
LOL I have answered that question several times . You should pay attention better . I’ll answer one more time . I don’t vote for any politician that is willing to tell me that I don’t need my 2a rights , even as they are now .
You just sound like a racist trump supporting vag. to me.
Bipartisan Senate Intel report details Trump campaign contacts with Russia in 2016, adding to Mueller findings - CNNPolitics

Key takeaways:

The GOP is in denial. Manaforte should be tried for treason. Trump should be ousted from office immediately. He was also a Russian spy, or is so incompetent he cannot be trusted with any sensitive or classified information. Either way, he needs to be gone. Now.
Actually, the key takeaway is that this is more speculation and suspicion while trying to deflect and distract from the Durham findings.
Why block people from being interviewed by Mueller if he was innocent, as he claims? It's not like he hasn't lied about almost everything while in office
This is simple. The entire narrative/investigation was supposed to provide the fuel for impeachment.

It was a political trap. Why go along with it?
This is simple. The entire narrative/investigation was supposed to provide the fuel for impeachment.

It was a political trap. Why go along with it?

If they didn't do anything amiss, and we're honest about it, how's it a trap for impeachment?
It’s racist to state a fact now ? Where do you live ? Have you lived in a bubble all your life ? No it’s not at all racist to say this , neither is it racist to say white folks are poorly educated . You people can’t even communicate using words without accusing someone of being a racist . This is the very reason it’s despised and often ignored .. you have wore the colors off the race card .
I consider it racist to paint any ethnicity with such a broad brush as you did.
If they didn't do anything amiss, and we're honest about it, how's it a trap for impeachment?
Because “had Trump Tower meeting with Russians that was predicated on obtaining dirt and then Deleted all the text messages” is way less incriminating than “had Trump tower meeting with Russians and then were totally forthcoming about it.” Duh.
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You can go to any little town in middle Tennessee and in their most depressed and poor housing areas that are dominated by whites, all you see are Trump signs. Trump definitely attracts the less educated more so than any "Republican" ever

You can also go to almost any marina in TN and KY and see millions of dollars worth of houseboats flying Trump flags.

Just dumb rednecks I suppose.
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Like Trump saying the only way he loses is if the Democrats cheat. Our dumbass President has literally pushed some states to rely on mail-in vote and then turned around and claimed mail-in voting will be fraudulent without any real widespread evidence of it

He says whatever it takes to keep the base in line. No matter how outrageously false.
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I consider it racist to paint any ethnicity with such a broad brush as you did.

Of course you do . I got some bad news for you .. it isn’t . There are poor white folk , Pooly educated white folks , poor black folks , poorly educated black folks . Is it starting to sink in yet that it’s not about color . Here’s some pretty damaging hard facts that’s probably going to upset you ... there’s some stupid black folks , whole groups in fact. There’s also whole groups of stupid white folks . Name one ethnic group that can escape what I just told you . Just one .. I’ll wait as long as you need . Thicken you’re skin up so you can actually state facts without fear of offending someone with the truth . The truth isn’t racist .
If they didn't do anything amiss, and we're honest about it, how's it a trap for impeachment?
There was no Russian collusion. If it was real, there would be no need to set up so many targets in the Trump orbit. This was a political hit job.

Carter Page was lied about by an FBI lawyer (changed the wording of the email to say Page was NOT a source for the CIA, when reality he was) to provide justification for a FISA spying warrant.

Mike Flynn was set up. The full story hasn’t come out, but Biden was the one who suggested using the Logan Act to go after Flynn in Oval Office meeting on 1/5/2017.

Papadapolous was set up. Charles Tawil gave him $10,000 in Israel. The FBI was at the Dulles airport waiting on him before he made it to customs. He was arrested on probable cause - almost unheard of for the FBI to make a PC arrest.

“The money, I gave it to my attorney in Greece because I felt it was given to me under very suspicious circumstances. And upon coming back to the United States I had about seven or eight FBI agents rummaging through my luggage looking for money,” he told Mario Bartiromo.
You can go to any little town in middle Tennessee and in their most depressed and poor housing areas that are dominated by whites, all you see are Trump signs. Trump definitely attracts the less educated more so than any "Republican" ever

Now tell them about the inner cities and all those Trump people living there that’s attracted to him . I can just as easily go west from me , less than 2 miles , in the depressed and poor housing, dominated by blacks , and find all the less educated , liberal attracted , people I want to find . I love it when you people tell half the story .
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I’ll post some pictures of these “trailers on pontoons” tomorrow. You tell us which one you can afford.

I’ve got some pictures of a few “ trailers on pontoons “ that I’ve moved across country and from Canada to Miami that I’d bet my best pair of work boots he couldn’t afford the moving fees on and I have zero clue what he does for a living . Some people have no clue .
I’ve got some pictures of a few “ trailers on pontoons “ that I’ve moved across country and from Canada to Miami that I’d bet my best pair of work boots he couldn’t afford the moving fees on and I have zero clue what he does for a living . Some people have no clue .

I doubt he could afford the monthly slip rental.
I'm still on the fence this election cycle. Can anyone show me worse video of Trump so I can sleep at night with the decision of my vote? Just go on record with your approval and hell I may rub Joe's leg hair myself.

I mean who doesn't love the ole purple nurple Biden move on the 6 year old amiright?
DNC Leadership and the farm raised clown mouth piece got some weird interests in art. No doubt that's forgotten in the pending vote.


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