Trump's Taxes

I would think you guys would rather see the tax returns of the ladies and gentlemen that came to DC with nothing and are now millionaires off of being a "public servant".

That would require the use of common sense or street smarts. They're just book smart.
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Carney: NY Times’ Attack on Trump’s ‘Financial Acumen’ Is Nonsense
Sez Trump Bad at Business Because He Invests Lots of Money
No Allegations of Wrong Doing

The Times swings and misses with a contradictory, odd-ball attack on the president based on decades of tax data. |
The New York Times report detailed pretty well that Trump is bad at business and why. He is bad because he borrows a lot of money, invests it, loses it and then defaults on what he has borrowed. He then sues the lender into a settlement. Everyone is aware of his past high profile failures in Atlantic City and his airline. I don't think most people were aware of how much in the red that Doral is. His name and the politicization of the brand is running that place into the ground.
All that means is that Trump gave the IRS an interest free loan of $1M and $4.2M. He could have requested a refund of this overpayment at any time after filing the 2016 or 2017 return but he decided to apply the overpayment to future years.

Trump's income tax was $750 for each year. Paying in $1MM too much and $4.2MM too much doesn't change the fact that his TAX was $750.
@BigOrangeD :

This was a response to your post from "BigOrangeMojo". He responded to you in post #1,559. He probably said it better than I could have.
I saw but he's just wrong.

No I'm not. If my 2020 tax calculation showed I have 50,000 in income tax and I paid 500,000 in estimated taxes, I could get 450,000 either refunded or applied to the next year. While it's technically correct that I paid 500,000, its disingenuous since I could get 450,000 refunded back to me when I file my return. In this example, my 2020 tax was 50K, not 500K.

I'll gladly put my tax credentials against you or alexthechick.
Carney: NY Times’ Attack on Trump’s ‘Financial Acumen’ Is Nonsense
Sez Trump Bad at Business Because He Invests Lots of Money
No Allegations of Wrong Doing

The Times swings and misses with a contradictory, odd-ball attack on the president based on decades of tax data. |
He payee the money as required when he asked for an extension. His liability at actually filing time was the $750 and the millions he did put up he put toward future tax liabilities
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