Trump tells Prince Harry, Meghan Markle 'they must pay' for Security amid reported move to US

This is the kind of crap Trump does that is annoying. They never asked for us to pay for their protection, they came out and said they will pay for their own security. This entire thread is pointless except to get folks riled up for absolutely no reason at all.
I wonder if their security will carry guns?

Asking for a friend.

And fwiw, I couldn't care less other than to say as far as I am concerned they should stay the **** in Canada.
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Hey, you may want to study American history.

Nothing in that post said anything about her being an American . The post said she was “black “ . The reference was made about her skin color to show Trump is racist . She may in fact be lighter skinned than Trumps EX girlfriend, I’d have to look it up and do a side by side to be able to tell .
Yes, means testing should be considered. The Clintons have made hundreds of millions... they can worry about their security while Hillary keeps the high profile. But Jimmy Carter is a national treasure of an ex-POTUS that hasn't leveraged his former public life for riches. He needs to be forever kept safe from any threat.
Who would want to kill Jimmy Carter? He tried to appease everybody.
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What? 99 % of Americans would look and see a black woman. Half of my family is her color and and no one has ever confused us for anything but black.

You must not have seen many black people if you dont think she looks like a light skinned black person.


What? Nothing about Markle screams "BLACK!". Probably because she isn't but is bi-racial with considerably more prominent caucasian features.
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I don't care that he is being pre-emptive as they assimilate into the Hollywood elite. He was probably being snarky primarily, but if anything were to happen to them, it's not a bad idea to state publicly that it's not our government's responsibility to keep them safe. Imagine the liberal outrage if something were to happen to them and the public warning hadn't been issued.
You should go around and preemptively fight your neighbors for sleeping with your spouse. Law of a averages are that they will do it.
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I wonder if their security will carry guns?

Asking for a friend.

And fwiw, I couldn't care less other than to say as far as I am concerned they should stay the **** in Canada.
Why? She's American and therefore her baby is. Her husband is a service veteran of the British Army. Unlike donald who married a Russian escort and stayed in too long.
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She's bi-racial.

That you need to lie to support your already idiotic claim is embarrassing. That you refer to "one-drop" makes me question your sanity.
When has biracial not been considered black? I am in my 40's and biracial kids have always been considered black. When did this change? The one drop rule is still an unspoken rule in my youth.
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What? Nothing about Markle screams "BLACK!". Probably because she isn't but is bi-racial with considerably more prominent caucasian features.
so is President Obama black or biracial? Because his mother is white. I have seen him called n-word this, n-word that. Maybe you need to tell other racist that biracial people are not black.
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Hopefully the Chicago Tribune can shed some light on this much debated topic.
Column: African Americans know Meghan Markle is black. Yet many whites want to call her something else.
I find it quite humorous that POC have to remind white folks about their rule regarding race. Their ancestors spent many a years reminding us that no matter how light our skin was, that we were still black. Now they conveniently forget, and want to call light skinned black people biracial.
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I find it quite humorous that POC have to remind white folks about their rule regarding race. Their ancestors spent many a years reminding us that no matter how light our skin was, that we were still black. Now they conveniently forget, and want to call light skinned black people biracial.

I’m white and I didn’t know I had that rule . Thanks ? The word I was taught was “ Mixed” .
Tiger Woods is black and asian, which are two races of color. They called Tiger Woods n-word all up and down the golf course. Who can forget the knee slapper greens and fried chicken joke. People are still slapping their knees till this day.

You need to tell that he is bi-racial then. They must be racist, or is it used for publicity purposes to promote the successful African American?
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She's treated better than the right treats Michelle Obama
Now let's discuss the actual quote and not only about this wife, "I’ll never understand the level of hatred for his family."

I don't recall anyone on the right hoping the Obama daughters would get thrown in a cage with a rapist, do you?

I know you can't ever pass up an opportunity to take a swipe at the right
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