Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Mhmm. Couple things:

(1) Great Britain tried the "laissez faire" let's-get-herd-immunity approach initially, but dumped it once hospitals filled up and deaths mounted;
(2) We are at this point in some states now (FL, TX, CA); and
(3) There's scientific evidence that any immunity gained from having the virus is only temporary.

But, hey, I'd definitely listen to you over silly Dr. Fauci with his 40 years of being the epicenter of infectious diseases expertise. Alternatively, if any sportscasters / gambling experts could please give me advice about medicine, that'd be great. Thanks!

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You lost me when you said Dr fraudacini. He’s a political puppet that’s trying to stay in the spotlight . I fully expect him to write a book after this is over to cash in .
Typical Trump one night stand. A lot of hype and high expectations about "hugeness" going in. It's much smaller than anticipated and his performance falls flat. But he left a little gift behind that keeps growing and growing. Although this one won't take 9 months to reach fruition.

Typical Trump one night stand. A lot of hype and high expectations about "hugeness" going in. It's much smaller than anticipated and his performance falls flat. But he left a little gift behind that keeps growing and growing. Although this one won't take 9 months to reach fruition.

Member when they said Trump's rally was a big flop and no one showed up?
Then they said the big flop rally that no one showed up to caused a bunch of illnesses somehow?
But the weeks of BLM protests had nothing to do with it?
I member.
I've blasted both DeBlasio and Cuomo on here. DeBlasio was an idiot for not shutting things down earlier and encouraging people to get out on the town. Cuomo made a terrible decision to send covid positive patients back to nursing homes. But given where NY was, the state and the city have done a good job of quickly bringing down the numbers.
Nice job after killing 80,000 healthy nursing home residents. 🤦‍♂️🙄
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Member when they said Trump's rally was a big flop and no one showed up?
Then they said the big flop rally that no one showed up to caused a bunch of illnesses somehow?
But the weeks of BLM protests had nothing to do with it?
I member.
Same with Sturgis motorcycle rally. All them white folks spreading rona.;)
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