You should just stop on this subject as you obviously only know what has been reported on the "news". The housing market had never been a free market, at least not after Fannie Mae was created. Do you even understand how securitization works and that all bank, credit unions, etc. sale their loan to investors? If they didn't they would all run out of money to lend. They may keep the servicing on these loans(that's why you still make you payment to Chase or Wells) but they don't keep their loans.
Since you don't know what really happened, I will give you a brief synopsis. The major players were not originally involved in sub-prime lending. Those involved in sub-prime were backed by private investors who required a much larger return for their risks-i.e. a higher interest rate. The big banks and their subsidiaries saw how profitable this was and started what was called Alt-A. Alt-A was loans for self-employed people who did not show their income on their taxes and required a 20% down payment. These loans performed wonderfully as no one wanted to lose a 20% down payment. These Alt-A loans had to either e kept on the banks balance sheet or sold to investors. Again, these had higher rates than normal loans. Over a few years, the investors continued to lower either the down payment requirement or the credit score needed to get these loans in order to keep market share. At this point there still was not an issue with the majority of these loans.
Now is when the government(Fannie) entered the picture and the tax payer's started to be on the hook for these loans. Franklin Raines, who ran Fannie, saw their market share declining rapidly so they started buying these Alt-A/Sub-prime loans to increase their balance sheet. Why would they do this? Just look at the bonuses that Raines made at Fannie. The bonuses were based on the balance sheet at Fannie. He made 20-30 million in bonuses buying these loans. Once Fannie started buying these loans, the original investors had to continually drop their down payment and credit score requirements to maintain a market share. This is the cause of the all the sub-prime products such as the NINJA(no income no job or assets) loans. As well all know it got so out of control that it eventually collapsed.
W tried to stop Fannie from doing this but was block by Barney Frank. Frank assured everyone that Fannie was on firm footing at that nothing was wrong with their operations. This is the same idiot that helped to write Dodd-Frank. As you can see, if the government(Fannie) would have stayed out of this(their mandate did not allow them to do this but they did anyway) then the tax payers would have never been on the hook for loses and only the private investors would have lost money.
Government intervention doesn't always help the issue as you can see in this instance. Now, if you would like an education on how screwed up Dodd-Frank is, just let me know.