Trump vs. DeSantis

Wrong. The Republican Party is running the country into the ground. The Democratic Party has saved us from it numerous times. I am not champion of the Democratic Party, but the notion that both parties are the same and one is no better than the other is a ridiculously pathetic lie.
It's all personal preference for if one is better.

Some people would prefer to get stabbed to death, some people would prefer to get poisoned. But the crazy people are the ones who resist both?
Did you vote for either Trump or Biden? Trump or Clinton? Just curious since you're so worried about people coming across as intelligent
Honestly it's really none of your business who anyone voted for. All I will say is I DO NOT vote democrat. And never will.
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Lookit, in my book, both of the major national parties are crooked as a dog's hind legs. I do not like either, but the criminality of one of those parties openly threatens our democratic republic and way of life. If you care more about voting your pleasure than stopping the replacement of our Constitution by a fascist dictatorship, then you can take your principles straight to hell, because that is where they are taking our country.

I didn’t know you felt that way about the democrats. You are a surprise a minute.
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Lookit, in my book, both of the major national parties are crooked as a dog's hind legs. I do not like either, but the criminality of one of those parties openly threatens our democratic republic and way of life. If you care more about voting your pleasure than stopping the replacement of our Constitution by a fascist dictatorship, then you can take your principles straight to hell, because that is where they are taking our country.
I take it you are referring to the democrat party.
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I'm going off of things he has actually said, readily findable using any search engine.
Been in charge for how long and has managed to do how much of it? Even with the worst presidents imaginable in power.
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Honestly it's really none of your business who anyone voted for. All I will say is I DO NOT vote democrat. And never will.
Interesting you call other candidates idiots yet can't admit to voting for one yourself (likely twice).

Why do you think Desantis would lose in the GE?

He would keep all states Trump won and pick up AZ and probably Michigan and one other.

The backlash on the D side is going to be insane come primary and Harris is a lame duck VP so it will be Harris vs a new person which will split the D vote.
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Why do you think Desantis would lose in the GE?

He would keep all states Trump won and pick up AZ and probably Michigan and one other.

The backlash on the D side is going to be insane come primary and Harris is a lame duck VP so it will be Harris vs a new person which will split the D vote.

Nobody not beholden to the agenda of the political and bureaucratic establishment has a chance to win the presidency again. Face it, our votes no longer matter. Now could Desantis be a charlatan and be entrenched with the uniparty? Very possible.
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Why do you think Desantis would lose in the GE?

He would keep all states Trump won and pick up AZ and probably Michigan and one other.

The backlash on the D side is going to be insane come primary and Harris is a lame duck VP so it will be Harris vs a new person which will split the D vote.
And if Andrew Yang has his way and is able to form his 3rd party it has the possibility to take about 10 percent of the votes away from the democrat party. Yang is very left leaning but he's also smart enough to be able to form a solid 3rd party.
I have to disagree. The Republican Party I love stands for all Americans.

View attachment 399821

Eisenhower's OPERATION *******:

In 1955, thousands of disoriented people roamed the city’s streets as the sun bore down on them. They had just been dumped there by American immigration officials—snatched from their lives and jobs in the United States and thrown into a city where they didn’t know anyone.

These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation *******, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.*******-eisenhower-1954-deportation
Nobody not beholden to the agenda of the political and bureaucratic establishment has a chance to win the presidency again. Face it, our votes no longer matter. Now could Desantis be a charlatan and be entrenched with the uniparty? Very possible.

Valid point.
Well that's your opinion. And thankfully other people have different opinions than yours. It would be boring if we all thought alike. Wouldn't you agree?
It's not really an opinion that he did and pushed what conservatives claim to want. Then they go back a guy like Trump who does pretty much the opposite.
So were Trump and Hillary (and all three still are).
There are a few candidates who I find admirable in their personal life and reprehensible in their professional. There are a few who I admire professionally but find their personal life reprehensible.

I have absolutely no hope I will ever see a viable candidate who I admire and respect both professionally and personally.
I would say Jill Stein was the most intelligent of the four top candidates that ran in 2016.

Jill Stein was hosted in Russia by Vladimir Putin for a reason. Putin supported Trump, so he therefore supported independent candidates who could draw votes away from the Democratic nominee.
It's all personal preference for if one is better.

Some people would prefer to get stabbed to death, some people would prefer to get poisoned. But the crazy people are the ones who resist both?

You can talk yourself silly with false analogies. The reality is that you are wasting everyone's time by avoiding known facts.
There are a few candidates who I find admirable in their personal life and reprehensible in their professional. There are a few who I admire professionally but find their personal life reprehensible.

I have absolutely no hope I will ever see a viable candidate who I admire and respect both professionally and personally.
That makes sense.

For me:
1. Are they “fit” for the job/do I trust them to try to do what’s best for everyone?
2. Can I live with the policies they’ll advocate?
3. Is there one whose policies I like more than the others?

The first two are pretty low bars.

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