Trump's Taxes

one's ability to remain personally solvent matters to me when considering them to run the entire country.
“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer.

“We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House | HuffPost

Maybe that's why they had to "liberate" things.
“We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Sawyer.

“We had no money when we got there and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.”

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House | HuffPost

Maybe that's why they had to "liberate" things.


Harry Truman

The 33rd president of the United States of America spent most of his life in financial turmoil. He had a modest upbringing, and years of bad investments and poorly performing businesses (including a men's clothing store and a mining and oil company), kept him in debt —though he managed to never file for bankruptcy. After his presidency, Truman and his wife Bess moved into his mother-in-law's home in Independence, Mo. Truman was one of the first presidents to receive a pension, a sum of $25,000 annually, which helped to keep him afloat. He and his wife were also the first recipients of Medicare after it was signed into law.
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