I think the issues goes both directions..... there is changes that need to be made with policing training, laws, and less lethal forms policing that actually work( most barely slow down a subject especially when drugs are involved)..... on the other side there a huge issues on these urban black communities..... you can just look at what happens in one weekend in places like chicago..... cops are human and if they have to deal with such violence from one segment of the community on a regular basis.... it will be become extremely hard to tell a decent African American that carries from one that just fought him and shot at him two days before...... I have a lot of black friends( I know that is racist so I apologize in advance) but their is a huge difference in rough white neighborhoods compared to rough black neighborhoods.... in white neighborhood..... besides his friends everyone will point their finger at the guy and want him gone..... in black neighborhoods even black people that are afraid of the person and want him gone will stand behind him( probably due to racism making that community closer.... having to depend on each other) that’s why in Ferguson a few anonymous people came forward about what really happened instead of the narrative that was told at the beginning