Twitter is suing because companies won't advertise with them.

Says the guy who claims there is no open border.

Feel free to respond to me, I accidentally clicked this. Don't be scared.

"Don't be scared" from the guy who refuses to answer my challenge to produce anything anti-libertarian that I've said. Come on, man. Let's see that bravery. It takes a man to admit he's wrong. You can either produce the proof or nut up....or continue to take the coward's way out and deflect and distract.
"Don't be scared" from the guy who refuses to answer my challenge to produce anything anti-libertarian that I've said. Come on, man. Let's see that bravery. It takes a man to admit he's wrong. You can either produce the proof or nut up....or continue to take the coward's way out and deflect and distract.
Says the guy too scared to "@me" as you would say. Don't be scared.
Says he is a Republican, supports one Republican. quacks like a Republican ........ Acts like a liberal Democrat. Must be a duck.
It wasn't for you. You're impervious.

We're at an impasse. You will never put up.
You have yet to establish that you're a "l"ibertarian. I established the peace earlier for you to be a VolNation Libertarian. Don't you know how onus works? Of course not.
You have yet to establish that you're a "l"ibertarian. I established the peace earlier for you to be a VolNation Libertarian. Don't you know how onus works? Of course not.

How do I prove I am libertarian on a message board besides my comment history? I'm going on 15 years consistently calling for small, restrained government and not advocating for its expanse. I'm so libertarian, I have ideas that anarchy can work, and have started threads about it.

If somebody tells me they are conservative, I say "OK." I don't say "prove it." because that is a ridiculous position to take. And if they do say something against conservatism, I call it out then and put my cards on the table because I am not a coward. The least you can do is back up your BS. You called me out. The onus is on you. Only a grownass man would understand that and I think you're probably a teenager.
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Don't give af.

That being said it's dumb af to sue folks for not using your product. Sounds like some commie sh!t.
How do I prove I am libertarian on a message board besides my comment history? I'm going on 15 years consistently calling for small, restrained government and not advocating for its expanse. I'm so libertarian, I have ideas that anarchy can work, and have started threads about it.

If somebody tells me they are conservative, I say "OK." I don't say "prove it." because that is a ridiculous position to take. And if they do say something against conservatism, I call it out then and put my cards on the table because I am not a coward. The least you can do is back up your BS. You called me out. The onus is on you. Only a grownass man would understand that and I think you're probably a teenager.
Once again you're arguing against nobody. You love to make things up to argue about rather than the points.
There is no “you said,” you WERE wrong. I don’t owe you another bad faith conversation

No, you are engaging in bad faith right now and appear to have done it before. I gave you the benefit of doubt (see my prior gesture), you are proving me correct in my original assessment. I am simply giving you the opportunity to clear it up, which from the looks of it.... you won't at this point.
No, you are engaging in bad faith right now and appear to have done it before. I gave you the benefit of doubt (see my prior gesture), you are proving me correct in my original assessment. I am simply giving you the opportunity to clear it up, which from the looks of it.... you won't at this point.
No, you lied before and you’re saying if I don’t give you attention you’ll go back to lying again. That’s not good faith and not how any of this works, this will get deleted from this thread anyway. Goodbye
No, you lied before and you’re saying if I don’t give you attention you’ll go back to lying again. That’s not good faith and not how any of this works, this will get deleted from this thread anyway. Goodbye

I said you might be correct (paraphased), "fair enough". I did not lie, that was my assessment. Now you are proving the assessment correct. Of course I expect the "goodbye" next, you are proving me right when all you have to do is tell the board who you have been voting for. You can prove me wrong, but you won't.... that's not my fault. Yes, I have operated in good faith, which is making you more angry... when the simple thing to do is just answer.
I said you might be correct (paraphased), "fair enough". I did not lie, that was my assessment. Now you are proving the assessment correct. Of course I expect the "goodbye" next, you are proving me right when all you have to do is tell the board who you have been voting for. You can prove me wrong, but you won't.... that's not my fault.
There’s no “might” and nothing to “prove,” normal people take others at their word when talking about themselves. You’re instead chasing me around to argue about something else as if I owe you ****. Go argue with your family
There’s no “might” and nothing to “prove,” normal people take others at their word when talking about themselves. You’re instead chasing me around to argue about something else as if I owe you ****. Go argue with your family

You don't individually own me anything, you are on a message board.... its up to you to either want to work in good faith or not. In this case, not so much. I'm not arguing, I would say we're onto factual things, not opinion. I have asked you simple questions in the context of you challenging my assessment. That is not my fault you challenged my assessment. Every time you post, without answering the simple questions starts to prove the assessment.

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