Trump Is an Ideological Authoritarian

Pretty much all of this post is wrong. All of it. I'm not screaming anything. I didn't even say he's been behaving like a fascist, I said he's an ideological fascist, but how can you possibly say fascism can't exist in the American government? Our government is taking money from me against my will and using it to drone bomb innocent people on the other side of the world. What is fascism if that is not fascism? Let's count the non violent drug offenders in prison. Jesus, wake up
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · absolute rule · Nazism · rightism · militarism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism ·
  • (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.

That's not fascism. If that were fascism, just about every western superpower would be fascist.

We get it. You don't like paying taxes. And I agree drone murder is evil. But it's not per se fascist.

What's funny is that you started a thread condemning Trump as a fascist based on thought and speech crime. Think about it.
Trump openly calls for the U.S to commit war crimes and advocates for the murder of innocent women and children.
Trump doubles down after veterans speak out claiming U.S soldiers would not commit war crimes or torture children even if ordered to. Trump responds with, “They’re not going to refuse me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it.“

Trump on torture: “Even if it doesn’t work they probably deserved it anyway.”
Trump renews calls for torture citing public executions and mass rape committed by ISIS promising for the U.S to do the same, “fighting fire with fire.”
Trump says Geneva Conventions a problem and needs to be changed since, US soldiers are to afraid to do their job due to laws which outline the definition of war crimes.
Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia.
Trump says he would shoot Iranian ships out of the water starting a war with Iran.
Trump says he, "won’t rule out” using nuclear weapons in Europe.
Trump calls for a global nuclear rearmament.
Trump says he would declare a World War as President.
Trump's solution for high gas prices is to violate The Geneva Convention by invading several of America's allies in the Middle East and Africa unprovoked to forcibly seize the oil fields for himself.
When asked for clarification about the above mentioned plan to steal land from multiple nations on two different continents Trump responded with, “We’re not stealing anything. We’re taking.“
Trump says during debate he wants to invade Syria with 30,000 soldiers.
Trump runs TV add promising to seize foreign oil fields.
Trump promises mandatory Death Penalty for anyone accused of murdering a police officer despite no legal grounds to impose that.
Trump thinks lethal injection is “too comfortable” Wants to devise a more painful way to execute people.

My question is has he done it?
How about a party falsely claiming that there are millions of fraudulent votes? What does that do to the democratic process?

Clean up the rules to make sure fraud doesn't happen ... at least reduce the odds of it. Remember Obama and his dwarves (intelligence agencies) said the system couldn't be hacked, but there's evidence that hackers did in fact get into voting systems ... but they didn't change anything. And then there's Crook County, IL (Chicago).

However, the point is that there's a big difference in complaining about fraud and in refusing to accept an election.
Clean up the rules to make sure fraud doesn't happen ... at least reduce the odds of it. Remember Obama and his dwarves (intelligence agencies) said the system couldn't be hacked, but there's evidence that hackers did in fact get into voting systems ... but they didn't change anything. And then there's Crook County, IL (Chicago).

However, the point is that there's a big difference in complaining about fraud and in refusing to accept an election.

Low tech answers.
Unplug everything from the internet.
Certified elections the way we have for 200+ years. Can’t hack systems that are not on line.
Yep, and maybe the purple thumb, too. I didn't see you had covered that until I got to the next page.
Upset about it?

No. Can we have an honest conversation about Trump's flaws without people deflecting with comments like ^ this and "screech", "scream", and "TDS"?

Imagine a democratic president who threatens to take guns and then let the courts sort it out, and then he actually reinterprets the law to ban bump you think any of you would be calling him an authoritarian?
My question is has he done it?

For the most part no (see banning bump stocks).

The thread is about his ideology, not what he's been able to pull off. Thank God for checks and balances, as well as staffers who have refused to obey his overstepping demands.
That's not fascism. If that were fascism, just about every western superpower would be fascist.

We get it. You don't like paying taxes. And I agree drone murder is evil. But it's not per se fascist.

What's funny is that you started a thread condemning Trump as a fascist based on thought and speech crime. Think about it.

I concede that semantically I'm wrong in using the label fascist and I've changed the thread title. The spirit of the thread remains. ; )

Lol @ thought and speech crime. It would be ironic if I were looking to punish him. I'm just trying to call it out
For the most part no (see banning bump stocks).

The thread is about his ideology, not what he's been able to pull off. Thank God for checks and balances, as well as staffers who have refused to obey his overstepping demands.

I agree on that one. He obviously over-blew his rhetoric to piss people off because he can do a lot of that without the other branches.
For the most part no (see banning bump stocks).

The thread is about his ideology, not what he's been able to pull off. Thank God for checks and balances, as well as staffers who have refused to obey his overstepping demands.

That was always the difference between Trump and Clinton. Her sane (not suicidal) staffers have no intention of telling her anything remotely resembling "no". The press won't let Trump slip anything by, and they would cover for Hiliary. Trump has all kinds of checks; the only ones the Clintons get have bunches of zeros and are payments for past, present, or future services.
I heard he’s working on an executive order that will make him president for life.
As funny as that is you have to remember the numerous claims by the right, mostly garbage sites but still ones you see pop on here, that Obama was going to do that.
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That was always the difference between Trump and Clinton. Her sane (not suicidal) staffers have no intention of telling her anything remotely resembling "no". The press won't let Trump slip anything by, and they would cover for Hiliary. Trump has all kinds of checks; the only ones the Clintons get have bunches of zeros and are payments for past, present, or future services.

Except for when Trump reinterpreted the law to take our bump stocks. Also, except for using emergency powers to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia.

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