I don't think strong programs should spend their time concerned with how the fickle media views them. A program should make the decisions it wants to make, not the ones the media and public want. I'll use Cincinnati as an example, since I know a fair amount about the university and its program. The easy thing to do is to toss kids who have trouble. The mouthpieces in the media don't care about the kids, so nobody ever gets hit for throwing a kid off the team. UC, under Bob Huggins, always gave kids chances. Despite what the flawed NCAA numbers say, kids graduated and went on to success. The overwhelming majority of UC grads were happy with the program and proud of their school. Had they been concerned with what outsiders thought, that wouldn't have been the case. One of the main reasons they were able to recruit so well is that parents knew Huggs would stand by their kids, come good or bad. I simply would rather have a program run by a coach who stands on his beliefs, not what makes the schleps in the media happy. If Pearl truly believes this should result in dismissal, I would disagree, but I would feel comfortable with it. However, if he makes the move just to appease the Jackals in the Fourth Estate, he's not the man I believe him to be.
Finally, we both know if prosecutors feel the facts of this case are egregious enough, the decision will be taken out of Pearl's hands. That weight, under Tennesse law, would be nonprobatable. The players would have to serve time or be placed on some sort of stringent community corrections program. That result would render any debate moot.