constant negative slant from the media is part, experiences with the virus from people I know is part, seeing how large gatherings haven’t resulted in massive outbreaks and deaths from funerals to Sturgis to riots is part, states having varied and inconsistent mask rules is part, and I’m sure more things that aren’t immediately coming to mind. You start adding all that up and it tells me this thing isn’t nearly as bad as the Dems and MSM try to make it sound.
You’re right. He did play politics. He should’ve kicked Fauci early on and didn’t.

But you know how the left feel about people that Trump boots. He might have been reining it in a bit, and trying to keep the House from getting all fired up again. That one move would have elevated Fauci from questionable to national hero.
Not really. You can do your own research. I just googled charges being dropped and posted. I haven’t read these things. I’m not getting into the reasons for dropping charges. He said Dems are supporting these protests, you said prove it, he provided the bail link, you said bail isn’t going free, I posted articles showing where a lot of people arrested at these protests are being set free. He posted another one (or someone did) and there are tons more. Are they the same people being bailed out? I have no idea. Are they people that have committed heinous crimes? Don’t know. I’m sure there is some crossover somewhere. I’ll let you dig and find it.
... Idk why you guys all assume I don’t know what I’m talking about when I ask questions designed to point out that you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.

Here’s the story from the first link, as I remember it:
Days earlier, a bunch of anti-lockdown protestors show up in front of the governor’s house, demanded he come out, and hanged him in effigy. No arrests. No charges.

The BLM protestors show up unarmed at the AG’s house and literally just sit. They sat down. Together. It was organized as part of the protest. They just sat there. Cops showed up, and they all got arrested and charged with felony intimidation.
But you know how the left feel about people that Trump boots. He might have been reining it in a bit, and trying to keep the House from getting all fired up again. That one move would have elevated Fauci from questionable to national hero.
No doubt. And that’s why he kept him around. I don’t agree with it but I understand it.
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... Idk why you guys all assume I don’t know what I’m talking about when I ask questions designed to point out that you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.

Here’s the story from the first link, as I remember it:
Days earlier, a bunch of anti-lockdown protestors show up in front of the governor’s house, demanded he come out, and hanged him in effigy. No arrests. No charges.

The BLM protestors show up unarmed at the AG’s house and literally just sit. They sat down. Together. It was organized as part of the protest. They just sat there. Cops showed up, and they all got arrested and charged with felony intimidation.
Yeah, by now I’ve lost whatever point you two were arguing when I butted in but Dems have definitely been pushing for criminals to go free for one reason or another. I’m not saying all those protestors are criminals but some are and some people in prison for other things have been set free due to COVID. I posted those because you said people being bailed out aren’t going free but a lot are. I’m not saying they’re criminals as we would have to look up individuals to ascertain that information. On the whole you said being bailed out doesn’t mean they’re going free and many are. Again, you can try to spreadsheet individuals to see how much overlap there is if you like. You do like to argue so I don’t know that I would put it past you to do it.
The death count is part of that frame of reference. The CDC report of 6% is part of it, nursing homes deaths accounting for a large portion, especially early on, is part, the constant reports of deaths being reported incorrectly is part, issues with not reporting negative tests is part, the constant negative slant from the media is part, experiences with the virus from people I know is part, seeing how large gatherings haven’t resulted in massive outbreaks and deaths from funerals to Sturgis to riots is part, states having varied and inconsistent mask rules is part, and I’m sure more things that aren’t immediately coming to mind. You start adding all that up and it tells me this thing isn’t nearly as bad as the Dems and MSM try to make it sound.
My anecdote is that here in my city we've only got a dozen or so deaths, all elderly people. The first "wave" of deaths was at what was reported to be a "nursing home". It is largely a hospice facility. And as soon as the outbreak was "identified" anyone that died- in hospice, mind you- was labeled a covid death. And that's what is still being reported by VDH.
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No doubt. And that’s why he kept him around. I don’t agree with it but I understand it.

If you've been around a bureaucracy - including the military and apparently most corporations, you understand that people at the top levels have been separated from what the working class actually do for so long they really can no longer connect (assuming they even originated in the working class). No doubt Fauci had his day, but try explaining something technical to someone even perhaps three levels up the food chain - particularly when they want bullets rather than real explanations.
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I think we will see a movement towards "change" on November 3rd. Not only do I think that Biden will defeat Trump... I also think that:

Arizona: Kelly defeats McSally
Colorado: Hickenlooper defeats Gardner
Maine: Gideon defeats Collins
North Carolina: Cunningham defeats Tillis

Republicans will take back a seat in Alabama.
Jon Ossoff has a chance, too.
I think you’re overselling the current American right.

