Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

Look, if you read even the first sentence, you saw that I said this was a very small example... If you read even the last sentence, you also saw that I said that it was not a big deal. Did you really think this old, boring and worn out fallback line was of clever usage here? In this context, it just looks stupid.
It never gets old as far as I'm concerned. Your constant whining keeps it relevant.
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One (admittedly) very small but yet classic example of how Trump is driven by his petty and vindictive emotions rather than by being well-informed is his threat to overturn the 2015 decision by Barack Obama to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to Denali. Curiously, Trump said this was an insult to the people of Ohio (President McKinley's home state)... even though Mt. McKinley is obviously in Alaska.

After taking office in January of 2017, he was determined to quickly follow through on this pledge and reverse the name of Denali back to Mt. McKinley. It was the two Republican Senators from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, who had to explain in a meeting with Trump that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago and plead with him not to change the name back. Trump was completely ignorant of the history of this great Alaskan mountain. He simply wanted to reverse an Obama decision, just because it was an Obama decision. He took no time to educate himself as to what was important to the people native to Alaska.

I know it's not a big deal but in a very small way, it is classic Trump. Ignorant, petty and vindictive.

"Classic Trump".. yes. Mt McKinley has been known as such for the time it was named by "whites"

Revisionist history is a rabbit hole. I mean lets go back thousands of years and you can call Mt McKinley " Mt Abiogenesis"
It never gets old as far as I'm concerned. Your constant whining keeps it relevant.

Forget just being old (although, it is)... that line had no proper context here, I admitted (twice) in the post you quoted that it was not a big deal and was a very small example.
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I notice a mod deleted the post of the middle finger. If that is offensive or against forum rules than why is it an option on VN as an emoji?
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Whatever...what I do know from this post of yours is that you have no idea as to anything you're talking about. I know if Rex Tillerson said Trump's a moron, then it's likely close to the truth.

Have you ever been on an executive staff for a Fortune 100 company?

It's funny how all you conservatives need to explain away Trump's impulsive, immature and insecure behavior. It's a f'ing joke this clown is POTUS

Actually, I haven't. However, I was CFO for several international companies and worked closely with executives of several fortune 100 companies. You think that may give me some insight?
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Yet, the former CEO of Exxon worked for him.

Only a real idiot would post something so remarkably stupid. Tillerson was asked to serve his country as Secretary of State. He answered the calling despite his keen awareness of the Donald's clownship.

Under no circumstance is the Donald anywhere near as qualified as Tillerson to manage anything

Just like Trump you have no understanding of Tillerson's role as Secretary of State. He was working for the American people, not Donald Trump
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Yes sir it is your right as you think him abhorrible on a personal level. How has he affected your life in a negative personally?

Is President Trump egotistical, heck yes. You think Obama wasn't? Was any President?

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

I see your question asked often by conservatives. I would simply answer that as a proud American, I am ashamed we've elected someone so impulsive, immature and insecure to be POTUS and leader of the free world. As a proud, patriotic American, I am disappointed that we've lost respect around the world as a result
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

I see your question asked often by conservatives. I would simply answer that as a proud American, I am ashamed we've elected someone so impulsive, immature and insecure to be POTUS and leader of the free world. As a proud, patriotic American, I am disappointed that we've lost respect around the world as a result
Only a real idiot would post something so remarkably stupid. Tillerson was asked to serve his country as Secretary of State. He answered the calling despite his keen awareness of the Donald's clownship.

Under no circumstance is the Donald anywhere near as qualified as Tillerson to manage anything
A real idiot. That's me. LOL!
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

I see your question asked often by conservatives. I would simply answer that as a proud American, I am ashamed we've elected someone so impulsive, immature and insecure to be POTUS and leader of the free world. As a proud, patriotic American, I am disappointed that we've lost respect around the world as a result

The bait is on the hook boys. Who does he reel in?
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"

I see your question asked often by conservatives. I would simply answer that as a proud American, I am ashamed we've elected someone so impulsive, immature and insecure to be POTUS and leader of the free world. As a proud, patriotic American, I am disappointed that we've lost respect around the world as a result

One (admittedly) very small but yet classic example of how Trump is driven by his petty and vindictive emotions rather than by being well-informed is his threat to overturn the 2015 decision by Barack Obama to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to Denali. Curiously, Trump said this was an insult to the people of Ohio (President McKinley's home state)... even though Mt. McKinley is obviously in Alaska.

After taking office in January of 2017, he was determined to quickly follow through on this pledge and reverse the name of Denali back to Mt. McKinley. It was the two Republican Senators from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, who had to explain in a meeting with Trump that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago and plead with him not to change the name back. Trump was completely ignorant of the history of this great Alaskan mountain. He simply wanted to reverse an Obama decision, just because it was an Obama decision. He took no time to educate himself as to what was important to the people native to Alaska.

I know it's not a big deal but in a very small way, it is classic Trump. Ignorant, petty and vindictive.

Thats all you got???:eek:lol::eek:lol:
Unlike the Donald, at least you're secure about your character

Yes we had to elect a raw scary megalomaniac to counter the Democratic attempt to rig a primary and an election to coronate another person who would continue to break this country into pieces with socialist policies. This is and always will be a capitalist society, so nice try but no cigar.
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