Trump vs DeSantis 2024

I think this Trump vs Desantis thing is once again Trump playing with the media. He does this, he forces them into a position they otherwise wouldn't take.... (support Desantis) then flips the script... They're like a dog that just can't stop chasing the fake throw.
I think this Trump vs Desantis thing is once again Trump playing with the media. He does this, he forces them into a position they otherwise wouldn't take.... (support Desantis) then flips the script... They're like a dog that just can't stop chasing the fake throw.
Oh, I'm sure it is.
Trump almost certainly gives off vibes of someone playing 3-D chess while the rest of us are just playing checkers...

They ain't gonna let him back in. Leaks galore will poison any chance he has if he is the nominee. He won't make it through the primaries.

His * grabbing shenanigans didn't poison the well last time, why would anyone believe that his boorish behavior would bother anyone this time?

There's a subset of people who simply don't care that he's a POS. He's had his shot and lost to weekend from Bernies, time for him to get out of the way.
Oh, I'm sure it is.
Trump almost certainly gives off vibes of someone playing 3-D chess while the rest of us are just playing checkers...

His * grabbing shenanigans didn't poison the well last time, why would anyone believe that his boorish behavior would bother anyone this time?

There's a subset of people who simply don't care that he's a POS. He's had his shot and lost to weekend from Bernies, time for him to get out of the way.

Okay, Septic fess up, just how ancient are you? Shenanigans?
Got my haircut this afternoon at my local barbershop. A bunch of us got to talking politics. Out of about 10 people, all but one said DeSantis needs to be the guy.
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For any of you Trump-hating RINOs, Republicucks, libertarians, and independents jumping on the DeSantis train, if I haven’t told you yet, the leftist commie filth will manufacture just as much hate (or more) for DeSantis as they did Tump. Exhibit A.

While it’s hard to imagine any politician wresting that title away from Donald Trump, DeSantis brings something to the table that Trump lacks — his ability to translate political vindictiveness, cruelty and demagoguery into policy results.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is far more dangerous than Donald Trump
For any of you Trump-hating RINOs, Republicucks, libertarians, and independents jumping on the DeSantis train, if I haven’t told you yet, the leftist commie filth will manufacture just as much hate (or more) for DeSantis as they did Tump. Exhibit A.

While it’s hard to imagine any politician wresting that title away from Donald Trump, DeSantis brings something to the table that Trump lacks — his ability to translate political vindictiveness, cruelty and demagoguery into policy results.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is far more dangerous than Donald Trump

I have said it as well..They cannot stand on any of their policy so attack attack

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