So I'm a victim of indoctrination because I don't agree with your assessment of Hillary?
Of course that's not the reason. I'm having to speak in broad generalities but people who spend time listening to talk radio, watching Fox, reading other right wing news sources would be opening themselves up to indoctrination. It's subtle and happens over a long period of time and the key is people have to be unaware that it's happening.
Of course that's not the reason. I'm having to speak in broad generalities but people who spend time listening to talk radio, watching Fox, reading other right wing news sources would be opening themselves up to indoctrination. It's subtle and happens over a long period of time and the key is people have to be unaware that it's happening.
Kinda like the decades long indoctrination from Dems that the GOP hates poor people, is racist, etc?
Putin's military aircraft making provocative passes close to the US shorelines.
Trump and Putin must be trying to throw VolProf off his "investigation".
What's Trump going to do to retaliate or what do you think he should do? I heard Syria is moving their planes to Russia. I really hate "winning". Sure as hell don't look like winning. Does it feel like winning to you?
Well, Luther, I applaud your flawless reasoning here. You've opened up my eyes. It's settled. People didn't like Hillary because they were indoctrinated over a long period of time.
It couldn't have been her policy positions. The fact that she is a cheat. Or even that we are a basket of deplorables. No, we missed the opportunity for her great leadership because so many of us have been indoctrinated.
Let's let the 08 Obama voters and 16 Bernie voters in on the secret, too.
Well if Syria moves all of their planes to Russia that would be a win wouldn't it?
For Syria. We already gave them prior warning the last time we struck. Did we do it again? Maybe it is all a ruse to get Syria to give up their planes, then Putin dumps Assad lets Trump have his war in Syria, then from the ashes Trumputinstan is formed.