A portion of the present Republican Party is embodied by the sky-screaming lady every bit as much as the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party. They just wear combat fatigues and AR-15s instead of pussy hats and skinny jeans.
I just have to know. What are pussy hats because I bet it isn’t what I’m picturing.
The death count is part of that frame of reference. The CDC report of 6% is part of it, nursing homes deaths accounting for a large portion, especially early on, is part, the constant reports of deaths being reported incorrectly is part, issues with not reporting negative tests is part, the constant negative slant from the media is part, experiences with the virus from people I know is part, seeing how large gatherings haven’t resulted in massive outbreaks and deaths from funerals to Sturgis to riots is part, states having varied and inconsistent mask rules is part, and I’m sure more things that aren’t immediately coming to mind. You start adding all that up and it tells me this thing isn’t nearly as bad as the Dems and MSM try to make it sound.
I appreciate the honest answer. Idk I mean I see some of those things as having that meaning and have a group text with friends, where we’ve all lamented the discrediting effects of all of these things and just a general sense of not knowing what is real and what’s made up. When it’s at 200k, though, the margin of error has to be astronomical, IMO, to get to the point that I would just write it off. I feel like part of the problem of politicizing it is that everything is so superlative that nothing is significant.

It’s like when Saquon Barkley was in the draft he was a “generational talent.” I thought Derrius Guice was closer to Saquon than he was Nick Chubb. Why? Well partly because I’m not a good judge of talent but also because I hear all that generational talent ******** every year. It just didn’t resonate.

Maybe I’m wrong on the other end about the virus, and it’s all blown out of proportion. But the three people I have a personal connection to who have died all had many years left on their life. The idea that there are even 100,000 more out there like that saddens me.

Also, the anecdotes I’ve heard from physician friends who have managed Covid patients lead me to believe that it’s not made up and is a lot closer to the Russian roulette comparison.
I appreciate the honest answer. Idk I mean I see some of those things as having that meaning and have a group text with friends, where we’ve all lamented the discrediting effects of all of these things and just a general sense of not knowing what is real and what’s made up. When it’s at 200k, though, the margin of error has to be astronomical, IMO, to get to the point that I would just write it off. I feel like part of the problem of politicizing it is that everything is so superlative that nothing is significant.

It’s like when Saquon Barkley was in the draft he was a “generational talent.” I thought Derrius Guice was closer to Saquon than he was Nick Chubb. Why? Well partly because I’m not a good judge of talent but also because I hear all that generational talent ******** every year. It just didn’t resonate.

Maybe I’m wrong on the other end about the virus, and it’s all blown out of proportion. But the three people I have a personal connection to who have died all had many years left on their life. The idea that there are even 100,000 more out there like that saddens me.

Also, the anecdotes I’ve heard from physician friends who have managed Covid patients lead me to believe that it’s not made up and is a lot closer to the Russian roulette comparison.
That’s fair RT. Maybe it simply comes down to personal experience. You’ve clearly been affected by it more than I have so it could be as simple as that. I’m very sorry to hear about your friends though. I give you some crap on here and take some from you but I’d never wish that on anyone and you seem like an alright dude. To be clear, I don’t think it’s a hoax. I just think it’s being politicized and sensationalized.
That’s fair RT. Maybe it simply comes down to personal experience. You’ve clearly been affected by it more than I have so it could be as simple as that. I’m very sorry to hear about your friends though. I give you some crap on here and take some from you but I’d never wish that on anyone and you seem like an alright dude. To be clear, I don’t think it’s a hoax. I just think it’s being politicized and sensationalized.
Sorry, to be clear, these weren’t close friends or acquaintances who passed. They’re people I’ve met and interacted with or have a tenuous family connection to. but nobody super close to me has died, fwiw, I’m not claiming that or angling for sympathy.
Sorry, to be clear, these weren’t close friends or acquaintances who passed. They’re people I’ve met and interacted with or have a tenuous family connection to. but nobody super close to me has died, fwiw, I’m not claiming that or angling for sympathy.
Gotcha. I didn’t think you mentioned it for sympathy. I figured it was for perspective. Thanks for clarifying though. I’ve had a couple friends of friends pass away but they were not healthy people.

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