Two UT basketball players arrested

Clearly the relationship between a parent and child is different than that between a university or university designate (coach) and a student. Find a better analogy.

Students are dismissed from universities every day. I've taught in universities for 15 years and served on judicial review boards. Some violations of university policies result in dismissal. I've been on cases where it happened.

These students made a choice, the university has the right and obligation to enforce its rules in a fair and equitable manner.
(volinbham @ Mar 7 said:
Clearly the relationship between a parent and child is different than that between a university or university designate (coach) and a student. Find a better analogy.

Students are dismissed from universities every day. I've taught in universities for 15 years and served on judicial review boards. Some violations of university policies result in dismissal. I've been on cases where it happened.

These students made a choice, the university has the right and obligation to enforce its rules in a fair and equitable manner.
Then coaches shouldn't promise to treat their players as if they were their own children. They should recruit by saying "Your son is a pawn for me to make more money and pad my resume. If your son helps me win, I'll give him the opportunity at an education. The program will help pull in a considerable amount of revenue. Of course, your son will never see a penny of it. Also, his scholarship is a year to year proposition. If he's not producing, I may "encourage" him to find somewhere else to play. Finally, at the first hint of anything that may cause cause me PR discomfort, I will cut your son loose in a heartbeat." I think that pretty much covers it.
Wow! Obviously your statement is an extreme distortion of this situation and the student-athlete/university/coach relationship.

Might I suggest you join the Tidefans message board - this type of characterization would be right at home there :p
(volinbham @ Mar 7 said:
Wow! Obviously your statement is an extreme distortion of this situation and the student-athlete/university/coach relationship.
Might I suggest you join the Tidefans message board - this type of characterization would be right at home there :p
Do athletes in revenue producing sports share in the largess? No. Do coaches regularly tell parents they will act in loco parentis for their players? Yes. So, I'm not sure how my hypothetical distorts the relevant relationships. If coaches aren't going to back their players when things are tough, then they are just pimping their players to pad their own pockets.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 7 said:
Do athletes in revenue producing sports share in the largess? No. Do coaches regularly tell parents they will act in loco parentis for their players? Yes. So, I'm not sure how my hypothetical distorts the relevant relationships. If coaches aren't going to back their players when things are tough, then they are just pimping their players to pad their own pockets.

If you don't see that your expression is an extremely cynical and shallow view of the student athlete/university/coach relationship then discussing this is useless.

1) Athletes do share to some degree in 2 ways - 1) they receive a free education that they likely would have to pay for otherwise; 2) they receive athletic training and development that can prepare them for a professional career if they have the requisite abilities - an apprenticeship if you will. You may argue that this is insufficient compensation but it is far from the "pawn" relationship you suggest.

2) Dismissing players for felony or even high misdemeanor violations is hardly "not backing players when things get tough". If it is, then our entire society is guilty for not backing criminals. In many cases, it can be argued that keeping players on a team who should be dismissed is the real "pimping and padding".

3) I assume that CEO's, managers, etc. are pimping their employees as well.

The premise that should BP dismiss these players, he is doing so just because of PR heat is unfounded as well. If he does dismiss them it could be for the shocking reason that he believes its the right thing to do!
(volinbham @ Mar 7 said:
If you don't see that your expression is an extremely cynical and shallow view of the student athlete/university/coach relationship then discussing this is useless.

1) Athletes do share to some degree in 2 ways - 1) they receive a free education that they likely would have to pay for otherwise; 2) they receive athletic training and development that can prepare them for a professional career if they have the requisite abilities - an apprenticeship if you will. You may argue that this is insufficient compensation but it is far from the "pawn" relationship you suggest.

2) Dismissing players for felony or even high misdemeanor violations is hardly "not backing players when things get tough". If it is, then our entire society is guilty for not backing criminals. In many cases, it can be argued that keeping players on a team who should be dismissed is the real "pimping and padding".

3) I assume that CEO's, managers, etc. are pimping their employees as well.

