Trump tells Prince Harry, Meghan Markle 'they must pay' for Security amid reported move to US

Now let's discuss the actual quote and not only about this wife, "I’ll never understand the level of hatred for his family."

I don't recall anyone on the right hoping the Obama daughters would get thrown in a cage with a rapist, do you?

I know you can't ever pass up an opportunity to take a swipe at the right
Trace back the post history and look at what was put in bold and you might understand my reply.

Yes, things were said just as bad or worse about the Obamas (still are). Stating the truth is not a "swipe at the right"
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Trace back the post history and look at what was put in bold and you might understand my reply.

Yes, things were said just as bad or worse about the Obamas (still are). Stating the truth is not a "swipe at the right"
Again I don't recall anyone wanting to throw the daughters in a cage with a rapist then or now. Yes people bash Michelle and she brought most of it on herself.
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Again I don't recall anyone wanting to throw the daughters in a cage with a rapist then or now. Yes people bash Michelle and she brought most of it on herself.
you're right, they were treated with complete respect. I mean, your singular example overrides anything else that could possibly posted. I'm sure marchers hanging their black father in effigy had no effect
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Why? She's American and therefore her baby is. Her husband is a service veteran of the British Army. Unlike donald who married a Russian escort and stayed in too long.
Why does Melania trigger you so much?

Actually, Your completely irrelevant Melania comment threw me off the trail on this post. The point was asking whether Meghan and Harry's goon squad will carry guns. You know, since America is such a hateful place fraught with danger. I think she should stay in Canada with others that hate this country so much because of Mr Trump... like Alec Baldwin... oh wait....
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mixed like a drink, like a can of paint, like ice cream? what race is mixed?

Mixed means exactly what it means . It’s not a racial slur used by “ white people “ . One of my favorite people in this world was one of my best friends grandmother , ( she was black or dark skinned ) I’ve heard her call them “ mixed babies “ throughout my childhood . The odd thing was none of us thought anything about it . If your parents were white and black you were mixed . Seemed to make since to me and I guess to her . We are far less racist as a country today then we were when I was growing up in the 70’s and into the 80s and 90s . We are also a lot softer , offended and more thinned skinned now , then ever before . Everything is so overblown , over used , way over dramatic and the words racist and xenophobic has been watered down and used so often for a cover all , that they have lost their value .
When has biracial not been considered black? I am in my 40's and biracial kids have always been considered black. When did this change? The one drop rule is still an unspoken rule in my youth.
Why are they 'considered' black if they are 50/50? Who makes that determination? YOUR white guilt? THEIR ability to claim minority status and therefore milk the system, AND have the ability to throw down that ever present and convenient race card? sad really
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You must have missed that day during White Supremacist class.

I’ve never known a white supremacist , I’ve known two Triple K members , both were dyed in the wool blue dog democrats. That was in the early 90s . My grandfather was a racist a democrat , and a ww2 vet . I never had enough lead in my pencil to ask him why skin color only matter in peace time and not when you were sharing a foxhole , in a forrest , in France .
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you're right, they were treated with complete respect. I mean, your singular example overrides anything else that could possibly posted. I'm sure marchers hanging their black father in effigy had no effect
The daughters were, interesting you are triggered by the treatment of barry yet you never say anything about the treatment of Trump and his family.
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The daughters were, interesting you are triggered by the treatment of barry yet you never say anything about the treatment of Trump and his family.
Do you even read the conversation before jumping in and posting? The point about trump was already been made and I was pointing out it's no different than the way people like you treated the last admin's family. Those who choose to be in the public eye know what's coming. The family should be off limits

Still using the word triggered makes you look desperate and sad. Just an fyi as I'm here to help
I find it quite humorous that POC have to remind white folks about their rule regarding race. Their ancestors spent many a years reminding us that no matter how light our skin was, that we were still black. Now they conveniently forget, and want to call light skinned black people biracial.
Honesty, race or ethnicity should be a check box we mark on doctor’s office form or circle we fill in before we take a test and that should be the extent of it. I find it baffling that this day in age so many people still have prejudices due to skin color or animosity towards someone’s national origin. A few weeks ago, my family and I were in the West Knoxville Wal-Mart (in before dude what do you expect, you were in a Wal-Mart?). My wife and daughter got verbally berated for being Asian by this dude in his late 50s/early 60s. Older Guy said, “Go back to your country, you Asians, you steal our jobs and bring the COVID19 virus.” I heard the majority of this as I was walking over and about lost it but did not want to beat the older guy to a pulp. I am 6’2” 225 lbs. and can handle myself. The G rated version from me “Sir what is the big deal this is my family and don’t appreciate your distasteful comments.” He quickly regressed and said I didn’t realize she was married to an American. I told him even if she wasn’t, who the he!! Are you to speak to someone like this? Especially two females? They are also U.S. citizens just like you sir. I have zero tolerance for racist azzholes. I think the Biracial term you bring up is just the new PC? Don’t know for sure.
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Why are they 'considered' black if they are 50/50? Who makes that determination? YOUR white guilt? THEIR ability to claim minority status and therefore milk the system, AND have the ability to throw down that ever present and convenient race card? sad really
I thought faninga was black?
Do you even read the conversation before jumping in and posting? The point about trump was already been made and I was pointing out it's no different than the way people like you treated the last admin's family. Those who choose to be in the public eye know what's coming. The ready should be off limits

Still using the word triggered makes you look desperate and sad. Just an fyi as I'm here to help
The ready?

Anyway, I don't need a pathetic closet liberals help. Thanks for the offer though
Tiger Woods is black and asian, which are two races of color. They called Tiger Woods n-word all up and down the golf course. Who can forget the knee slapper greens and fried chicken joke. People are still slapping their knees till this day.
Tiger is a mix. His mother Kutilda was from Thai, Dutch, and Chinese ancestry. His father Earl was a mix, with his grandmother being half white. Tiger is maybe 1/4 black.
You were asked directly about Trump’s kid(s) and you deflected to Michelle and the Barry effigy.

I’d have been shocked if you actually answered.
No I was asked about one comment and I addressed it (family should be off limits). The other kids are adults by age and maintain a public profile. I also pointed out how people like justin acted for 8 yrs prior and actually still continue to act.
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What? Nothing about Markle screams "BLACK!". Probably because she isn't but is bi-racial with considerably more prominent caucasian features.
Yep. She has straight hair, a thin nose, an average size ass, and thin lips like a white person.

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