Volprof - what specifically do you think the nature of the collusion was. For all the accusations across all the media and politicians I haven't seen any specifics of what they believe happened. Give me a theory to critique. Did Team Trump help with the hacks? Did they direct Putin to do it? What specific things do you think happened that amount to collusion?
Thank you for asking.
Have you read the Steele Dossier?
If so, that explains a lot of my suspicions, but not all of them. If you can get past the pee stuff, read the dossier. Given everything that has come to light since then, it makes a lot of sense. I don't believe everything in it; I think some of it is potentially disinformation thrown in by the Russians to try to throw us off the trail, a given whenever you're dealing with raw HUMINT.
It is also believed that Erovinkin, a former KGB/FSB general, was Steele's primary source. Erovinkin is now dead. He was found in his car the day after Christmas.
But that's not where I get my "fact-based" assessments. I follow former intelligence people, who have people that leak to them (sure, not legal, but whatever; did it with Hillary too), that claim that there is indeed SIGINT of Russians discussing Trump collusion. And that there were other "secret" meetings between Team Trump and Russian operatives in Europe. This was giving to us largely by Eastern European and other European intelligence agencies.
Also, as more information comes to light, I am beginning to entertain the theory that the Trump camp also colluded with Russia on the hacked voter registries (this is connected to the Alfa Bank server in Trump Tower and its numerous pings). This theory claims that the Kremlin hacked the voter registries (which is a fact) and that the info was then passed on to the Trump Team, particularly to target likely swing state voters. The Kremlin/Team Donny then targeted these individuals with fake news/disinformation, most often through social media - like Facebook.
I'm still on the fence about the latter theory, but I am thinking it more and more plausible by the day, the more information that comes to light.
For the record, the voter registries theory (let's just call it that) is in keeping with the Steele Dossier.
Finally, just to clarify, no, I do not believe the actual vote or vote counts were hacked. I don't know anyone else that does either. I think that was largely a straw man invented by Team Donny to make TrumPutingaters look like morons in order to distract people from the real issues.