Trump's tax returns to be released to the Dems...

If he finds himself in debates I imagine that he'll face some questions from opponents about some of his business practices, followed by questions about why he fought so hard to hide them despite NOT being under audit, as he claimed.

He"ll say the same thing. I used the tax laws to pay less taxes as the law allows. Just as you and your non-binary ze/zo partner EL does. I
If he finds himself in debates I imagine that he'll face some questions from opponents about some of his business practices, followed by questions about why he fought so hard to hide them despite NOT being under audit, as he claimed.
None of his followers were following because he had 4 billion vs 2 billion, or even less.

Either party bringing it up at the debates would be dumb. First because it's not policy. Second, considering Trump could flip the argument on them. How were these guys in office making less than 250k a year for 25 years end up with a net worth north of 10 million? Do they want to open that can of worms in debate season? Third. Trump will have two years almost to come up with PR worthy responses to this, and I doubt it will be much of a gotcha in the debates.

This is what I have been warning you guys about for so long. You have cried wolf for so long no one will pay attention when you actually find a wolf. Or my the runt chihuahua puppy in this case.
He"ll say the same thing. I used the tax laws to pay less taxes as the law allows. Just as you and your non-binary ze/zo partner EL does. I

There's a pretty big qualitative difference and imagine the attack ad now, even from within the GOP, of Trump saying he's worth billions ... and that he paid $750 in taxes one year and none in some others.
Your "everybody pays as low as they can" argument, in that specific context, of a billionaire paying nothing, will not go over well at all.
There's a pretty big qualitative difference and imagine the attack ad now, even from within the GOP, of Trump saying he's worth billions ... and that he paid $750 in taxes one year and none in some others.
Your "everybody pays as low as they can" argument, in that specific context, of a billionaire paying nothing, will not go over well at all.

Why didn’t the Dems fix the tax code while they held the Senate, house, and presidency?

To answer your question specifically it looks like he overpaid in some years.
There's a pretty big qualitative difference and imagine the attack ad now, even from within the GOP, of Trump saying he's worth billions ... and that he paid $750 in taxes one year and none in some others.
Your "everybody pays as low as they can" argument, in that specific context, of a billionaire paying nothing, will not go over well at all.
Lol, Rs dont typically care how little someone pays in income taxes. That's a D issue.

The only problem is that the laws are written so that only those with CPAs/tax lawyers get the benefit.
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Lol, Rs dont typically care how little someone pays in income taxes. That's a D issue.

The only problem is that the laws are written so that only those with CPAs/tax lawyers get the benefit.

.. And the ones in charge of the tax codes deciding how we pay taxes , all use CPAs/ tax lawyers .
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None of his followers were following because he had 4 billion vs 2 billion, or even less.

Either party bringing it up at the debates would be dumb. First because it's not policy. Second, considering Trump could flip the argument on them. How were these guys in office making less than 250k a year for 25 years end up with a net worth north of 10 million? Do they want to open that can of worms in debate season? Third. Trump will have two years almost to come up with PR worthy responses to this, and I doubt it will be much of a gotcha in the debates.

This is what I have been warning you guys about for so long. You have cried wolf for so long no one will pay attention when you actually find a wolf. Or my the runt chihuahua puppy in this case.
A career politician that makes $250K plus stipend for housing/food/incidentals could achieve a $10 million dollar net worth if they make market returns over 25 years.

It's pretty easy to stack cash when you make 6 figures and the government pays for your housing, food, travel, etc...
A career politician that makes $250K plus stipend for housing/food/incidentals could achieve a $10 million dollar net worth if they make market returns over 25 years.

It's pretty easy to stack cash when you make 6 figures and the government pays for your housing, food, travel, etc...

True but few congressmen live off their PD.
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There's a pretty big qualitative difference and imagine the attack ad now, even from within the GOP, of Trump saying he's worth billions ... and that he paid $750 in taxes one year and none in some others.
Your "everybody pays as low as they can" argument, in that specific context, of a billionaire paying nothing, will not go over well at all.

