Surrogate talk of firing Mueller is an indication of how worried the White House is.
Firing Muller would be a huge mistake and more than likely any talk of doing so is overblown.
Any WH should be worried about any SP.
Leaning towards Hog's view - could be just messing with the media.
At this point nothing Trump does (whether it helps him or hurts him) would surprise me.
You aren't worried about his connections to Comey? I don't think he can fire him but I also don't believe for one second Mueller is independent.
Rumors floating Trump wants to fire Mueller, rumors floating Sessions offered his resignation but Trump didnt accept because of how it make people perceive the situation.
Whatever is happening, it looks very very bad for Trump.
Rumors floating Trump wants to fire Mueller, rumors floating Sessions offered his resignation but Trump didnt accept because of how it make people perceive the situation.
Whatever is happening, it looks very very bad for Trump.
Rumors, that's the key word here. Rumors had it clinton would win in a landslide. Rumors said last week the testimony from comey would be the end of trump. I'm not saying that in defense of him, just that because liberal media says so, doesn't make it so.
We're no longer investigating Russian collusion right? That well is dried up, so Dems are moving on to their next invented scandal, the firing of Comey. In which case Mueller should be recused. Further, his appointment of former Clinton Foundation lawyers is a huge red flag. I mean, wtf? The witch hunt continues....