Trump has the virus

It’s comical. The same people that I hear from over and over about “you can’t make me wear a mask, that’s a slippery slope” or “I don’t care what our gun violence rates are, you’ll never regulate them iTs iN ThE cOnStItUtIoN” are the same people coming up with this crap. Don’t spout off about personal liberties and accountability and small government and then turn around and tell me you want big government to ban this personal liberty skirting personal responsibility.

Most of you believe that if you leave people to their own means and teach/nurture them properly then outcomes would be better and that big government should leave their hands off of what individuals choose for themselves. I’ve never personally experienced a pro-lifer doing anything real to impact the underlying reasons why someone would choose to get an abortion on any meaningful scale. Instead, the solution is to regulate and forget about it, ironically in complete contrast to the 2A defenses I see where “if you regulate guns criminals will still find a way, it solves nothing”. Well, dumb a** if you regulate abortions, guess what, they’ll still happen except a desperate mother who was unfortunately pushed to that point is now also in danger. So what are you doing to help these people not get pushed to that decision? Anything? For 99% of you I highly doubt that. You just want big government to regulate that woman. Hypocrites.
Well hold on, you still have to be held accountable on earth. That was the point of The Law.

Yeah, like don’t steal or kill another person, but this particular distinction is tied to religion and not everyone shares the same views as Christian ideology in this case. Fortunately, in this country, we are free from religious persecution. If you feel that strongly then you’re free to teach your beliefs, not free to mandate them on others who don’t agree.
Yeah, like don’t steal or kill another person, but this particular distinction is tied to religion and not everyone shares the same views as Christian ideology in this case. Fortunately, in this country, we are free from religious persecution. If you feel that strongly then you’re free to teach your beliefs, not free to mandate them on others who don’t agree.

On the other hand , the only difference between abortions and murder is what society deems as being a ball of cells vs a baby . Murder is against mans laws and gods law in all countries and all religions .
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Yeah, like don’t steal or kill another person, but this particular distinction is tied to religion and not everyone shares the same views as Christian ideology in this case. Fortunately, in this country, we are free from religious persecution. If you feel that strongly then you’re free to teach your beliefs, not free to mandate them on others who don’t agree.
Some things fall under natural law. Religion, race, creed or tribe has nothing to do with it. Some things are just universally rejected.
It’s comical. The same people that I hear from over and over about “you can’t make me wear a mask, that’s a slippery slope” or “I don’t care what our gun violence rates are, you’ll never regulate them iTs iN ThE cOnStItUtIoN” are the same people coming up with this crap. Don’t spout off about personal liberties and accountability and small government and then turn around and tell me you want big government to ban this personal liberty skirting personal responsibility.

Most of you believe that if you leave people to their own means and teach/nurture them properly then outcomes would be better and that big government should leave their hands off of what individuals choose for themselves. I’ve never personally experienced a pro-lifer doing anything real to impact the underlying reasons why someone would choose to get an abortion on any meaningful scale. Instead, the solution is to regulate and forget about it, ironically in complete contrast to the 2A defenses I see where “if you regulate guns criminals will still find a way, it solves nothing”. Well, dumb a** if you regulate abortions, guess what, they’ll still happen except a desperate mother who was unfortunately pushed to that point is now also in danger. So what are you doing to help these people not get pushed to that decision? Anything? For 99% of you I highly doubt that. You just want big government to regulate that woman. Hypocrites.
Well let’s look at this. I am guaranteed my 2-A rights. Everything after that is nonsense. But to help I would say personal responsibility is something our freedoms are based on.
On the other hand , the only difference between abortions and murder is what society deems as being a ball of cells vs a baby . Murder is against mans laws and gods law in all countries and all religions .
Religion dictates many views on what is a baby vs a ball of cells. I’ll state right now I don’t support late term abortion personally, but other than that, it’s a philosophical muddle with a lot of differing opinions that require a middle ground to prevent what could be deemed religious persecution in America.
Religion dictates many views on what is a baby vs a ball of cells. I’ll state right now I don’t support late term abortion personally, but other than that, it’s a philosophical muddle with a lot of differing opinions that require a middle ground to prevent what could be deemed religious persecution in America.

This has been my problem with the abortion issue as well. I am definitely pro-choice but disagree with late term abortions as well. The interesting question is the “ball of cells vs life” issue” that religion weighs heavily upon. For a long time, people would argue that “life” begins once the fetus is viable outside the womb. But interestingly medical science is making that point earlier and earlier in the fetus’ development. In many other areas of life, we are better humans for extending life on the other end because of medical science, but it doesn’t seem to be the same on the birth side of life. The problem is defining the line. I believe those who argue the all abortions are right/wrong are on the fringe. But trying to define the moment of “life” is what really I think the argument hinges on. Also, as an adopted baby of the late 60’s born from two college students in Jersey, I also agree there should be more work by “pro-lifers” on alternatives and not just fighting pro choice.
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It’s comical. The same people that I hear from over and over about “you can’t make me wear a mask, that’s a slippery slope” or “I don’t care what our gun violence rates are, you’ll never regulate them iTs iN ThE cOnStItUtIoN” are the same people coming up with this crap. Don’t spout off about personal liberties and accountability and small government and then turn around and tell me you want big government to ban this personal liberty skirting personal responsibility.

Most of you believe that if you leave people to their own means and teach/nurture them properly then outcomes would be better and that big government should leave their hands off of what individuals choose for themselves. I’ve never personally experienced a pro-lifer doing anything real to impact the underlying reasons why someone would choose to get an abortion on any meaningful scale. Instead, the solution is to regulate and forget about it, ironically in complete contrast to the 2A defenses I see where “if you regulate guns criminals will still find a way, it solves nothing”. Well, dumb a** if you regulate abortions, guess what, they’ll still happen except a desperate mother who was unfortunately pushed to that point is now also in danger. So what are you doing to help these people not get pushed to that decision? Anything? For 99% of you I highly doubt that. You just want big government to regulate that woman. Hypocrites.

I’m for defunding it more than gov regulation just for the record. I am personally against it and therefore don’t want to be a part of funding baby killers.

Get it out of government and make it privately funded organization(s). Then you and your families can kill all the babies your hearts desire.
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Oh noes should go to the news media right now. African American women are being forced to have abortions....Who is kidnapping them and forcing abortions on them? You are a quack are the perfect example that degrees mean absolutely zero.
Per usual, you guys see zero issue with black on black violence.
To be the man, you’ve got to beat the man. No one could beat him. You had to cheat to win. It’s called election fraud, and no one still beat him...👍
Sixty judges and the Supreme Court disagree with you. But keep on believing. Delusional fantasies are better than the true Trump reality.
Trump was much sicker than he let on.

So, he had findings typical of CV19 on chest x-ray (putting quotation marks around "infiltrates" doesn't make them any more scary). And, he was near-intubation one day, and literally walking around without oxygen in, what, 2-3 days? Yeah, that's not exactly the usual course.

Maybe question what this source is saying?
So, he had findings typical of CV19 on chest x-ray (putting quotation marks around "infiltrates" doesn't make them any more scary). And, he was near-intubation one day, and literally walking around without oxygen in, what, 2-3 days? Yeah, that's not exactly the usual course.

Maybe question what this source is saying?
No no no. They used quotes. This is a big deal.

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