Think about this, dupes of the GOP: America's //biggest adversary//, a country that is opposed to liberal democratic values and is run by a murderous, corrupt dictator, interfered with our presidential election--and Trump could care less. He's spent months pretty much DEFENDING the actions of our enemy. Even now, he lies and suggests that other countries were involved. No, there were no other countries involved. And he and our joke of a Sec. of State, Tillerson, say they want "to put the past" behind, as if hacking our election--and not just the election, Russians are hacking, or trying to hack, all sorts of U.S. facilities, is no big deal. And this does not bother Trump because he's got a mysterious boner for the Russian dictator.
Meanwhile, Trump makes up some wild lie about illegal voting in America and initiates a voter probe that is so bogus and shameful that most states, including red states, are not complying with it.
Yea, go ahead and rationalize these two points that are part and parcel of Trump's disgraceful behavior across all fronts.