Trump: He Could Easily Be Reelected

What's the difference? The CEO of Exxon is using shareholder money? It's a dumb argument to minimize managerial success.

Your money does not equal other people money.
Your money = asset
Other peoples money = debt
It's much easier to buy a casino than working your ass off
while moving up the corporate ladder. TRump could have never attained CEO status at places like Exxon or GE

You’re just that guy aren’t have more excuses than a bus full of pregnant nuns.
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Your money does not equal other people money.
Your money = asset
Other peoples money = debt
This, and the refusal to admit that Tillerson worked for Trump is the reason that your arguments are so easily dismissed by a lot of us. You refuse to give Trump credit for ANYTHING. That makes you nothing but a partisan hack. There is no substance to your posting.....NONE.
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This, and the refusal to admit that Tillerson worked for Trump is the reason that your arguments are so easily dismissed by a lot of us. You refuse to give Trump credit for ANYTHING. That makes you nothing but a partisan hack. There is no substance to your posting.....NONE.

Have to give a person time to respond in an orderly fashion.
Brit Hume just nailed it:

The problem with Trump is that he thinks everything is about him. The problem with too many of his critics is that they do too.
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Brit Hume just nailed it:

The problem with Trump is that he thinks everything is about him. The problem with too many of his critics is that they do too.

Yes, that's fair to say. Of course, none of Trump's critics are the President of the United States are they? Their egocentricity doesn't impact public policy of the most powerful nation in the world. You can compare the behavior of Trump's critics to the man himself. You can't compare their impact, however.
Yes, that's fair to say. Of course, none of Trump's critics are the President of the United States are they? Their egocentricity doesn't impact public policy of the most powerful nation in the world. You can compare the behavior of Trump's critics to the man himself. You can't compare their impact, however.

What is the negative impact? Why does thou protest so much?
What is the negative impact? Why does thou protest so much?

As I've said many times, Trump's motivations around policy are frequently driven, not by what is best for the country, but by what is best for him. This includes his need to settle scores, keep campaign promises which are of no benefit to the country and undo any policy put forth by the Obama administration - just because it was an Obama policy.

This is all personified by the fact that Trump is not a deal maker but rather a deal breaker (Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear deal). In every case, his only explanation given for any of this is very hollow. Basically, he did it because he said he would during the campaign or as in the case of the Iran Nuclear deal, because it was an Obama policy.

Trump is egocentric but not particularly well-read, informed or articulate either. He has not and is not capable of explaining why the Iran Nuclear deal was bad, he just says it was; because of Obama. If Trump could negotiate a similar deal with DPRK? He would do it in a heartbeat and call it the greatest deal ever crafted in the history of diplomacy. That is an egocentric man... and it is a negative.

And why do I protest so much? Because I don't like the guy and I think he is an atrocious president... and it's my right. That whole 1st amendment thing, ya know?
As I've said many times, Trump's motivations around policy are frequently driven, not by what is best for the country, but by what is best for him. This includes his need to settle scores, keep campaign promises which are of no benefit to the country and undo any policy put forth by the Obama administration - just because it was an Obama policy.

This is all personified by the fact that Trump is not a deal maker but rather a deal breaker (Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Climate Accord, the Iran Nuclear deal). In every case, his only explanation given for any of this is very hollow. Basically, he did it because he said he would during the campaign or as in the case of the Iran Nuclear deal, because it was an Obama policy.

Trump is egocentric but not particularly well-read, informed or articulate either. He has not and is not capable of explaining why the Iran Nuclear deal was bad, he just says it was; because of Obama. If Trump could negotiate a similar deal with DPRK? He would do it in a heartbeat and call it the greatest deal ever crafted in the history of diplomacy. That is an egocentric man... and it is a negative.

And why do I protest so much? Because I don't like the guy and I think he is an atrocious president... and it's my right. That whole 1st amendment thing, ya know?

Yes sir it is your right as you think him abhorrible on a personal level. How has he affected your life in a negative personally?

Is President Trump egotistical, heck yes. You think Obama wasn't? Was any President?
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As I've said many times, Trump's motivations around policy are frequently driven, not by what is best for the country, but by what is best for him. This includes his need to settle scores, keep campaign promises which are of no benefit to the country and undo any policy put forth by the Obama administration - just because it was an Obama policy.

I'm not a big fan, but The opposition always says this.

One (admittedly) very small but yet classic example of how Trump is driven by his petty and vindictive emotions rather than by being well-informed is his threat to overturn the 2015 decision by Barack Obama to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to Denali. Curiously, Trump said this was an insult to the people of Ohio (President McKinley's home state)... even though Mt. McKinley is obviously in Alaska.

After taking office in January of 2017, he was determined to quickly follow through on this pledge and reverse the name of Denali back to Mt. McKinley. It was the two Republican Senators from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, who had to explain in a meeting with Trump that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago and plead with him not to change the name back. Trump was completely ignorant of the history of this great Alaskan mountain. He simply wanted to reverse an Obama decision, just because it was an Obama decision. He took no time to educate himself as to what was important to the people native to Alaska.

I know it's not a big deal but in a very small way, it is classic Trump. Ignorant, petty and vindictive.
One (admittedly) very small but yet classic example of how Trump is driven by his petty and vindictive emotions rather than by being well-informed is his threat to overturn the 2015 decision by Barack Obama to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to Denali. Curiously, Trump said this was an insult to the people of Ohio (President McKinley's home state)... even though Mt. McKinley is obviously in Alaska.

After taking office in January of 2017, he was determined to quickly follow through on this pledge and reverse the name of Denali back to Mt. McKinley. It was the two Republican Senators from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, who had to explain in a meeting with Trump that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago and plead with him not to change the name back. Trump was completely ignorant of the history of this great Alaskan mountain. He simply wanted to reverse an Obama decision, just because it was an Obama decision. He took no time to educate himself as to what was important to the people native to Alaska.

I know it's not a big deal but in a very small way, it is classic Trump. Ignorant, petty and vindictive.
Can you folks impeach him for that?
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One (admittedly) very small but yet classic example of how Trump is driven by his petty and vindictive emotions rather than by being well-informed is his threat to overturn the 2015 decision by Barack Obama to change the name of Mt. McKinley in Alaska to Denali. Curiously, Trump said this was an insult to the people of Ohio (President McKinley's home state)... even though Mt. McKinley is obviously in Alaska.

After taking office in January of 2017, he was determined to quickly follow through on this pledge and reverse the name of Denali back to Mt. McKinley. It was the two Republican Senators from Alaska, Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, who had to explain in a meeting with Trump that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago and plead with him not to change the name back. Trump was completely ignorant of the history of this great Alaskan mountain. He simply wanted to reverse an Obama decision, just because it was an Obama decision. He took no time to educate himself as to what was important to the people native to Alaska.

I know it's not a big deal but in a very small way, it is classic Trump. Ignorant, petty and vindictive.
That does it! He's lost my vote now. Unbelievable.
Can you folks impeach him for that?

Look, if you read even the first sentence, you saw that I said this was a very small example... If you read even the last sentence, you also saw that I said that it was not a big deal. Did you really think this old, boring and worn out fallback line was of clever usage here? In this context, it just looks stupid.
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