Trump Deliberately Lied To Americans About Covid 19

I went 6'2" 280 to 190 and now maintain at about 205. Dropped a 20+yr dip habit in the process. Did all this at 43yo too with a very lazy thyroid.

This had shown just how important good health actually is. I started on some vit d supplements a few yrs ago when my Dr noticed it was low. That is huge for fighting this but if in didn't go and actually heed his advice it could be problematic
How'd you lose all that weight while drinking all that milk?
Don't all communities stick together, depended on race and socio-economic status? I mean would there be a long history of organized crimes if those communities of Italians didn't stick together? Or other forms of crime. It is what it is. For you to broad brush the black community as enabling crime is disingenuous. But that is just my opinion. I mean I read stories of white families turning a blind eye to individuals in their community committing crime.
No they do not..... I hang out in both...... there are differences that in all different races.... I’m sure there are exceptions to the way things are done.
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I don’t know. It’s somewhere between the 6% and the number reported. The average age of those that are included in the 190K is 78. I’m not saying everything has gone well. I don’t agree with some things that have happened but it’s not anything like what the Dems and MSM are portraying.
So what is your basis for saying that it’s overblown if it’s not that frame of reference?
I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
Or like someone with nothing to hide.
I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
I think he has done at least one of those hit pieces about every president since Nixon.

How good does it make you feel that the President of the United States got taken unawares 19 times by (is “Arguably” even applicable?) the most famous political journalist in modern history... who already wrote a book *****ing on his admin 2 years ago?
I think he has done at least one of those hit pieces about every president since Nixon.

How good does it make you feel that the President of the United States got taken unawares 19 times by (is “Arguably” even applicable?) the most famous political journalist in modern history... who already wrote a book *****ing on his admin 2 years ago?

Trump was and is stupid for allowing that political rat that loves lining his pockets with cash anywhere around him . Anyone in politics that has granted or grants him an interview is likewise just as stupid . Play with a snake and eventually it will bite you . Zero sympathy for any of them playing the game .
Gary was awful.

The fact the L party cant make any inroads given what the D and R parties are doing, makes you wonder what they hell they are doing.
They have no earthly idea what they are doing, and it makes me wonder if they even care.

The 2016 election featured 2 major party candidates that were the most unpopular in the history of polling. You'd think that would have created an opening for a 1992 Ross Perot-type performance by a 3rd party, but no, Gary Johnson only got 3.28% of the vote.
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Trump was and is stupid for allowing that political rat that loves lining his pockets with cash anywhere around him . Anyone in politics that has granted or grants him an interview is likewise just as stupid . Play with a snake and eventually it will bite you . Zero sympathy for any of them playing the game .

What do you think it says about someone who gets bit and then plays with the snake like 20 more times?
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What do you think it says about someone who gets bit and then plays with the snake like 20 more times?

Stupid is as stupid does . A snake is a snake or if you prefer .. The Scorpion and the Frog . Don’t be a frog .
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I don't know... I will say that the strangest part of this, is that Donald Trump not only agreed to these interviews in the first place, but he also agreed to be audio recorded. Woodward just wrote a book two years ago (Fear) that was negative in nature and very critical of Trump's presidency. Did Trump actually think that this 2nd book was going to be something different? That is the part of this which really makes Trump look like a moron.
You’d figure a moron that’s been in politics for 47 years would have a book or two. But none of it would make sense anyway so what the hell.
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I think the issues goes both directions..... there is changes that need to be made with policing training, laws, and less lethal forms policing that actually work( most barely slow down a subject especially when drugs are involved)..... on the other side there a huge issues on these urban black communities..... you can just look at what happens in one weekend in places like chicago..... cops are human and if they have to deal with such violence from one segment of the community on a regular basis.... it will be become extremely hard to tell a decent African American that carries from one that just fought him and shot at him two days before...... I have a lot of black friends( I know that is racist so I apologize in advance) but their is a huge difference in rough white neighborhoods compared to rough black neighborhoods.... in white neighborhood..... besides his friends everyone will point their finger at the guy and want him gone..... in black neighborhoods even black people that are afraid of the person and want him gone will stand behind him( probably due to racism making that community closer.... having to depend on each other) that’s why in Ferguson a few anonymous people came forward about what really happened instead of the narrative that was told at the beginning
What you are describing is not unity based on mutually beneficial relationships. That would be a "community". Unfortunately, that is unity based on fear. The few bad apples can make it very hard on the others. We just have a collection of individuals or "a 'hood".
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Stupid is as stupid does . A snake is a snake or if you prefer .. The Scorpion and the Frog . Don’t be a frog .
Idk that the analogies add any good context. Maybe if you’re Greek or French or don’t follow American politics, I guess.

“The President of the United States went on record with Bob Woodward. 19 times. For a total of about 10 hours,” says it all.

What a ****ing moron.
Idk that the analogies add anything. Maybe if you’re Greek or French or don’t follow American politics, I guess.

“The President of the United States went on record with Bob Woodward. 19 times. For a total of about 10 hours,” says it all.

What a ****ing moron.

You don’t have to be Greek , French or not follow politics to identify a snake or a scorpion and not play with it . I also thought the use of Forrest Gumps quip of “STUPID is as STUPID does “ was quite APROPOS . <—- ( word of the day )
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You don’t have to be Greek , French or not follow politics to identify a snake or a scorpion and not play with it . I also thought the use of Forrest Gumps quip of “STUPID is as STUPID does “ was quite APROPOS . <—- ( word of the day )
No, it’s the opposite. If you follow American politics, even casually, you know it’s AXIOMATIC that Bob Woodward publishes books that are critical of the president. There’s no need to modify it to anything more fundamental.

I thought I used apropos earlier, but apparently not.
Idk that the analogies add any good context. Maybe if you’re Greek or French or don’t follow American politics, I guess.

“The President of the United States went on record with Bob Woodward. 19 times. For a total of about 10 hours,” says it all.

What a ****ing moron.
Obviously he doesn’t consider it a bad thing
No, it’s the opposite. If you follow American politics, even casually, you know it’s AXIOMATIC that Bob Woodward publishes books that are critical of the president. There’s no need to modify it to anything more fundamental.

I thought I used apropos earlier, but apparently not.

Noice usage Axiomatic . Trump has a propensity to step in large piles of Caca when it comes to things that should be self-evident .
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You need ole Bob and only Bob to tell you the dangers of Covid? You needed ole Bob to tell you the dangers of Trump? What makes Bob's words carry more weight than the millions of others that have told you the dangers of Covid and Trump? It's not like he was hiding secrets.
You needed Trump to tell you?
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You know if you put 1 bullet in a revolver and spin it. Put it to your head and pull the trigger, you may not die. Nothing may happen. I don't know why more people don't play this game.
Yes. 1:6 definitely = 1:33 and that’s using known infections. If you use a multiplier of 10 as some suggest that would be 1:330 and the whole US population is 1:1,720. Yep. The same as 1:6. Well done.
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That is trump being trump.... keep his name rolling all the time
You’re probably right.

He hasn’t shown much evidence that he’s smart enough to figure out how bad this looks.

He’s probably just being his usual pre-adolescent self.
You need ole Bob and only Bob to tell you the dangers of Covid? You needed ole Bob to tell you the dangers of Trump? What makes Bob's words carry more weight than the millions of others that have told you the dangers of Covid and Trump? It's not like he was hiding secrets.
Nobody who didn’t listen to Fauci et al was going to listen to Woodward.

They might have listened to Trump.

Either way, Woodward has lost my vote for president.

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