Trump has the virus

Well when Monty says book it he’s toast that pretty much guarantees a miraculous speedy recovery for Trump based on Nostradumbass’s record thus far.
I would say there is something like a 99.64% chance he will be fine at his age and weight. Add in the fact that he will have the best treatment in the world it probably pushes it closer to 99.97%
I would say there is something like a 99.64% chance he will be fine at his age and weight. Add in the fact that he will have the best treatment in the world it probably pushes it closer to 99.97%
He has the best medical care in the world and no expense will be spared. His odds are better than anybody else in the world in this situation.
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Let me ask you this. What if he survives?

Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties (solely due to social distancing), his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
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Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties, his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
Or he just continues to have no symptoms and runs the country just like his physician said he expects to happen.
Odds are he'll survive, but he may have complications.

In the interim, Pence presumably *should* be sworn in to assume his duties (solely due to social distancing), his campaign rallies should shut down, and all his bluster about the big "hoax" lay bare the fact that this science-denier just got whammied by Mother Nature.
This is why people say it is a hoax. Not because it isn't contagious, but because it has a survival rate really high survival rate. CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older
This is why people say it is a hoax. Not because it isn't contagious, but because it has a survival rate really high survival rate. CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older
That doesn't make it a hoax. It's danger is not in the survival rate, it's danger is in how easily it is spread, and how many people have contracted it.

A really high survival rate with a really high number of cases = A really high number of deaths
That doesn't make it a hoax. It's danger is not in the survival rate, it's danger is in how easily it is spread, and how many people have contracted it.

A really high survival rate with a really high number of cases = A really high number of deaths
Congrats you just described the seasonal flu 😂
That doesn't make it a hoax. It's danger is not in the survival rate, it's danger is in how easily it is spread, and how many people have contracted it.

A really high survival rate with a really high number of cases = A really high number of deaths
I get that. I think most people get that. Many people just choose to say it is what it is and go about life. It is what it is means there is nothing you can do about it. A mask is not going to stop you from getting it. We are all going to get it at some point. Just wash your hands and cover when you cough or sneeze.
200,000 deaths in 7 months is much worse than a strain of the seasonal flu. Donald Trump even said as much in his recorded interviews with Robert Woodward. Although, Trump referred to COVID-19 as a "strenuous flu".
Irrelevant. In your attempt to fear monger you literally described the seasonal flu. Well done.
No, I'm pointing to Donald Trump's own recorded words. Trump told Woodward in March that COVID-19 was worse than the seasonal flu, while Trump was also publicly saying the exact opposite.
No you’re deflecting away from the fact that in your haste to prove your point you got lazy and perfectly described the seasonal flu. Very accurately in fact congrats 👍
No you’re deflecting away from the fact that in your haste to prove your point you got lazy and perfectly described the seasonal flu. Very accurately in fact congrats 👍
My point was that 200,000 deaths in 7 months is not a hoax. The number of deaths is not normal... and Trump knew that in March. It's on tape.
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My point was that 200,000 deaths in 7 months is not a hoax. The number of deaths is not normal... and Trump knew that in March. It's on tape.
Look it was you post in your own words and my statement is an obvious conclusion to draw. Now you’re just a cat in the sandbox desperately covering up your turd post.
Look it was you post in your own words and my statement is an obvious conclusion to draw. Now you’re just a cat in the sandbox desperately covering up your turd post.
The last part of that first post you replied to, was "a really high number of deaths". A really high number of deaths for a strain of the seasonal flu would be 80,000.... obviously, far less than the 200,000 we are looking at now. I wasn't specific about what constituted "a really high number of deaths" and so, you are playing a "gotcha game".
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