The premise that should BP dismiss these players, he is doing so just because of PR heat is unfounded as well. If he does dismiss them it could be for the shocking reason that he believes its the right thing to do!
I think I've said many times in this thread that if Coach Pearl sincerely feels it is the right thing to do, I may disagree but I can live with it. However, if he bends to the concerns about "perception and image" that many have expressed on this board, I'll have to consider the possibility that he falls in with notable hoops pimps like Denny Crum and Bill Frieder.
Thank you, Nancy Reagan.

Hatvol, I've noticed you never give in on anything, always the last word. To answer as you have to me, your'e either very naive or smoke crack , which is it? Oh, and misinformed when it comes to mental health issues.
(volinbham @ Mar 7 said:
If you don't see that your expression is an extremely cynical and shallow view of the student athlete/university/coach relationship then discussing this is useless.

1) Athletes do share to some degree in 2 ways - 1) they receive a free education that they likely would have to pay for otherwise; 2) they receive athletic training and development that can prepare them for a professional career if they have the requisite abilities - an apprenticeship if you will. You may argue that this is insufficient compensation but it is far from the "pawn" relationship you suggest.

2) Dismissing players for felony or even high misdemeanor violations is hardly "not backing players when things get tough". If it is, then our entire society is guilty for not backing criminals. In many cases, it can be argued that keeping players on a team who should be dismissed is the real "pimping and padding".

3) I assume that CEO's, managers, etc. are pimping their employees as well.

The premise that should BP dismiss these players, he is doing so just because of PR heat is unfounded as well. If he does dismiss them it could be for the shocking reason that he believes its the right thing to do!
All right, Bham. I'll come clean. A good portion of my argument in this thread has been intentionally over the top to make a point. I think fans are always far too quick to toss a kid overboard. Were I in Coach Pearl's shoes, I would reserve judgment. There's no pressing need to act. I'm from the Tarkanian, Switzer, Huggins school of discipline. Give kids chances. Depending on their actual involvement/culpability, I would have no problem cutting these kids slack. However, it's Coach Pearl's program. Given what he went through with the whole Deon Thomas affair, I would be stunned if he rushes to judgment. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he will make a choice based on what he legitimately believes, not what the chattering masses want.
In response to post #132, it depends on the day. Monday-Thursday, I'm naive. Friday through Sunday I smoke crack. The Nancy Reagan comment was not a commentary on the state of care for the mentally ill in modern day America. It was a reference to her overly simplistic, well intentioned, but ultimately futile and misguided "Just Say No" campaign. If you would like to discuss the failings of psychiatric care in the United States, and Tennessee in particular, I'll be glad to, in an appropriate forum.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 7 said:
Auburn isn't a private school. It's the largest publicly funded university in the state of Alabama.

Oh my gosh !! I looked this up and you are absolutely right !! I have been under the wrong impression on that for about 20 years. Whoops! :blush:
(lawgator1 @ Mar 7 said:
Oh my gosh !! I looked this up and you are absolutely right !! I have been under the wrong impression on that for about 20 years. Whoops! :blush:
Samford and Birmingham Southern are the only private schools I can think of in Alabama.
Note to self.Never ever,never ever, ride around with Hatvol.=FELONY. :lol:
(utfantilidie @ Mar 7 said:
Note to self.Never ever,never ever, ride around with Hatvol.=FELONY. :lol:
I have been known to get in a smidgen of trouble.
its looks though Passley may have not known there was cocaine in the car. He was found with marijuanna on him but the crack cocaine was in the door of Smith's car and Passley may have not know about it. So he may not be involved in the drug dealing, just got caught in the middle.
As for the whole family thing, there giving these guys a free education worth thousands, if they get in trouble its there own fault and they should lose it period.
(mattvols @ Mar 7 said:
its looks though Passley may have not known there was cocaine in the car. He was found with marijuanna on him but the crack cocaine was in the door of Smith's car and Passley may have not know about it. So he may not be involved in the drug dealing, just got caught in the middle.
As for the whole family thing, there giving these guys a free education worth thousands, if they get in trouble its there own fault and they should lose it period.
That's a real enlightened approach.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 7 said:
All right, Bham. I'll come clean. A good portion of my argument in this thread has been intentionally over the top to make a point. I think fans are always far too quick to toss a kid overboard. Were I in Coach Pearl's shoes, I would reserve judgment. There's no pressing need to act. I'm from the Tarkanian, Switzer, Huggins school of discipline. Give kids chances. Depending on their actual involvement/culpability, I would have no problem cutting these kids slack. However, it's Coach Pearl's program. Given what he went through with the whole Deon Thomas affair, I would be stunned if he rushes to judgment. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he will make a choice based on what he legitimately believes, not what the chattering masses want.
Read my lips! Pearl doesn't have a dawg in the race! His decision will be made for him!
(hatvol96 @ Mar 7 said:
I think I've said many times in this thread that if Coach Pearl sincerely feels it is the right thing to do, I may disagree but I can live with it. However, if he bends to the concerns about "perception and image" that many have expressed on this board, I'll have to consider the possibility that he falls in with notable hoops pimps like Denny Crum and Bill Frieder.
I think the link you are making between the possible reaosns for dismissing the two or even just the one (if what was read earlier about Passley is true) is a bit skewed.

