Trump vs Pelosi and Schumer

Yes, are their bills, groceries and mortgages retro too?

I hate to say it but Ribs wins this point.

I get to sit and wait on payments all the time.
I’ve got no sympathy for them. I should, probably, but I don’t. I know it’s an issue in my line of work so I prepare for it. they should know that political shut down is a issue in theirs.
Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.
Sounds like you have been describing you libs for the last 2 years

Thanks again, I appreciate you not defending Trump on the additional adjectives I provided and then defecting/blaming others, therefore acknowledging the adjectives are accurate.
I get to sit and wait on payments all the time.
I’ve got no sympathy for them. I should, probably, but I don’t. I know it’s an issue in my line of work so I prepare for it. they should know that political shut down is a issue in theirs.
Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.
Right at Christmas too. What about medical bills and other emergencies?

Dude, quit being such a Scrooge. The way we run our government with continuing CRs is a frigging joke and it's always the faithful little guys that take it in the shorts.
Right at Christmas too. What about medical bills and other emergencies?

Dude, quit being such a Scrooge. The way we run our government with continuing CRs is a frigging joke and it's always the faithful little guys that take it in the shorts.

Well I am a Jew but my name isn’t Ebenezer.
Dec 25 is just like any other day. People need to prepare themselves for the bad that can come their way.

And yes our government and it’s priorities are a joke. I’d be willing to bet all welfare payments will be made on time regardless of a shutdown
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Never mind, I found several and it appears you are correct.

Right at Christmas too. What about medical bills and other emergencies?

Dude, quit being such a Scrooge. The way we run our government with continuing CRs is a frigging joke and it's always the faithful little guys that take it in the shorts.

This is exactly my point, yes, they will eventually get paid but the optics will be terrible for Trump if they are protecting him while he is playing golf on his vacation and then starts hanging out at Mar-a-Lago with his billionaire buddies. Meanwhile, the Secret Service will have bills to pay.
This is exactly my point, yes, they will eventually get paid but the optics will be terrible for Trump if they are protecting him while he is playing golf on his vacation and then starts hanging out at Mar-a-Lago with his billionaire buddies. Meanwhile, the Secret Service will have bills to pay.

It isn’t a good look for any of them. Especially Trump but there will be plenty of blame to go around.
Right at Christmas too. What about medical bills and other emergencies?

Dude, quit being such a Scrooge. The way we run our government with continuing CRs is a frigging joke and it's always the faithful little guys that take it in the shorts.
No one is forcing them to work for the federal government.
No one is forcing them to work for the federal government.
I usually like your posts, this isn't one of them.

Somebody has to do this essential job. The work is done on a regular basis and they should be paid on a regular basis. FFS, they risk their lives, that should be enough to get paid for, don't you think?
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I usually like your posts, this isn't one of them.

Somebody has to do this essential job. The work is done on a regular basis and they should be paid on a regular basis. FFS, they risk their lives, that should be enough to get paid for, don't you think?

Are you seriously suggesting that some federal employees going 1-6 weeks without a paycheck (pay is only delayed / not withheld) is worth caving in on the negotiation for the single biggest issue the POTUS campaigned on and was elected to do?
I usually like your posts, this isn't one of them.

Somebody has to do this essential job. The work is done on a regular basis and they should be paid on a regular basis. FFS, they risk their lives, that should be enough to get paid for, don't you think?

Shutdowns are political theater. A partial government shutdown has no significant impact on the vast majority of Americans. Government shutdowns have become commonplace and should be planned for by all federal employees/contractors who would be impacted. Fortunately, the military is fully funded.

This is a free country. Everyone chooses their job / career / employer.

I have the utmost respect for secret service agents and for their service to the country.

However, fixing the national security problem on the southern border is a bigger issue for the country and most Americans than making sure every federal employee gets their next paycheck tomorrow as opposed to 1-6 weeks later.
I usually like your posts, this isn't one of them.

Somebody has to do this essential job. The work is done on a regular basis and they should be paid on a regular basis. FFS, they risk their lives, that should be enough to get paid for, don't you think?

Should is very subjective.
They should be paid on time.
They should be smart enough to know that the children that run the government can’t play nice and occasionally the government shuts down.
They should keep an emergency fund for those occasions.

There should be repercussions at the next election for both sides.....but there won’t be
It isn’t a good look for any of them. Especially Trump but there will be plenty of blame to go around.
Trump had signaled his intentions to sign the bill... until he saw Fox & Friends and Rush Limbaugh ripping him a new one over not securing funding for the wall. That's the nature of Trump. This is not a matter of principle. It's all about his ego.
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Trump had signaled his intentions to sign the bill... until he saw Fox & Friends and Rush Limbaugh ripping him a new one over not securing funding for the wall. That's the nature of Trump. This is not a matter of principle. It's all about his ego.

None of the people up there give a damn about their principles. Trump is a narcissist. Schumer and Co care about power and being rich. They both will feed their personal needs at the expense of you and me.
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Trump had signaled his intentions to sign the bill... until he saw Fox & Friends and Rush Limbaugh ripping him a new one over not securing funding for the wall. That's the nature of Trump. This is not a matter of principle. It's all about his ego.
51 votes actually.

You think the democrats would filibuster the bill with funding that most American voters want approved?

How Many Votes Does It Take to Pass a Senate Bill?
This bill requires 60 votes.

House passes spending bill with $5 billion border wall funding

"However, this bill is considered dead on arrival in the Senate, which requires a 60-vote majority for it to pass. If it fails in the Senate, House leadership has to decide whether they want to put a clean CR on the floor with no additional border wall or disaster funding. That would probably pass with almost entirely Democratic votes and a few Republican votes, sending it to the president's desk."

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