Trump Secret police

Did you seriously just chastise someone for having an opinion while not living in Portland and then in the next sentence tell everyone how Portlanders "feel". Wow.
Well, he actually made a not so subtle True Scots fallacy as well, since there are competing media narratives. One is describing his reality and the other is describing massive violence and rioting. When cornered by the "do you live there", he apparently had to retreat to a "My favored reading material is better than your favored reading material" argument. I suspect he tried to obfuscate that fallacy with the "you're an uneducated idiot" fallacy wrapper.
Well, he actually made a not so subtle True Scots fallacy as well, since there are competing media narratives. One is describing his reality and the other is describing massive violence and rioting. When cornered by the "do you live there", he apparently had to retreat to a "My favored reading material is better than your favored reading material" argument. I suspect he tried to obfuscate that fallacy with the "you're an uneducated idiot" fallacy wrapper.

What we have in KTK, is the black version of LG.
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So, are you using prosecution as the basis of your stats?

If so, the next step would be to see if prosecutors equally apply that definition between races. Are you saying that prosecutors are as prone to prosecute black-on-white assaults as hate crimes as they are white-on-black?

The problem with designations of "hate crime" is that we're stacking charges for what we think they were thinking.

You’re open to the idea that arrests and prosecutions involve some degree of unfairness along racial lines, which frequently works against minority defendants, right?

Honest question. I legitimately can’t remember.
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You’re open to the idea that arrests and prosecutions involve some degree of unfairness along racial lines, which frequently works against minority defendants, right?

Honest question. I legitimately can’t remember.
"some" arrests and prosecutions? absolutely
"frequently"? no
You’re open to the idea that arrests and prosecutions involve some degree of unfairness along racial lines, which frequently works against minority defendants, right?

Honest question. I legitimately can’t remember.
Yes. I am. I'm not sure that it's systemic racism from the perspective that it's a bunch of racist police and prosecutors targeting by race, or if there are systemic cultural and political policies that lead to black poverty, thus increased black crime, decreased black defense, etc...

I suspect it's systemic policy that has created poverty among much of the black population, thus increased crime rate. I suspect that the increased poverty makes good defense a laughable idea, so that increases convictions/plea deals. I suspect that the system drops the hammer harder on poor people without good defenses, because they're all about conviction stats, and poor people are vulnerable targets. And I wouldn't be surprised if all of the above have created a perception within the system against blacks, so they (even subconsciously) charge and pursue blacks of certain neighborhoods differently that whites from other neighborhoods.

I just don't know, but I absolutely do NOT believe that the arrest/conviction stats can be used to argue that black men are inherently more violent. I think that usage of the stats is an abuse of the stats. I would much prefer we all take a long, hard look at the TOTAL system that;s creating these stats, and make wide political and CJ reforms to help change them.
"some" arrests and prosecutions? absolutely
"frequently"? no
You should be open to systemic issues, even if they're not the systemic issues that many claim.

Statistics aren't always causative, but even correlation should cause long, hard looks--especially when people and large groups of people are involved.
Yes. I am. I'm not sure that it's systemic racism from the perspective that it's a bunch of racist police and prosecutors targeting by race, or if there are systemic cultural and political policies that lead to black poverty, thus increased black crime, decreased black defense, etc...

I suspect it's systemic policy that has created poverty among much of the black population, thus increased crime rate. I suspect that the increased poverty makes good defense a laughable idea, so that increases convictions/plea deals. I suspect that the system drops the hammer harder on poor people without good defenses, because they're all about conviction stats, and poor people are vulnerable targets. And I wouldn't be surprised if all of the above have created a perception within the system against blacks, so they (even subconsciously) charge and pursue blacks of certain neighborhoods differently that whites from other neighborhoods.

I just don't know, but I absolutely do NOT believe that the arrest/conviction stats can be used to argue that black men are inherently more violent. I think that usage of the stats is an abuse of the stats. I would much prefer we all take a long, hard look at the TOTAL system that;s creating these stats, and make wide political and CJ reforms to help change them.

As one example, I was counseling a white family through their son's DUI. Early 20s, clean cut, not much of a record. They offered him below the mandatory minimum if he hired a lawyer and plead out. The family asked, "Can't he just plead out with the DA now without the lawyer?"

