Trump has the virus

I wouldn't get a test without symptoms. No one can get it from me if I wear a mask right? A mask protects everyone around me
No, if you have it just stay the F away from people. Not doing so would make you a deplorable. A mask helps and trying to make the 100% argument is a typical Redhat move.
I worry about words as you put it because the left has a nasty history of bunching things together and using one word as a cover all like calling everything that sounds offensive “racist “, calling some words on a street a “Mural “, calling a rifle an “ assault weapon “. I could go on but that’s the heart of my argument .

Ok, I already acknowledged there is a difference, so which word is better and why?
No, if you have it just stay the F away from people. Not doing so would make you a deplorable.
There's no reason to get a test if you are not sick. That's even what my kid's school is even doing and they're fine

Trump's life is a bit different than ours though. I'm a healthy 45yo with not much contact with a lot of others

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