For this one particular situation, so far all we know is that two people were arrested on charges of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute. Now, from that charge, you can assess two things
1. there was crack cocaine in the vehicle
2. it was in sufficent quantity, according to current law, to warrant the "intent to distribute" charge.

Now the actual punishment handed down by the TN state law is still in doubt, and so is the "guilty" charge, technically. And by that, there may be a plea or something that reduces the charges. But it still doesn't eliminate the fact that at least one of the guys in that car had the cocaine. the use for that cocaine can be in question, but not the possesion, right?

So, while i understand your arguement for being behind your players, i don't think you can do it blindly. The debate that has been going on between you volinbham is more or less a philisophical one on the generalities of the player coach relationship.

IN essence you are both right. Hat, a coach should be behind his players. A coach should make his decsions, in all regards, not just disciplinary ones, based on the facts at hand, and severity of infraction. Volinbham, you are also correct, imo, that there is a fine line that coaches have to walk, because they do have to be careful of the message they send to the players, administration, alumni and media (sorry hat, but it is a fact of life these days for big time coaches at big time programs) when they make those decisions.

For me, given this specific charge, and circumstances surrounding this one situation, this would warrant dissmisal from the team. Having crack cocaine in enough quantity to warrant intent to distribute is quite different from underage drinking or getting into a bar fight etc...

That kind of behavior cannot be overlooked. and if he does keep the player on the team after such a charge, the message that is sent, like it or not, (remember you are dealing with 18-22 year old men, who are known to not make great decisions all the time) is that you more or less get at least one freebie, no matter how bad it is.

NO coach at a major program can afford to send that message. there has to be some sense of responsibility and consequence for one's actions. Some things cannot be tolerated. Some things can, if handled correctly. The bottom line is that once that decsion is made, it makes a difference for all others under that coaches tutelage when making decsions on "is this the right thing to do or not". If precedents are set in place where the player can assume that he can get away with it, at least once, then that decision to make the wrong choice gets easier to make.

Being in a management position myself, i can only draw from my experience when disciplining employees. If i as the manager walk by a situation, no matter how small it may be, and do nothing, it sends a message to all other employees that this behavior is approved of. And more times than not that leads to bigger issues for me down the road (employees, especially good ones don't respect managers that let offenders slide all the time, i would imagine that there may be some similarity when talking about a team and it's coaches). SO as that manager, i HAVE to act on any and all errors, otherwise, i'm endorsing that behavior.

Sometimes that disciplinary action may be a simple verbal conversation where the error is reviewed, coached and expectations are set on future performance. Other times, the disciplinary action may result in termination, depending on the severity of the error or the frequency of errors. I don't have the luxury of not doing anything and calling it "standing behind my employee". Neither does a coach at a major program.

Point is though, that each situation is different, but there are instances where even if there is no past precedent, you have act, and act in a manner that might result in termination.

Just my two cents...
I understand that Passley had weed in his possesion (personal use = misdemeanor).

I also understand that the crack was found in the driver's side front door compartment. The car was Jordan Smith's and he was driving.

If it is established that the crack was jordan smith's and Passley had no knowledge then Jordan Smith should be tossed and will likely spend 5 - 10 in prison.