Trump pays taxes quarterly, he's no different than your boy gates or bezos. You have never addressed or responded to the fact that your Pelosi, Biden and many others DIMS have become multimillionaires working in public office. You're such a hypocrite
If he finds himself in debates I imagine that he'll face some questions from opponents about some of his business practices, followed by questions about why he fought so hard to hide them despite NOT being under audit, as he claimed.

Rubio flustered him a little bit in 2016 when bringing it up but Trump lied his way out of it. Trump won't be able to do that now. I do think the Dems should come up with a simple, coherent plan to attack his "real estate tycoon" persona. I dont think Biden will be able to do this though. Hit him that he has underperformed the markets and most of his success is because of what he inherited from his daddy. Hit him that his real estate ventures are cash flow negative. Hit him about his golf courses, his casinos. Hit him by saying that the entire persona is a lie. Making vague generalities about gaming the tax code won't work, that will make Trump seem smart to the voters.

Problem is, I don't think Biden is capable enough to pull this off during a debate...

I'd also expect Trump to say "What about Hunter?"
A career politician that makes $250K plus stipend for housing/food/incidentals could achieve a $10 million dollar net worth if they make market returns over 25 years.

It's pretty easy to stack cash when you make 6 figures and the government pays for your housing, food, travel, etc...

I guess I should have been more generic, i was just throwing out the numbers without checking them. 250k income is also the max. Whatever their income is "shouldnt" be net profit anymore than someone else in their tax bracket.
well another bombshell fizzles - returns were supposed to show all sorts of things like he wasn't really a billionaire or that he was financially linked to Putin or guilty of tax evasion or insert your own crazy theory that we heard on this board.

instead they show what you'd expect - someone using every tool that Congress gave them to pay as little tax as possible.

but the door is now open for Congress to get anyone's tax returns for political reasons
well another bombshell fizzles - returns were supposed to show all sorts of things like he wasn't really a billionaire or that he was financially linked to Putin or guilty of tax evasion or insert your own crazy theory that we heard on this board.

instead they show what you'd expect - someone using every tool that Congress gave them to pay as little tax as possible.

but the door is now open for Congress to get anyone's tax returns for political reasons

On a positive note, it is inspiring to see LG, EL and others rush to apologize for their lust for his tax information. Really restores my faith in the objectivity of those posters.

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I could see this way back in 2015. That's why I was advocating for the crash and burn plan of letting Hillary win in 2016. The only way this turns around is if the system implodes and we hopefully find away to rebuild.

I wouldn't be very hopeful of that, Ras. The weak minded and weak spined will fall all over themselves to bow down at the feet of a larger, more intrusive govt believing the very entity that wrecked this place can somehow fix it. Their confidence in this behemoth govt is misplaced, yet chronic.
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well another bombshell fizzles - returns were supposed to show all sorts of things like he wasn't really a billionaire or that he was financially linked to Putin or guilty of tax evasion or insert your own crazy theory that we heard on this board.

instead they show what you'd expect - someone using every tool that Congress gave them to pay as little tax as possible.

but the door is now open for Congress to get anyone's tax returns for political reasons

What? I was so sure Trump was going to prison this time. There is no justice!!
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Just saw a Reddit thread where the D posters know "for a fact" that Trump gave the real taxes to Bigfoot for safekeeping. As soon as federal agents can capture that furry accomplice and raid his cave, Trump is definitely going down.

Keep hope alive all ye who suffer with TDS!!!
If reports are true and in the last 15 years Trump paid no taxes most years, and about $750 when he was in the WH certain years, I'll be curious to see how his base reacts. And I mean that over the long term, not their initial reaction, which is to reject fact out of hand.
Did you see all the riots and social disturbance from all the Trump supporters lately because of his lack of tax payment?
Do you think the country can survive the violence and division we are witnessing right now?

And remember to pray for the families of all the "Trump Tots" trampled in the melees.
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I wouldn't be very hopeful of that, Ras. The weak minded and weak spined will fall all over themselves to bow down at the feet of a larger, more intrusive govt believing the very entity that wrecked this place can somehow fix it. Their confidence in this behemoth govt is misplaced, yet chronic.
Its a Hail Mary. You could be right. But the present system is corrupt and flawed and isn't benefitting the people.
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