Nope. the offer is only good if you hire representation. The DA literally went out into the foyer of the court house, grabbed a seemingly random attorney, who handed them a card and negotiated $$$ with the family, on the spot, to negotiate the plea with the DA. A plea that was already offered and ready to rubber stamp.

The criminal justice system is a racket. Sorry, don;'t mean to offend the lawyers.

Spread that out to the poor. Even if they got those offers, they couldn't afford them, which means their rap sheets grow, and even the plea offers dry up as the rap sheets grow.

Policy has severely hurt blacks when it comes to poverty. As such, the criminal justice system is severely stacked against them as well.

IMHO, the blacik arrest/conviction stats paint a much different picture than some try to make them tell. And MUCH needs to be done to help.

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Yes. I am. I'm not sure that it's systemic racism from the perspective that it's a bunch of racist police and prosecutors targeting by race, or if there are systemic cultural and political policies that lead to black poverty, thus increased black crime, decreased black defense, etc...

I suspect it's systemic policy that has created poverty among much of the black population, thus increased crime rate. I suspect that the increased poverty makes good defense a laughable idea, so that increases convictions/plea deals. I suspect that the system drops the hammer harder on poor people without good defenses, because they're all about conviction stats, and poor people are vulnerable targets. And I wouldn't be surprised if all of the above have created a perception within the system against blacks, so they (even subconsciously) charge and pursue blacks of certain neighborhoods differently that whites from other neighborhoods.

I just don't know, but I absolutely do NOT believe that the arrest/conviction stats can be used to argue that black men are inherently more violent. I think that usage of the stats is an abuse of the stats. I would much prefer we all take a long, hard look at the TOTAL system that;s creating these stats, and make wide political and CJ reforms to help change them.
I agree with a lot of this. Maybe all of it. To the extent I disagree it’s really just a greater allocation of causation to latent causes like persistent negative racial stereotypes and past issues of over racism that have compounded, which almost fits within some of the silos you identify.
I agree with a lot of this. Maybe all of it. To the extent I disagree it’s really just a greater allocation of causation to latent causes like persistent negative racial stereotypes and past issues of over racism that have compounded, which almost fits within some of the silos you identify.
See? I ain't so bad (sometimes).
Well you see some of us do this thing called reading. Which leads you to be more informed. You should give it a try one day. I can help you with the big words. Try sounding them out if you have trouble.
How do you think all of these people would have felt if Obama had called in the "federal police" in 2010 to break up the Tea Party protests/rallies? They would have raised total hell, but since this is being done by their savior Trump and it is being done to minorities and for causes they don't approve of, then it's okay. Total hypocrisy as usual.
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How do you think all of these people would have felt if Obama had called in the "federal police" in 2010 to break up the Tea Party protests/rallies? They would have raised total hell, but since this is being done by their savior Trump and it is being done to minorities and for causes they don't approve of, then it's okay. Total hypocrisy as usual.
I don't recall massive property damage, looting and chaotic rioting(sometimes leading to people being injured and killed) during the Tea Party protests. Did that happen and I've forgotten? Lord knows, I've been through a lot in the years since that happened so it's possible it's slipped my mind, but I don't think there's a legitimate comparison to be made between then and now. But I do agree, and have posted such, that the feds should not be involved in what should be the responsibility of the local police.
Protesters and opportinistic troublemakers are not synonymous. Neither are peace keepers and shadowy federal agitators. That's just how I see it.

The "protecting federal property" explanation seems to be evolving into taking up slack of local law enforcement. Slack that might not exist were it not for the presence of the federal paramilitary forces.

I guess that road show is headed to Chicago.. Do you think they will stick to the "protecting federal property" mission statement?

What’s your take on ABC News reporting? 👇

How do you think all of these people would have felt if Obama had called in the "federal police" in 2010 to break up the Tea Party protests/rallies? They would have raised total hell, but since this is being done by their savior Trump and it is being done to minorities and for causes they don't approve of, then it's okay. Total hypocrisy as usual.
If the tea party was consistently shooting people, assaulting officers, burning buildings, etc then I’d agree with that too. But of course they didn’t because they are actually pro police, pro America and pro law-abiding

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