Trump likely "getting off" on the January 6 insurrection

Non partisan USA Today and Newsweek. You linked a Reuters article. You have debunked nothing. Your sources are absolute garbage. But hey, keep letting orange man occupy space in that head of yours.
If you would accuse Reuters, Newsweek and USA Today of bias, then you would accuse anyone of partisanship who didn't publish information that confirmed your desired beliefs. Those sources quoted Christopher Miller, who was the acting Secretary of Defense, under Donald Trump. What would he have had to gain by lying? NOTHING.
I think I voted for Pete in the primaries but I honestly don't remember. I was looking for someone around 50 and sort of in the middle of the left range. I had to look up Jill Stein - so no, not her.
I supported Bernie in the 2016 primaries because I understood the level of irrational hatred for Hillary that had been propagandized into the heads of millions on the right and I knew how damaging it would be for the country to have a president so reviled by the other side.
I'm calling BS right there. If you don't remember who you voted for, you're a liar. I remember every single person I voted for going back to 1986 edit 1976 when I voted for Jimmy Carter.
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I'm calling BS right there. If you don't remember who you voted for, you're a liar. I remember every single person I voted for going back to 1986 edit 1976 when I voted for Jimmy Carter.

You'd have to be really stupid voting for Pete in the 1st place.
The utter incompetence of our government has never been more obvious than the inability to protect the Capitol vs a group of protesters armed with nothing but cell phones & flags.
So you are saying the Capitol Police offers who testified were lying under oath?
Of course I did. Russia interfered with the election on Trump's behalf and with Trump's blessing.
That's been proven beyond any doubt.
What we know for certain is that Clinton's election team paid its law firm to pay for opposition info from Fusion GPS. They paid Richard Steele. Steel retained Russian natiaonal Igor Dachenko. Danchenko later provided info for Steele dossier that was used as a hit piece on Trump by Clinton campaign. We can say with certainty that the Clinton campaign got some assistance from Russian operatives. Dachenko was later indicted by the Justice Department. One of the things he was indicted for was lying. About providing this information as well as lying to the FBI about his communication with a long time Democratic operative.
Now can I please hear your outrage about the Clinton campaign.

Opinion | Hillary Clinton’s Russian Helpers
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I'm calling BS right there. If you don't remember who you voted for, you're a liar. I remember every single person I voted for going back to 1986 when I voted for Jimmy Carter.
Call bs if you wish. I don't remember who I voted for in the primaries. I know it wasn't Joe, I know it wasn't Jill, I think it was Pete.
I knew it didn't really matter; and I knew that whoever won would beat Trump which was by far and away my primary objective.
Well, I'm a homophobe I suppose because I don't support him.

I don't support any democrat because their policies foreign & domestic are terrible.
Carter was the very last democrat I voted for & never again I'll vote that way..
Just look at the idiot who sits in the Oval Office now. Destroying the country without shame.
What we know for certain is that Clinton's election team paid its law firm to pay for opposition info from Fusion GPS. They paid Richard Steele. Steel retained Russian natiaonal Igor Dachenko. Danchenko later proved info for Steele dossier that was used as a hit piece on Trump by Clinton campaign. We can say with certainty that the Clinton campaign got some assistance from Russian operatives. Dachenko was later indicted by the Justice Department. One of the things he was indicted for was lying. About providing this information as well as lying to the FBI about his communication with a long time Democratic operative.
Now can I please hear your outrage about the Clinton campaign.

Opinion | Hillary Clinton’s Russian Helpers
We know a lot more with certainty than that.

Rob Goldstone arranged the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. with Russian operatives, including Natalia Veselnitskaya. Thanks to Rob Goldstone's e-mail exchange with Donald Trump Jr., we also know that the Russian government was trying to dish dirt on Hillary Clinton to the leadership of the 2016 Trump Campaign, using Veselnitskaya as an intermediary.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Email Exchange With Rob Goldstone
We know a lot more with certainty than that.

