
Oh the irony , Hey educated one .. tell us again , who’s party did those Old , White , privileged, politicians belong to that was playing to their poorly educated voter bloc by wrapping a “Kente Cloth “ around their necks and kneeling on the floor on Capital Hill ? You should probably just stop . 😂
The party that hates old white men and cops have that running for Prez and VP. Oh the hypocrisy and what’s sad....they haven’t figured it out yet.
The party that hates old white men and cops have that running for Prez and VP. Oh the hypocrisy and what’s sad....they haven’t figured it out yet.

They have , they don’t care . You’ve heard them say they’d vote for a ham sandwich as long as it was against Trump . They have zero problems switching policies, ignoring the hypocrisy, pandering , or whatever it takes . Their only goal is to get Trump out because they believe if they do that , the rest will magically get better .
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It proves there were multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign, and in some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offers.
And? There was a $40 million special counsel investigation.

If the FBI couldn’t find anything illegal then I’d say the odds are good there wasn’t anything there.

Remember what they charged Manafort with? It wasn’t related to Russia.
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And? There was a $40 million special counsel investigation.

If the FBI couldn’t find anything illegal then I’d say the odds are good there wasn’t anything there.

Remember what they charged Manafort with? It wasn’t related to Russia.

And what?

That’s plenty bad enough for me. Lol.
And what?

That’s plenty bad enough for me. Lol.
Then the media and liberals have done a pretty good job selling this farce for nearly 4 years.

If there was something there it would have been in the report.

Manafort was the vehicle used to dirty up Trump’s campaign.

Did you know this is the same thing they tried to do to McCain in 2008? Did you know Manafort has ties to that campaign as well - his lobbying firm partner Rick Davis was campaign manager.

Did you know Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and his future wife Mary Jacoby wrote this article for the WSJ in April 2007?

How Lobbyists Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington

The American public has been played for fools - and the media who pushed this are more accomplices than victims IMO.

The History of the 'Steele Dossier' Begins in April 2007
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Jesus Christ, read the news story right there in front of you. He was working directly with a Russian spy to share campaign information. How in God's name can you think that's normal? WTF is wrong with you people? ????
Cons don’t deal with facts. Just innuendo.
Then the media and liberals have done a pretty good job selling this farce for nearly 4 years.

If there was something there it would have been in the report.

Manafort was the vehicle used to dirty up Trump’s campaign.

Did you know this is the same thing they tried to do to McCain in 2008? Did you know Manafort was on that campaign as well?

Did you know Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and his future wife Mary Jacoby wrote this article for the WSJ in April 2007?

How Lobbyists Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington

The American public has been played for fools - and the media who pushed this are more accomplices than victims IMO.

The History of the 'Steele Dossier' Begins in April 2007
“If there was something there it would have been in the report.”

Huh? I was talking about what was in the report...
Russia? Again? You need new material.

What we need is for you Trump loyalists to have a sliver of conscience and admit what we have been telling you all along -- Trump is in league with the Russians and is damaging the long term security of the United States for his own benefit.
What we need is for you Trump loyalists to have a sliver of conscience and admit what we have been telling you all along -- Trump is in league with the Russians and is damaging the long term security of the United States for his own benefit.
The sad part is you actually believe this garbage.
Oh the irony , Hey educated one .. tell us again , who’s party did those Old , White , privileged, politicians belong to that was playing to their poorly educated voter bloc by wrapping a “Kente Cloth “ around their necks and kneeling on the floor on Capital Hill ? You should probably just stop . 😂
I had no idea wearing a Kente Cloth was catering to the "poorly educated" but I did know that's the best you could come up with. Keep it up.
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The sad part is you actually believe this garbage.
It's not garbage. His statement may not be 100% accurate, but the communication between Trump, his campaign staff and Russia should raise some serious questions. Plus the fact that Trump stood up in front of God and the whole world and defended Putin when there was ample evidence Russia had meddled in our election
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Oh the irony , Hey educated one .. tell us again , who’s party did those Old , White , privileged, politicians belong to that was playing to their poorly educated voter bloc by wrapping a “Kente Cloth “ around their necks and kneeling on the floor on Capital Hill ? You should probably just stop . 😂
You are the only poorly educated one. So you are outright being racist with this one. At least you usually try to have some deniability.

Trump is the one with the poorly educated base. Numbers don't lie. We have data to see who actually has the dummies.

Like trump said he loves dummies.

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