Trump Supporters Gathering in D.C. - Mayor Readies for Those ‘Seeking Confrontation’

Yeah, so here's a 2-minute video of her not wearing a mask. Who knows how long she didn't wear one. Hypocritical much?

It's a lot more likely the Dems got covid from their fellow Dem who tested positive and came in anyway just to vote for Pelosi to be Speaker. You know, since only Democrats are testing positive.

Why were members of congress up in the cheap seats?
I've gone back and forth on that since you first brought that up last week. I don't have a good explanation one way or the other. Its either people on the ground that were sympathetic to Trump or the cause of the protesters or a scheme to let the protesters in and create a false narrative.

It was a set up. Spontaneous and disorganized, and the people leading the charge aren't who everybody thought they were. The capitol police is a much larger group than the scattering at the capitol - somebody (probably named Nancy) called them off for a reason. If it were the crazed mob from the streets of Portland Nancy and her klan wouldn't have been so casual.
I will say this to anyone thinking of going to a rally or to DC.

Stay out.

I'm hearing chatter those are basically going to be watched closer than a high school boy with his first porno. Don't be the idiot fish that climbs into the boat instead of making it hard to catch.

Going to be watched..Hell Trump supporters already are.
It was a set up. Spontaneous and disorganized, and the people leading the charge aren't who everybody thought they were. The capitol police is a much larger group than the scattering at the capitol - somebody (probably named Nancy) called them off for a reason. If it were the crazed mob from the streets of Portland Nancy and her klan wouldn't have been so casual.

An unarmed "insurrection" at that.
OK, so CNN admits it. It was one and only one man amongst the insurrectionists that had a Confederate flag. They haven't been able to find anyone else or focused on anyone else but this guy.

Kevin Seefried, seen carrying Confederate flag inside Capitol during riot, arrested - CNN

Not what was perputrated on here. Cant remember who, but could not point out a single instance where a MAGA rally had a Confed battle flag.
I think the real insurrection is the Dems.
No wonder there was a rush to impeach before the evidence came out

Kinda blows up the FBI line, or at least exposes the FBI as playing with definitions as finely as Billy C. They either were incompetent ... again, or chose words to deceive. Hard to say if lying to imply that the left wasn't engaged or if gross incompetence is worse. I'd have to believe that a bureaucracy that stands against it's elected leader and lies to undermine him is definitely worse.

FBI: No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot
Wanna bet MSM glosses right over this story?


When I see anything like this...meaning any factual news that if honestly reported on would make liberals look bad, or make 1 or more conservatives or Republicans look good...... I never even think about it seeing the light of day on TV. Never, ever. That idea never even crossed my mind .

Guess that is sad really. How TV in the US has fallen in my lifetime...we don't watch the lies. They don't even try to hide their overt bias anymore either. It's just shameful.

Are they calling this a justifiable shooting? All the talk about differential police treatment for the MAGA riot vs. the BLM peaceful protests. If this shooting had happened to a BLM rioter, the officer would have already been found guilty in the court of public opinion, and the country would be peacefully protesting as we speak.
BLM activist inside Capitol claims he was 'documenting' riots, once said 'burn it all down'

John Sullivan has previously called for 'revolution' and to 'rip Trump' out of his office


BLM activist inside Capitol claims he was 'documenting' riots, once said 'burn it all down'

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