Trump has the virus

Ok, I already acknowledged there is a difference, so which word is better and why?

I didn’t know , never thought one was better or worse than the other . I guess it’s a subjective thing if you put more importance on one over the other . If you asked a black American right now , a Jew , and a student from China here on a scholarship , I would imagine you would get different responses . 🤷‍♂️
I didn’t know , never thought one was better or worse than the other . I guess it’s a subjective thing if you put more importance on one over the other . If you asked a black American right now , a Jew , and a student from China here on a scholarship , I would imagine you would get different responses . 🤷‍♂️

Right, they’re both disgusting qualities in a person. I agree.
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There's no reason to get a test if you are not sick. That's even what my kid's school is even doing and they're fine

Trump's life is a bit different than mine though.

For normal people now, no need to go out and get a test for the hell of it. The importance of societal testing as the virus started it's spread was vitally important to the research we are using today that allows you to say no need to get tested unless you feel sick or if you're part of say a sports collective. I sure as hell don't want the vols sidelined because an asymptomatic person didn't get tested and infected the team.
I didn’t know , never thought one was better or worse than the other . I guess it’s a subjective thing if you put more importance on one over the other . If you asked a black American right now , a Jew , and a student from China here on a scholarship , I would imagine you would get different responses . 🤷‍♂️
I contend xenophobia is better overall.
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Why would Pence takeover?

In spite of his debate performance the other night, Trump would still not fall under the 25th Amendment conditions.

Depends on how sick he got. If he can't be counted on to react in an emergency it would seem the prudent thing to do.
@McDad .... take a look at this tweet.

Like I said in that post you just replied to: This whole COVID saga has made Trump look like such an a$$. Nobody in Biden's family has tested positive for the virus... just Trump's.
Trump was an ass decades before Covid. I fail to see the relevance of the tweet unless the he and flotus contracted at the debate.
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I don't remember this being out there. Wow.

Well, I guess we can rule out hydroxychloroquine as a proactive inhibitor. This whole COVID saga has made Trump look like such an a$$.
I don't think it was every sold as a vaccine but would lessen the effects. Same reason it seems to help those who caught it early but may not save those in late stages.

Should I stop my vit D and zinc supplements because they won't prevent the virus but may prevent severe illness?

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