Trump tells Prince Harry, Meghan Markle 'they must pay' for Security amid reported move to US

I think she is an attractive lady whether she is white or black or another color. doesn’t really matter. The point is that our hard earned tax money shouldn’t be used to provide security for any Royals from another country. While we’re at it, I don’t want tax funded $ to be used for security for any so-called American royals or ex politicians either (ie those pale faced Clintons, Bushes, or whomever). My opinion wouldn’t change if Will and Kate came over. I would expect them to pay their own way. Black or white, dems or republicans, famous or not, not a dime of our tax money should be spent on any of these folks regardless of how entitled they think they are. I understand that Harry and Megan didn’t ask but I have no issues with making a statement to make sure there isn’t any confusion.

I'll disagree about not providing a secure environment for royals from any country. International diplomacy is something that successful, civilized countries practice. You don't want visiting world leaders to bring their entire security along. But these are ex-royals or at least royals not here representing their country, so they ought to pay for their own protection.

Changing the subject a bit (or a lot), but security is expensive. I see all of these stories about how much it is costing for Trump to be at Mar A Largo, but how much is being saved when world leaders can zip in an out to a secured location away from the hostile media and without shutting down cities while the motorcades shuttle them about during their visits?
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I am farther to the right than you, but this shouldn’t really be turned into a political issue. I agree that there isn’t any reason to call her names. I haven’t heard anything from Meghan that would justify calling her names.
There isn't a reason, and they weren't even asking for what Trump tweeted about. This is one of those cases that Trump is completely wrong about, and it would be nice if his more ardent supporters would state as such.
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Well said. You could twist my arm about buying into being civilized by protecting visiting world leaders. I assume we would expect the same when our leaders visit other countries. There does need to be balance though. Don’t all former presidents and First Ladies get lifetime government funded security? I think Hillary can afford to pay for her own security😁

Yes, means testing should be considered. The Clintons have made hundreds of millions... they can worry about their security while Hillary keeps the high profile. But Jimmy Carter is a national treasure of an ex-POTUS that hasn't leveraged his former public life for riches. He needs to be forever kept safe from any threat.
There isn't a reason, and they weren't even asking for what Trump tweeted about. This is one of those cases that Trump is completely wrong about, and it would be nice if his more ardent supporters would state as such.

I don't care that he is being pre-emptive as they assimilate into the Hollywood elite. He was probably being snarky primarily, but if anything were to happen to them, it's not a bad idea to state publicly that it's not our government's responsibility to keep them safe. Imagine the liberal outrage if something were to happen to them and the public warning hadn't been issued.
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President Trump on Sunday didn't offer the warmest greeting to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle amid reports that they had relocated from Canada to the U.S.

A source told People Magazine last week that the royal couple relocated from Vancouver Island to Los Angeles, Markle's hometown.

Markle, 38, and Harry, 35, have been staying in a secluded compound and have stuck close to home during the coronavirus pandemic, the magazine reported. It's unclear when the couple made the move.

However, in a tweet from the president on Sunday, it became clear that U.S. taxpayers were not footing the bill for their security.

"I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom. It was reported that Harry and Meghan, who left the Kingdom, would reside permanently in Canada. Now they have left Canada for the U.S. however, the U.S. will not pay for their security protection. They must pay!" Trump exclaimed.

Reports emerged last month that Markle and Harry were "looking at houses" in Los Angeles for the summer.​

Was there any doubt these clowns would end up in the US? Canada was just a cover for wanting to come here but they wanted to slide their way in because of loud mouth Markle's comments about President Trump.
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I don't care that he is being pre-emptive as they assimilate into the Hollywood elite. He was probably being snarky primarily, but if anything were to happen to them, it's not a bad idea to state publicly that it's not our government's responsibility to keep them safe. Imagine the liberal outrage if something were to happen to them and the public warning hadn't been issued.
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Were any of those numerous outlets reporting that they'll be taking care of their own security before POTUS tweeted?
No, because they were private citizens the moment they left the Royal family, and didn't expect anything from us. Trump Tweeted long after the fact. Jesus ****ing Christ, no offense, but it is like talking to a stop sign.
No, because they were private citizens the moment they left the Royal family, and didn't expect anything from us. Trump Tweeted long after the fact. Jesus ****ing Christ, no offense, but it is like talking to a stop sign.
Honestly, I think you and Thunder both make good points. But if something happens to them on American soil, I do believe the liberal MSM will try to spin it as Trump's fault for not giving them protection. Trump's tweet, IMO, was pointless, because they'll do it no matter what. And that's not on the former royals or Trump, but on the media that creates sensationalistic stories to sell.
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Really ? Let’s have a look , shall we ? Now I know I’m just a rube , but I’m not color blind . I see black shirts , I see black hair , I see a black tie , I even see black ink printed on a wall .
You can identify as anything you want I guess , but you can’t change the color spectrum. Looks to me she’s 50/50 at best . If you mixed a bucket half full of water , half full of diesel is it still water or still fuel ?
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Hey, you may want to study American history.

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