Tyler Summitt resigns

Why is it so hard to say the player might own some blame here but at the same time also be a victim?

It can be both

How is she a victim if this relationship began at Marquette, and she willingly transferred to LA Tech when he got the HC job? Not saying this is 100% certain, but it's about as likely as any other scenario.
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Sexist and age based discrimination IMO. ;)

Why in the world would a program of that size go out and hire an unproven and unseasoned 23yr old coach is what I never understood. I mean did the people running that program see something in TS's DNA that was going to somehow duplicate his mother's success? Do offspring of great coaches somehow give such a good chance of success that you are willing to toss most of your legitimate qualities for a HC in order to sign them? Weird.

But that pales in comparison to the people (now deep in the shadows) on VN, who literally wanted us to hire CTS as our head coach to replace Holly. That idea, even without the philandering, literally makes my head hurt. Unreal how some people myopically focus on bloodline to the exclusion of reason.
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Sexist and age based discrimination IMO. ;)

Why in the world would a program of that size go out and hire an unproven and unseasoned 23yr old coach is what I never understood. I mean did the people running that program see something in TS's DNA that was going to somehow duplicate his mother's success? Do offspring of great coaches somehow give such a good chance of success that you are willing to toss most of your legitimate qualities for a HC in order to sign them? Weird.

But that pales in comparison to the people (now deep in the shadows) on VN, who literally wanted us to hire CTS as our head coach to replace Holly. That idea, even without the philandering, literally makes my head hurt. Unreal how some people myopically focus on bloodline to the exclusion of reason.

Well, they may have ended up with one of the best college coaches out there for their trouble. Too bad we didn't see that as a possibility before.
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Sexual assault is very different from consensual sex between consenting adults. If Tyler Summitt forced this woman to have sex with him against her will, he would be facing criminal charges instead of violation of an employment contract.

Agreed. I doubt if she was coerced into anything. If anything, I think she seduced him.
Not every recent college graduate gets their first start because of their (limited, sparse) resume. I know many people who have asked a friend, old college roommate, golfing/tennis buddy (who just happens to be an exec/senior manager at a Fortune 500 company) to hook their kids up with their first jobs. These are not entry-level jobs, but rather well-paying responsible positions. It is a fringe benefit of being successful. Does anyone really doubt that Tyler's mother and/or her former assistants picked up the phone and made a few calls on his behalf? Why else would a Division I program hire someone with such limited experience? In the infancy of NCAA WCBB, schools took whoever they could get. Not anymore.

Most 25-year-olds know better than to get involved with their players. Most married 25-year-olds honor their marriage vows. There are tons of 22-year-old recent college grads (men) who teach in high schools across the country who would never touch their 18-year-old female students. Should all responsible young men be banned from working because of a few bad apples? Don't blame the man's age. Blame the person.
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Unbelief has now turned more toward unbridled anger at Tyler Summitt for me. He needs an asskicking in the worst way.
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Not every recent college graduate gets their first start because of their (limited, sparse) resume. I know many people who have asked a friend, old college roommate, golfing/tennis buddy (who just happens to be an exec/senior manager at a Fortune 500 company) to hook their kids up with their first jobs. These are not entry-level jobs, but rather well-paying responsible positions. It is a fringe benefit of being successful. Does anyone really doubt that Tyler's mother and/or her former assistants picked up the phone and made a few calls on his behalf? Why else would a Division I program hire someone with such limited experience? In the infancy of NCAA WCBB, schools took whoever they could get. Not anymore.

Most 25-year-olds know better than to get involved with their players. Most married 25-year-olds honor their marriage vows. There are tons of 22-year-old recent college grads (men) who teach in high schools across the country who would never touch their 18-year-old female students. Should all responsible young men be banned from working because of a few bad apples? Don't blame the man's age. Blame the person.

