Well, I thought I’d wait and see if Trump got smarter or developed any sense of the right things to do before commenting. He did win and to the winner go the spoils for better or for worse. Didn’t have to wait long to see that he’s going to govern with the worst set of underlings this side of Geobbels, Hess and Himmler.
Gaetz- Absolute abomination of a human being. Putting him as attorney general is like letting a fox guard the henhouse. It’s also a transparent ploy to allow that pedophile avoid more House investigations.
Kennedy- How in the world could anybody think that nutcase has the educational background to head up HHS? That is an absolute joke.
Miller- Looks and sounds like Goebbels. Scary lunatic. Nuff said.
I’m just waiting for him to nominate MTG as Secretary of Education. That would be fitting in this bunch of clowns. So far he might as well have nominated the Three Stooges. I’m just going to sit back and watch them embarrass this country on the world stage. Write it down, it’s coming and I’m going to laugh bigly.