Trump's Taxes

Yeah... but there was a "hidden vote" for Trump in 2016. His logic isn't without some merit. I don't think it accounts for 5 to 8 points though.

It’s my experience that many Trump voters are the obnoxiously loud and in-your-face crowd. I think the condition of our society under his leadership is clear and gives many swing voters from last election pause. Could be wrong, but we’ll find out.
It’s my experience that many Trump voters are the obnoxiously loud and in-your-face crowd. I think the condition of our society under his leadership is clear and gives many swing voters from last election pause. Could be wrong, but we’ll find out.
I don't get the jealousy and envy either... or even see why such things would exist for "a business man" who has borrowed as much money as he has, and lost as much money as he has. Trump is running a paper empire. He sucks.

You must not be in business. It takes money to make money amd lots of businesses borrow money. For someone to live the high life Trump has for as long as I can remember I don't think he is going to fold up and go under overnight like some of you envious and jealous haters wish.
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I don't get the jealousy and envy either... or even see why such things would exist for "a business man" who has borrowed as much money as he has, and lost as much money as he has. Trump is running a paper empire. He sucks.

People do not want others to rub $$$ or religion in their face. It's why people want guys like Trump, Falwell, or Hugh Freeze to fail. People want to see guys like Trump who inherited several hundred million dollars to experience "bumps in the road" like normal people...

I think Trump's low tax bill is partly due to planning and taking advantage of the tax code; however, the biggest portion is the oldest tax minimization trick of all time: not making a lot of money to begin with.
No, it doesn't. That is ridiculous. Edward Snowden was guilty of espionage. That didn't discredit his allegations. Ditto for Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers.
Here’s some info you can use on Trump.... go straight to the media with it, but don’t tell them I told you..... he thinks naive people like you are inbred....
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It’s my experience that many Trump voters are the obnoxiously loud and in-your-face crowd. I think the condition of our society under his leadership is clear and gives many swing voters from last election pause. Could be wrong, but we’ll find out.
What does your experience tell you about democratic voters?
It’s my experience that many Trump voters are the obnoxiously loud and in-your-face crowd. I think the condition of our society under his leadership is clear and gives many swing voters from last election pause. Could be wrong, but we’ll find out.
so Hunter Biden is the 2020 version of "emails"....:eek::eek::eek:

Well what else is Hunter experienced at besides humping his brother's wife to get her pregnant, and strippers to get them pregnant. Seems like he's experienced at out of wedlock pregnancies. Am I dreaming up that he consoled her in that way? They've hid him away like The Hunchback.
Well what else is Hunter experienced at besides humping his brother's wife to get her pregnant, and strippers to get them pregnant. Seems like he's experienced at out of wedlock pregnancies. Am I dreaming up that he consoled her in that way? They've hid him away like The Hunchback.
Deadbeat dad too.
So he has the exact same qualifications as the current occupant of the oval office. Maybe he should run on the Republican ticket....seems like he has at least two votes.
Well what else is Hunter experienced at besides humping his brother's wife to get her pregnant, and strippers to get them pregnant. Seems like he's experienced at out of wedlock pregnancies. Am I dreaming up that he consoled her in that way? They've hid him away like The Hunchback.

This settles it, I'm not voting for Hunter.
You must not be in business. It takes money to make money amd lots of businesses borrow money. For someone to live the high life Trump has for as long as I can remember I don't think he is going to fold up and go under overnight like some of you envious and jealous haters wish.
I work for First Horizon. This is stupid. I didn't say that business don't borrow money. They do... but they also pay it back once in a while. Not everyone in business defaults on a $640 million dollar loan. Trump's apologists aren't just trying to normalize his lack of civility and ethics, they are also trying to normalize his incompetence. Trump has clearly misrepresented his business acumen to the American people. His golf resorts are simply not profitable businesses. His signature property, Doral, is hemorrhaging money.
This settles it, I'm not voting for Hunter.
Meanwhile, ballot harvesting and stacks of election fraud examples, and you’re worried about Trumps finances.

Can anyone point out which law was broken? I’ll weight.

On the other hand, I’m pretty sure election fraud is illegal.
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