However should passley be tossed if he had not known about the crack for a simple possession charge??????

While I appreciate your lawyerly bent toward supporting and rehabbing criminals, I struggle with the fact that you look at tossing these kids as throwing them under the bus. Since when has remaining on an NCAA squad been some sort of right to be removed post adjudication.

You're welcome to retort with some garbage about my close-mindedness, but stop kidding yourself. The lesson to be taught here (to more than these two) is that life ain't riddled with second chances for those in the spotlight, so let's give serious thought to our current/contemplated actions and, more importatnly, their repercussions.

I think this is a relatively tough situation for the athletic dept in regards to sorting out the facts, but not relative to what should happen if the current allegations are determined to be true, a no brainer. This is not a simple youthful mistake that rehabbing will fix. While I'm certain that you can regale me with tales of those that have been rehabbed....yadda, yadda, yadda, rehab has absolutely nothing to do with allowing very public criminals remain as representatives of UT, athletics or otherwise.

As for your ridiculous blather about how this plays for the parents in the recruiting have to be kidding. If you're the coach and in a recruit's house and the parents ask how you're going to handle it when the kiddo decides to break the law, pack your things and be happy that you found out early about his/her propensity for ignoring the rules. You cannot truly believe that there is some advantage for coaches marketing themselves as "tolerant" of miscreants. You just cannot believe it. Marketing themselves as the anti-Bob Knight type, that might work (eg Fulmer), but as supportive of criminals.......absurd.
(BigPapaVol @ Mar 8 said:

While I appreciate your lawyerly bent toward supporting and rehabbing criminals, I struggle with the fact that you look at tossing these kids as throwing them under the bus. Since when has remaining on an NCAA squad been some sort of right to be removed post adjudication.

You're welcome to retort with some garbage about my close-mindedness, but stop kidding yourself. The lesson to be taught here (to more than these two) is that life ain't riddled with second chances for those in the spotlight, so let's give serious thought to our current/contemplated actions and, more importatnly, their repercussions.

I think this is a relatively tough situation for the athletic dept in regards to sorting out the facts, but not relative to what should happen if the current allegations are determined to be true, a no brainer. This is not a simple youthful mistake that rehabbing will fix. While I'm certain that you can regale me with tales of those that have been rehabbed....yadda, yadda, yadda, rehab has absolutely nothing to do with allowing very public criminals remain as representatives of UT, athletics or otherwise.

As for your ridiculous blather about how this plays for the parents in the recruiting have to be kidding. If you're the coach and in a recruit's house and the parents ask how you're going to handle it when the kiddo decides to break the law, pack your things and be happy that you found out early about his/her propensity for ignoring the rules. You cannot truly believe that there is some advantage for coaches marketing themselves as "tolerant" of miscreants. You just cannot believe it. Marketing themselves as the anti-Bob Knight type, that might work (eg Fulmer), but as supportive of criminals.......absurd.
Being "tolerant" worked very well for Switzer, Tarkanian, Huggins, Calipari and many others. You don't condone the actions. You suppport the kid. Two totally different things.
Simple possesion= probation, lots of running and a microscope concerning his extra curricular activities until they graduate( in other words a very short leash)

Crack with the intent to sell= one-way ticket out of K-town

But they are innocent until proven guilty.
(volmanjr @ Mar 8 said:
Simple possesion= probation, lots of running and a microscope concerning his extra curricular activities until they graduate( in other words a very short leash)

Crack with the intent to sell= one-way ticket out of K-town

But they are innocent until proven guilty.
I think you have hit on what will be the final outcome.
(hatvol96 @ Mar 8 said:
Being "tolerant" worked very well for Switzer, Tarkanian, Huggins, Calipari and many others. You don't condone the actions. You suppport the kid. Two totally different things.

To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind if our coach was NEVER mentioned in the same sentence as any of those again.
(utvolpj @ Mar 9 said:
To be quite honest, I wouldn't mind if our coach was NEVER mentioned in the same sentence as any of those again.
Given that Pearl and Huggins are good friends, I'm confident Pearl would have no problem being associated with Bob.

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