Trump has the virus

Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.
When you’ve brainwashed a country for nearly 50 years force isn’t necessary.

You a fan of Margaret Sanger like Hillary?
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If you're ignoring the thread starter it will hide their threads too

Now that’s funny , these people with thin skin that has people on ignore looking for their threads so they can make fun of them . I could bump it for him but since he has me on ignore it won’t help him 😂
I mean women being able to CHOOSE what they want to do just burns me up inside. How dare they choose!!!!
You'd think they wouldn't accidentally get pregnant in the first place in this day and age.
But pffft that would require some personal responsibility and self value.
When you’ve brainwashed a country for nearly 50 years force isn’t necessary.

You a fan of Margaret Sanger like Hillary?
Brainwashed? I am a fan of people minding their f'n should be too.

If a couple wants to get an abortion, how does that affect me or you for that matter? Hundreds of abortions done daily, and you don't even notice.
Brainwashed? I am a fan of people minding their f'n should be too.

If a couple wants to get an abortion, how does that affect me or you for that matter? Hundreds of abortions done daily, and you don't even notice.

just another useless black baby ripped apart. No biggy.
You said they were pumping him with steroids also. I know he took some at Walter Reed, but to say pumping with steroids indicates that you think he is being pushed beyond the normal medically recognized limits.

If you feel that Trump is being pumped with any drugs, then you and the liberals need to do your damb jobs as the loyal opposition and make Trump submit to a drug test.

6 mg of dexamethasone daily is not anywhere near pumping someone full of steroids. 100 mg of solumedrol every six hours is pumping someone full of steroids that requires a step down method to withdraw them.
6 mg daily is the recognized covid19 recommendation of dexamethasone. It's not any more or any less.
Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.
Glad you've come to terms with your parties biggest supposed achievement being a farce.

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You said they were pumping him with steroids also. I know he took some at Walter Reed, but to say pumping with steroids indicates that you think he is being pushed beyond the normal medically recognized limits.

If you feel that Trump is being pumped with any drugs, then you and the liberals need to do your damb jobs as the loyal opposition and make Trump submit to a drug test.
I have enjoyed seeing the left be so oblivious to science and medicine that they think steroids means the anabolic kind used by muscle freaks.
Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.

He's definitely a quack.
You may not like the Truth I ascribe to, but if real, it certainly does a better job than your hogwash, I don't have to just throw my hands up in the air, and there's actually a reason and purpose for us. Once God is thrown out, the basis for morality soon follows. Right and wrong fade to grey, people become their own gods, and before you know it...

living human babies are chopped up, sucked out, and harvested of their organs.

I realize I can't convince some of you to believe in God, much less accept the saving grace He offers. However, I try to stand courageously as an example that one can be a semi-intelligent, well-educated man of science AND a believer, as well. I certainly have no ill-will toward you, and I wouldn't comment if I couldn't tolerate the attacks. In fact, I pray that God would open your eyes and hearts to the peace that comes from a full understanding of His grace and love.

I will bow from this debate but will follow everyone's thoughts on the abortion issue. It will, certainly, be interesting to see how the media, legal system, medical boards, and PP handle this mess.

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