Trump vs. DeSantis

Why put you on ignore? I find comedic value in posts like yours, ELs, Luther’s. Sometimes LG, but he starts out handicapped being a Florida fan and will occasionally show some class.

Wish I could say the same about the value of your posts.
The whole premise of this thread is quite amusing. It is clearly an attempt to sow disagreement among conservatives with a hypothetical battle three years out to distract attention from the absolute circular firing squad that is the Democrat Caucus on Capitol Hill right now😂. So how is that infrastructure bill going? You all got Manchin and Sinema to make up with AOC and Bernie yet? Lightfoot and Foxx pointing fingers at each other in Chicago still? Got all those unions on board with the vaccine mandates? And the biggest show of all, trying to keep your national leader from even speaking to friendly reporters? Good Lord but I am running short on popcorn right now. But yeah, go on about 2024…..
I'd love to vote third party if someone came along who wasn't either single issue (i.e. Ross Perot) or a bit more coo-coo than usual (i.e. Ross Perot).

That "single issue" was one of the most important issues of the quarter century. China and likely our border issues wouldn't exist if his ideas would have been implemented.
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