Tucker Carlson Obsession Thread (merged)

You guys are very touchy when it comes to criticism of your beloved Fox News. It's kind of creepy how protective you are of that cesspool of misogyny and fake journalism.
You guys are very touchy when it comes to criticism of your beloved Fox News. It's kind of creepy how protective you are of that cesspool of misogyny and fake journalism.
What's really creepy is your Androphobia. Anything you need to discuss with the group?
You guys are very touchy when it comes to criticism of your beloved Fox News. It's kind of creepy how protective you are of that cesspool of misogyny and fake journalism.
Which network was factual snd which was fake on Russian collusion? Your media sources have been discredited on this topic for years
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All of the cable news channels are steaming piles of horse diarrhea with one goal and only one goal: to make as much money as possible by pandering to their core audiences.
Shep Smith is pretty f*****g far from pandering to the core audience of Fox News.
Exactly this.

So many were OK with sacking him at first. He had just made some comments that were causing heat for the Democrats. This was going to be an easy decision given Fairfax was next in line.

Now it’s “he’s an elected official and it must be taken care of at the ballot box”.

It’s really hilarious.[/QUOTE
Hahahahaha. More, yes more, Tucker clips being released. Here's tonight's installment

Hey Tucker, it's coming ....

hmmmm it the end of march....
I took latin in 8th grade. Admittedly I can not remember squat
Lol, i love Latin. My only tattoo is Latin...memento vivare. Remember to live. Got it with my children's initials after my husband passed.
You probably remember as much Latin as i did Spanish.... Wasted 2 years in high school on that.

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