Trump vs Pelosi and Schumer

My fear is it will result in harder turn left then even Obama. And I think it’s likely.
That's when the **** hits the fan and people take to the streets IMO. If you think a lot of people are pissed off and divided now just wait until the socialists start getting in people's pocketbooks
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Dims are all over this one... all those fresh Democrats stuck in TJ will soon be coming home soon... Pelosi will have Trump by his nut sack in Jan. Gonna get ugly. Problem to me stems far back when Trump said he was going to drain the swamp... he kept too many RINOs, they screwed him up enough and delayed a lot of initiatives. Now its stalemate for 2 years or worse for his programs.
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What a scumbag. Can you imagine if Trump or any male R representative turns around and walks out when a woman is answering his question

Dem Rep. Gutierrez berates Kirstjen Nielsen for 6 minutes, leaves room when she tries to respond

He's a lot worst than being just a scumbag......he's a plastic sack full of rotting chit w/out a brain.
Then again this is what we expect coming from our elected Democratic leaders.....showing no class & no respect to others on a daily basis.
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Pelosi: Mr President you don't have the votes to pass the funding for the wall in the House

12/20/2018: 217-185 approved funding for the wall

Hahaha I hope someone asks that dumb b about that today, though I doubt the lapdog media will
Pelosi: Mr President you don't have the votes to pass the funding for the wall in the House

12/20/2018: 217-185 approved funding for the wall

Hahaha I hope someone asks that dumb b about that today, though I doubt the lapdog media will

If so, she'll talk without her mouth moving......just with her hands doing the talking. What an idiot.
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Your plastic girl said he doesn't have the votes in the House, well he did. And if passed by Senate he will sign. So whats missing? 10 ish votes in the Senate from the minority leader, and who is the minority leader? Hint he is pictured above usually has his glasses on the tip of his nose so that he can look down on the rest of us.
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Your plastic girl said he doesn't have the votes in the House, well he did. And if passed by Senate he will sign. So whats missing? 10 ish votes in the Senate from the minority leader, and who is the minority leader? Hint he is pictured above usually has his glasses on the tip of his nose so that he can look down on the rest of us.
Mk, let’s try again. Listen really carefully to what Trump is saying here

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Mk, let’s try again. Listen really carefully to what Trump is saying here

I don't care what Trump is saying here, you are having a tough time let's start over. I know the liberal hero Kyle Griffin doesn't explain stuff either because he is a moron or he leads gullible democrats along.
Bill passed in the House
President Trump will sign the bill if approved by the Senate
Now, this is where you are having a hard time. The Republicans have 51 votes in the Senate let's assume he gets 50 that means he needs 10 from who? So if you can guess the who on that part you can figure out who their leader is.
Does the bill have what he wants?
The bill that passed the house does, but it wont get through the Senate because Mitch isnt gonna change the rules to allow a simple majority to pass a budget. Even if he did, I'm not sure Flake, Alexander, Corker, etc would vote for it anyways.

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