Trump has the virus

Brainwashed? I am a fan of people minding their f'n should be too.

If a couple wants to get an abortion, how does that affect me or you for that matter? Hundreds of abortions done daily, and you don't even notice.
Since when does a “couple” have a say? Only one person has a say in these decisions.

6 mg of dexamethasone daily is not anywhere near pumping someone full of steroids. 100 mg of solumedrol every six hours is pumping someone full of steroids that requires a step down method to withdraw them.
6 mg daily is the recognized covid19 recommendation of dexamethasone. It's not any more or any less.
Correct. 1-year olds with croup get 10 mg.
Wow, you had some time on your hands. Nice find.

So, to clarify, you are saying that being a Christian somehow disqualifies a person from properly practicing evidence-based medicine?

Sounds a lot like religious discrimination.
Easy find. It explains your jump to herd immunity.

Religious discrimination, Lol.
I'd like to see that jerk tell doctors that when he needs their help.
I definitely don't want one that allows their religious beliefs to cloud their judgment and misdiagnose a situation.

Peace though. Have a good weekend. Go vols.
Oh you found some one offs. I am sure that represents the majority of them. Can I play this game with minorities and you apply It to all of them? Yea that’s probably not wise. Neither is your approach.
I have no moral objections to Trump's treatment. I don't know what you mean "minorities". Maybe minority opinions while talking about the extremes of the medical community ?

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