Trump has the virus

The last part of that first post you replied to, was "a really high number of deaths". A really high number of deaths for a strain of the seasonal flu would be 80,000.... obviously, far less than the 200,000 we are looking at now. I wasn't specific about what constituted "a really high number of deaths" and so, you are playing a "gotcha game".
You got yourself with lazy verbiage. The tripe you typed is EXACTLY why it’s easy to dismiss the mortality rate. That’s on you not me. I am going to try to go back to sleep now. Good night/morning BB!
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My point was that 200,000 deaths in 7 months is not a hoax. The number of deaths is not normal... and Trump knew that in March. It's on tape.
You're wasting your time. They're trying to reconcile how Dear Leader contracted a hoax. They're waiting on directions from Q. I am sure Q will implicate Hillary and Bill. I am sure there is grainy hidden camera video of Hillary coughing on Hope Hicks and in Air Force 1. Project Veritas to the rescue!
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Listen mouth breather you are the one citing The Mayo clinic as a source, not me. There are dozens of medical journals that have the actual data that those numbers come from. This should all be common knowledge at this point.

That interview was March 8th. Almost 7 months ago when we didn't know much about the virus. Its also worth noting in that same interview he did say masks are important to stop an infected person from spreading the virus. Of course that has been cut out of your little video.
If he gets seriously ill and is hospitalized or dies, we are going to have the potential for major national security issues. Our enemies will use this opportunity to create chaos.
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Nah I’ve been around in the shadows for a long time son. I’m well aware of the vitriol your kind dishes out on this board. You wanna run with the big dogs you better toughen up.
Ah, so you figured you’d just go ahead and throw the first punch. Around in the shadows? Like a peeping Tom? Interesting. Actually, never mind. It isn’t interesting. And I’m certainly not your son there “big dog”. LOL
If he gets seriously ill and is hospitalized or dies, we are going to have the potential for major national security issues. Our enemies will use this opportunity to create chaos.
I'm sure it will make Putin sad. There's a conspiracy theory in the works as we speak blaming Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton.
The mask would have nothing to do with this. No one has ever said the mask protects you unless it is an N-95 which is only 90% effective. Those other cheap surgical masks are maybe 15% affective at slowing particulate to others.
I had the head of infectious disease at a local hospital take off his mask while in the car and state, “leaving yours on will protect you.”
Guy was truly a moron. Experts my ass.
You're wasting your time. They're trying to reconcile how Dear Leader contracted a hoax. They're waiting on directions from Q. I am sure Q will implicate Hillary and Bill. I am sure there is grainy hidden camera video of Hillary coughing on Hope Hicks and in Air Force 1. Project Veritas to the rescue!
Only around 10k of those were due strictly to Corona. Close to 3 million people die in the country every year. So, the real question will be how our overall death rate was impacted for the year. If it’s up 200k then, yup. I suspect it won’t be. One stat shows our normal, expected annual increase to be just over 1.12% which would currently account for around 9k deaths.
In before the other conspiracy theorists:

This is a planned conspiracy.

Trump now gets to hunker down and the tweet storm will ensue until the next debate where he appears fine after a miraculous total recovery. Now that he's immune, he will begin a storm of in person mass rallies in the final weeks run up to the election. "I beat the Rona and I will beat Biden bigly!"


Did I forget the blue font again?
No more white supremency talk.
He gets trounced in the debate.....
The rules are being changed to where he will get trounced even more in the next debate.....
He suddenly gets the rona........

Can you imagine what the right would be saying if it where Biden instead of Trump?
I saw multiple morons on here predicting Biden would "fake" getting corona in order to avoid debating Trump.
They would be having a field day now.......the right wing meme machines would be smoking.
Nah I’ve been around in the shadows for a long time son. I’m well aware of the vitriol your kind dishes out on this board. You wanna run with the big dogs you better toughen up.
You seem like a nice person

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