After the 6 day war when all the Arab neighbors, including Egypt, mounted a sneak attack and tried to wipe Israel and all the jews off the map...all bets are off and anything Israel does to protect its borders, it's citizens, and its sovereignty are above questioning by outsiders.
If Canada, Mexico, Cuba etc all simultaneously mounted a sneak attack they coordinated..and we beat the hell out of all of them...which Israel did, because the God of Isaac and Jacob watches over you think we would give a rats was what any of those countries, much less other countries halfway around the world, thought about our defense program or the territory we hold?????
I remind you also that Israel is a nuclear state. They can glass the desert of anyone around them, anytime they want...and there is nothing their neighbors can do about it.
I love the way Israel takes the gloves off. Wish we fought to win like they do...Viet nam would have been a success. They drop pamphlets for 3 days telling everyone who ismt a terrorist to get the heck out...then send fighters and bombers downtown over t he towers and level everything standing and knock out every military installation. Get out or die. That sends a message...back the hell off
Mess with the bull and get the horns. If we did that there wouldnt have been a sep11th...if those Saudis knew we would level their pissant country in retaliation. Limp wrists and leftist ideology have made us weak.