Trump's Taxes

Isn't it obvious?
That he continually promised that he would knowing full well that he wouldn't.
I don't give a damn about his taxes; it's about his complete lack of character and the blind eye which Trumpers so willingly turn.
Well boo f’ing hoo.... Obama said his admin would be the most transparent in history.... that health insurance would be $2500 less/year..... that if you like your doctor you can keep him....each instance .... a lie. We’re you outraged about those things?
Well boo f’ing hoo.... Obama said his admin would be the most transparent in history.... that health insurance would be $2500 less/year..... that if you like your doctor you can keep him....each instance .... a lie. We’re you outraged about those things?
I'm outraged whenever anyone knowingly and continually blatantly lies.
Trump is in a league of one.
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Isn't it obvious?
That he continually promised that he would knowing full well that he wouldn't.
I don't give a damn about his taxes; it's about his complete lack of character and the blind eye which Trumpers so willingly turn.
If you truly care about character and vote your conscience you could never, in a million years, consider pulling the lever for any career politician ever again. Unless of course you're an imbecile, or just pretend to care when it suits your political purposes. Grow up and have half the stones of integrity you "demand" of Trump!
Isn't it obvious?
That he continually promised that he would knowing full well that he wouldn't.
I don't give a damn about his taxes; it's about his complete lack of character and the blind eye which Trumpers so willingly turn.

How do you know that he knew full well that he wouldn't release them? I think that a more likely scenario has been that Trump wasn't a career politician and that somebody well versed in the ways of politics advised him to slow down. There will be a tremendous amount of political capital to be gained by withholding them and allowing the opposition to expose themselves as the corrupt, hypocritical hacks that they are. Very few supporters will care and those having a hissy fit were going to hate him no matter what he does. Again, well played by Donnie. Now let's see Nancy and Chuck and the other clowns put their's in public view. Trump could never have been bought. Many in Congress could be.
I would hope everyone.
I've been amazed at how many seem to not understand that they do not all lie equally.
Therein is the issue.

Some continuously lie and are skilled at hiding it. It helps to have the media in your pocket like your deplorable operators do.

Trump is new to politics. He missed Lying 101.
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I'm not worried about it.
I'm just observing.
Trump blatantly and knowingly lied because he knew he could.
"I could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and my followers would still worship me."
It continuous to a sickening kind of way.

5th Avenue.. if your going to quote get it right
And what was the serious legal question regarding Obama's place of birth? Was it that he is black, or just his African name? Trump was very persistent in 2011 that Obama should show his birth certificate. He even went so far as to claim that he had proof that Obama was not born in the United States and said that he would be displaying this proof in a press conference... in two weeks.

Boom race baiter
Time to show us your debts Trumpy. This is going to be good.

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