I agree with everything. It's been my experience in the workforce that people who are promoted through the ranks for reasons other than their credentials (experience, education, training) will often develop a sense of entitlement which can lead to egocentric and reckless behavior.
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He was hired at the age of 23, not 25.
It has more to do with maturity than with age.
Besides that, it takes two to tango.
The young lady is just as culpable as Tyler, if not more so.
She looks to be quite the temptress.
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He was hired at the age of 23, not 25.
It has more to do with maturity than with age.
Besides that, it takes two to tango.
The young lady is just as culpable as Tyler, if not more so.
She looks to be quite the temptress.

Please explain

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He was hired at the age of 23, not 25.
It has more to do with maturity than with age.
Besides that, it takes two to tango.
The young lady is just as culpable as Tyler, if not more so.
She looks to be quite the temptress.

Come on, man. Before the dismissive 'it takes two to tango' line can be applied, you have to emphasize that there was a mentor/pupil relationship at work here. It was his job to keep that relationship at the forefront of their interaction and he obviously didn't.
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Very few 25 year old males are named basketball coaches of high schools or junior highs much less major D1 women's programs. That was a major opportunity for Summit and he blew it in the worst possible way. He's ruined his reputation. He needs to find a new profession.

Yes but his dad will probably set him up with some cushy executive position at Sevier County Bank. The life of privilege knows no hardship.
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Sexist and age based discrimination IMO. ;)

Why in the world would a program of that size go out and hire an unproven and unseasoned 23yr old coach is what I never understood. I mean did the people running that program see something in TS's DNA that was going to somehow duplicate his mother's success? Do offspring of great coaches somehow give such a good chance of success that you are willing to toss most of your legitimate qualities for a HC in order to sign them? Weird.

But that pales in comparison to the people (now deep in the shadows) on VN, who literally wanted us to hire CTS as our head coach to replace Holly. That idea, even without the philandering, literally makes my head hurt. Unreal how some people myopically focus on bloodline to the exclusion of reason.

I would imagine they thought his name would have better class recruits at least give them a look. Tennessee could have given them a warning about that, even if the name does bring 'em in (had to be this for Dooley) that doesn't mean he can coach.

Did the sex (two sided consensual, one sided consensual or otherwise ) between Tyler and the student violate his employment agreement?

If so will Tyler become the Defendant in an action where Plaintiff (LA Tech) recovers wages ?

Did the relationship commence before LA Tech (it seems as though it possibly did) causing young Tyler to fraudulently induce LA Tech into hiring him (he knew in advance of executing his employment agreement that he would be in violation of it in the first instance ? Could this prompt litigation where La Tech seeks financial damages in excess of wages?

The lawsuits that will arise of this will be onerous.

Looks like players were shorted playing time.... will there be Parents suing La Tech under the precept that La Tech could have and should have known ?. Or, exposed their daughters to an emotionally upsetting environment?

What about Vicki? What did she know? And, when ? What will be her exposure be to litigation?

Simply put, this is going to be a litigious nightmnre in addition to the harm caused to Tyler's wife and his unborn child.

For that matter, unborn children have legal rights, too. So will the girlfriend be chased by Attorneys to initiate legal action on behalf of her child ?

This is a major mess all around the horn
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No matter how much we beat this dead horse :horse:, until the cows come home, however, in reality:

1. It was a risky move by LaTech;
2. A name does not mean instance success, the chip off the old block is usually not as good as the old block(The Shula boys);
3. In this day and age, experience builds failing programs, with few exceptions, not pedigrees;
4. A lot of guys Tyler's age have a difficult time keeping certain things in their pants; and
5. Aren't you glad this 💩 didn't happen at Tennessee?
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No matter how much we beat this dead horse :horse:, until the cows come home, however, in reality:

1. It was a risky move by LaTech;
2. A name does not mean instance success, the chip off the old block is usually not as good as the old block(The Shula boys);
3. In this day and age, experience builds failing programs, with few exceptions, not pedigrees;
4. A lot of guys Tyler's age have a difficult time keeping certain things in their pants; and
5. Aren't you glad this �� didn't happen at Tennessee?

I'd like to hear what DeMoss has to say about this whole thing.

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