
Of course! CNN! Fake news! Don’t forget, they’re bringing the Russia narrative back for the 2020 elections. Still trying I see! All Russia debunked! Why do they continue?🤔😂😂
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Bipartisan Senate Intel report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings - CNNPolitics

Key takeaways:

The GOP is in denial. Manaforte should be tried for treason. Trump should be ousted from office immediately. He was also a Russian spy, or is so incompetent he cannot be trusted with any sensitive or classified information. Either way, he needs to be gone. Now.
Thanks for posting.

None of this matters to those that blindly follow Trump. He could shoot someone in front of the White House on live television and they would find a way to explain it away. Will be interesting to see where these jokers and all their opinions are a few years from now if Trump is re-elected and irreparable damage is done to our democracy.
The same report says the FBI was dirty.

Wonder how Trumpists will manage to fawn over those findings and dismiss these? Will they even bother to rationalize it or will they just say things like “lol” and “yawn?”
Are you saying Mueller didn’t have this information?

What are you saying these findings prove?
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Bipartisan Senate Intel report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings - CNNPolitics

Key takeaways:

The GOP is in denial. Manaforte should be tried for treason. Trump should be ousted from office immediately. He was also a Russian spy, or is so incompetent he cannot be trusted with any sensitive or classified information. Either way, he needs to be gone. Now.

Define his treason for me. Specifically what did Manaforte do?
Everybody miss the no collusion part of the report?

There is no such conclusion in the report.

The GOP spin is that there was no collusion. That is mind bogglingly idiotic considering the OVERWHELMING evidence that there was not just collusion, but downright coordination between Trump, personally, and his campaign, with Russian spies and operatives.

My God, the man's campaign manager was WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS !!!! And Trump himself actively worked with staff to coordinate Russian interference via wikileaks. Its all right there in front of you, yet you, like the GOP, thinks if you just ignore it then maybe it will go away.

Wake up. Trump is corrupt and compromised.
Jesus Christ, read the news story right there in front of you. He was working directly with a Russian spy to share campaign information. How in God's name can you think that's normal? WTF is wrong with you people? ????

That’s what you consider treason? Campaign information?

“Polling data says trump should say ‘Yuge’ more, let Putin know”
There is no such conclusion in the report.

The GOP spin is that there was no collusion. That is mind bogglingly idiotic considering the OVERWHELMING evidence that there was not just collusion, but downright coordination between Trump, personally, and his campaign, with Russian spies and operatives.

My God, the man's campaign manager was WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS !!!! And Trump himself actively worked with staff to coordinate Russian interference via wikileaks. Its all right there in front of you, yet you, like the GOP, thinks if you just ignore it then maybe it will go away.

Wake up. Trump is corrupt and compromised.
Horse **** LG. The democrats own notes on collusion, in the appendix, said they reached no over arching conclusion. In other words we really wanted to find it but didn’t.
There is no such conclusion in the report.

The GOP spin is that there was no collusion. That is mind bogglingly idiotic considering the OVERWHELMING evidence that there was not just collusion, but downright coordination between Trump, personally, and his campaign, with Russian spies and operatives.

My God, the man's campaign manager was WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS !!!! And Trump himself actively worked with staff to coordinate Russian interference via wikileaks. Its all right there in front of you, yet you, like the GOP, thinks if you just ignore it then maybe it will go away.

Wake up. Trump is corrupt and compromised.
If it’s so bad and so obvious, then why did the Dems decide to move on to impeachment over the Ukraine quid pro quo?

Are you familiar with the dates of Mueller’s testimony and the Ukraine whistleblower’s report?
This guy:

There is no such conclusion in the report.

The GOP spin is that there was no collusion. That is mind bogglingly idiotic considering the OVERWHELMING evidence that there was not just collusion, but downright coordination between Trump, personally, and his campaign, with Russian spies and operatives.

My God, the man's campaign manager was WORKING FOR THE RUSSIANS !!!! And Trump himself actively worked with staff to coordinate Russian interference via wikileaks. Its all right there in front of you, yet you, like the GOP, thinks if you just ignore it then maybe it will go away.

Wake up. Trump is corrupt and compromised.

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Bipartisan Senate Intel report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings - CNNPolitics

Key takeaways:

The GOP is in denial. Manaforte should be tried for treason. Trump should be ousted from office immediately. He was also a Russian spy, or is so incompetent he cannot be trusted with any sensitive or classified information. Either way, he needs to be gone. Now.

These loons on here could be presented with collusion emails from Trump to Putin and they'd still say there's no there there.

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