
Imagine the conflict in LGs little brain if Trump ever zooms by him in an ambulance 😂

LG if you appreciated what your buddy said at the poker table the other day , you should appreciate this one as well . Pure ambulance chasing gold right here . 😂
It's already be posted I don't know how many times, but the report explicitly states what prompted the FBI investigation. No mention of any dossier.

Because Mueller knows the dossier is fiction.
This doesn't necessarily belong anywhere. I've been watching the divide in the forums. The only thing that keeps resonating with me is what's the end game? Who benefits from all this politicIcal theatre... Which is exactly what media+dems against trump is.
Op Ed: Political Division Is A Hysterical Charade Maintained By Corporate Press
I was reading this morning and came across this article. It makes sense to me. It's a good read.
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There were plenty of other choices who wanted those same things who were not horrendously despicable amoral humans.

You're still butt-hurt that Trump won the Election over your most horrendously despicable amoral Democratic candidate in Hillary who couldn't win the city's dog catcher position if she ran.
This doesn't necessarily belong anywhere. I've been watching the divide in the forums. The only thing that keeps resonating with me is what's the end game? Who benefits from all this politicIcal theatre... Which is exactly what media+dems against trump is.
Op Ed: Political Division Is A Hysterical Charade Maintained By Corporate Press
I was reading this morning and came across this article. It makes sense to me. It's a good read.

If we assume that is true (I don’t believe it is)...the CNNs and MSNBCs aren’t playing the game correctly.
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Russiagate was journalist QAnon (Part 1)
Had to laugh, this guy has a good sense of humor.

Let’s start with what isn’t in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report on The Investigation Into Russian Interference In the 2016 Presidential Election:

There’s no blackmail, no plan by Vladimir Putin of “at least five years” to cultivate Donald Trump, no hundred-million-dollar bribe offered by Rosneft chief Igor Sechin to Carter Page, and no “regular exchange” of intelligence between Russia and Trump, who according to British ex-super spy Christopher Steele had been informing on Russian oligarchs’ activities in America, for Putin, dating back at least “8 years.”

There is also no trip to Prague by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen; no quid pro quo of any kind, no Trump “sidelining Russian intervention in Ukraine” as a campaign issue in exchange for DNC leaks; no “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Russia and the Trump campaign using Page and others as intermediaries; and no “extensive sexual services from [Russian] prostitutes.”

The pee tape does get a mention in the Mueller report. It’s footnote 1395, and describes businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze telling Cohen he’d “stopped the flow of tapes,” later insisting to investigators the “compromising tapes” were fake. But that’s it. On these and other questions relevant to the dominant conspiracy theory of the last three years, the Mueller report is curt and definitive.
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