Rob Goldstone arranged the infamous June 9, 2016 meeting at Trump Tower between Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. with Russian operatives, including Natalia Veselnitskaya. Thanks to Rob Goldstone's e-mail exchange with Donald Trump Jr., we also know that the Russian government was trying to dish dirt on Hillary Clinton to the leadership of the 2016 Trump Campaign.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Email Exchange With Rob Goldstone
I didn't deny that. I am well aware and have been critical of it. But Hillary supporters sticking their nose in the air, like their shat don't stink, is laughable. Just as immoral. Just as dirty. Dems give her a hard pass and pretend it didn't happen.
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What we know for certain is that Clinton's election team paid its law firm to pay for opposition info from Fusion GPS. They paid Richard Steele. Steel retained Russian natiaonal Igor Dachenko. Danchenko later provided info for Steele dossier that was used as a hit piece on Trump by Clinton campaign. We can say with certainty that the Clinton campaign got some assistance from Russian operatives. Dachenko was later indicted by the Justice Department. One of the things he was indicted for was lying. About providing this information as well as lying to the FBI about his communication with a long time Democratic operative.
Now can I please hear your outrage about the Clinton campaign.

Opinion | Hillary Clinton’s Russian Helpers
Opposition info? I would think that if one were looking for dirt on Trump, Russia would be one of the first places you would want to look.
Opposition info? I would think that if one were looking for dirt on Trump, Russia would be one of the first places you would want to look.
While you’re looking you should dig around into Russia’s past. If you like Bernie, you would love Stalin 😉
Opposition info? I would think that if one were looking for dirt on Trump, Russia would be one of the first places you would want to look.

Heard he sold them a bit of uranium. Probably had kids being “employed” by corrupt businesses there as well.
Heard he sold them a bit of uranium. Probably had kids being “employed” by corrupt businesses there as well.
Not the uranium nonsense. Did you guys fall for every right wing conspiracy?
The Facts on Uranium One -
For this and other reasons, we have written that Trump is wrong to claim that Clinton “gave away 20 percent of the uranium in the United States” to Russia. Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom.
Well, I'm a homophobe I suppose because I don't support him.

Can’t wait for him to run in 2024

Some variation of “The real reason why you don’t support Pete is because you aren’t comfortable with a gay President”

Over and over and over and over.

Couldn’t be his political positions, lack of experience, etc. No, No. Anyone that opposes him, hates gay people.

Get ready fellas. It’s happening.
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Can’t wait for him to run in 2024

Some variation of “The real reason why you don’t support Pete is because you aren’t comfortable with a gay President”

Over and over and over and over.

Couldn’t be his political positions, lack of experience, etc. No, No. Anyone that opposes him, hates gay people.

Get ready fellas. It’s happening.
I'm anxious to see the field....on both sides.
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Not the uranium nonsense. Did you guys fall for every right wing conspiracy?
The Facts on Uranium One -
For this and other reasons, we have written that Trump is wrong to claim that Clinton “gave away 20 percent of the uranium in the United States” to Russia. Clinton could have objected — as could the eight other voting members — but that objection alone wouldn’t have stopped the sale of the stake of Uranium One to Rosatom.

So we sold it and she didn’t object becomes it wouldn’t have mattered. 🤣😂
So we sold it and she didn’t object becomes it wouldn’t have mattered. 🤣😂
Pretty much. Neither did any of the other 8 agencies object. Are they equally "guilty".
Plus, even had they objected, it wouldn't have stopped the sell. They did not have that authority.

But that doesn't make for a very good conspiracy.
Pretty much. Neither did any of the other 8 agencies object. Are they equally "guilty".
Plus, even had they objected, it wouldn't have stopped the sell. They did not have that authority.

But that doesn't make for a very good conspiracy.

It was sold. She had a say on it. There is no conspiracy it’s a fact.
Remember the Clinton Foundation?

Booming pretty strong when she was working for Obummer and running for Prez. Not so much anymore.
It's amazing that people always seem more willing to contribute to people they feel have power and influence.
Makes one appreciate Jimmy Carter and the Carter Foundation.

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